Wraith Cloaking Discussion

Wraith needs a nerf when he is cloaked imo. Potentially a bigger cool-down between cloaking and un-cloaking. Also, to potentially have to be un-cloaked in order to close hatch. I understand the hatch is a means to end the game, and no I do not sit at hatch and wait for the killer to come - this would just make playing wraith more enjoyable.
Wraith is fine just he can't hit you When he is cloaked and he is not that hard to see
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Why are you waiting by hatch? Just leave when you see the hatch.
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You must not have experienced old wraith.
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So you wanted to jump into hatch in front of killer, he closed it to you and you are crying on forum now.
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All you saying that I waited for Wraith, no. I get there and he’s stood basically there invisible closing the hatch - meaning i can’t get into hatch as he is closing it. Him uncloaking first, as they already have the upper hand, would prevent this in almost every wraith game I’ve played with hatch.
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Oh right, yeah I do that too. That's fun.
I mean, power to deny hatch, or gate is not really valid reason for nerf imo.
It is just means to end the match, not something you are entitled to.
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I’m not saying i’m entitled to this? Don’t know where you got that idea? I’m not saying I should get hatch every time. All i’m saying is for wraith to close the hatch, he should be un-cloaked to at least give some form of indication he is there.
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wraith can do everything while cloaked except hit Survivors why should hatch be an exception? hatch is a means to end the game when there's only one person left si whether a killer closes it by any means or a Survivor escaped it did it's purpose so in case a wraith is camping it just take the L and move on.
plus wraith has a very loud breathing so u can hear him camping it and could try to do gens.
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It is just good way to not waste time. If he simply close it, he will need to wait whole EGC to kill you. It's not easy to open gates against Wraith.
Even if he had to uncloack to close hatch, it wouldn't change anything. He can bodyblock hatch while standing on it, then just uncloack in front of you and close it.
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Wraiths waiting on the hatch so they don't have to bother chasing you is deeply annoying and one of the many reasons i hate going against them, but unfortunately it's not a reason to nerf him.
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Not the right reason to nerf him, but I do think there should be a cooldown between cloaking and uncloaking. His cloaked speed + post-uncloak speed boost is insane.
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He has zero game slowdown , zero chase power like trickster he has only mobility and you want to nerf it ? He is m1 with mobility nothing else because you cant play against him doesnt mean we must nerf him if we nerf him he is uselles + you proly never played against the old wraith
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What I'm hearing is you wanted to tbag before leaving in a hatch scenario... and since wraith closed it and killed you you want him nerfed. Maybe just dont be toxic? Just a thought. Also you absolutely can see wraith... hes still completely visible.
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someone hasn’t read the other comments, i don’t tbag at hatch but thanks for your incorrect assumption.
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i’m not saying to nerf his mobility am i? i’m simply saying to nerf his cloaking ability. Also, I can play against him looool
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Wraiths a C-tier killer, if you are actually finding him unbeatable thats on you. Also i cant think of any other reason that wraith shouldnt be able to close hatch while cloaked beyond you just sitting there.
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Yeah and it's pointless nerf.
When killer is standing on top of hatch, you can't jump in.
So what I wouldn't be able to close it? I can just uncloak in front you and close it.
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i’m not finding him unbeatable smh, it’s just my opinion lmao. thanks for your input tho!
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If you are survivor you already get 50/50 chance on the hatch. Then if you manage to miss that, you have 50/50 on most exits (unless they are close together.) So endgame for remaining survivor is ALWAYS survivor sided. Wraith is fine already loses a ton of speed coming out of cloak. HEs fine as is.
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Not true. Survivor is slower. Will cover less area in same time. Most killers will have some ability that help them w gate patrol and finding hatch. Overall I would guess hatch together w gates across all killers is about 50/50 for both sides
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this is only true if the hatch is within equal distance of both players. Its completely random where it spawns, you just need to get lucky where you go wandering aimlessly.
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It does not need to be equal distance. Suppose wretched shop - both survivor and killer start at shack (survivor is hiding a bit) killer goes left side, survivor goes right side (no matter what it means) - and hatch is mid distance from shack to main building. If it's blight (or oni in power, maybe even spirit, hillbilly) killer will find it sooner. It does not matter, that killer has 3x the distance to get to the hatch as survivor, but survivor needs to be cautious first and killer is just zooming over the map.
The more speed the killer has, the bigger the chance he will find it. So even for trickster it's not 50/50, it still favors him, but for that killer it's closest to 50/50 out of all killers (because ability does not help him and because he's just 10% quicker then survivor).