Lethal Pursuer perk needs initial time reduction

JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 556
edited June 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I had never seen problems with this perk because it was a one-time use, so the level 3 buff for 9 seconds seemed pretty fair to me, however I have come across a frequent problem, is to find high mobility killers, like Nurse for example, using this perk to take down survivors right at the beginning of the match, and against weaker survs it's not even fun to face her, since the only way to face her is to player does not have a high level is playing stealth against her.

One suggestion I would give is to reduce the perk's initial time, or aura reading range, as it now doesn't just work at the start of the match, it can amplify the time of other aura readings

I know there will be a lot of people asking why I don't use "distorcion" for example, I use it in every game I play, but the problem is that not everyone uses it, and many times the killer thinks I'm starting the game because I was close to someone who doesn't use it, and there are people who haven't even managed to buy Jeff yet

I'm not asking to disable the perk because of this, but I think it has become too strong on killers who don't need it


  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    If you care about edge case like nurse that much, just run distortion.

    Then it won't be any easier than just a normal chase, on top of it nurse isn't any faster than 115% killers right now, due to range addons being nerfed.

    And any other killers beside nurse doesn't have much benefit from it, not a problem.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Use distortion, it's quite good perk now.

    Mainly because of Nowhere to hide.

    It's better in SWF when you can callout killer perks, but it's decent for soloQ too.

  • Frogsplosion
    Frogsplosion Member Posts: 273

    Genrush meta would be unplayable for killers if lethal pursuer didn't exist.

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 556
    edited June 2023

    If you are depending on a perk to win, then the problem is in adjusting the game, the perk is problematic, yes, I need to use distortion in every game I play, and on top of that I need to take care of another surv that does not have the perk me to chase

    I totally agree that killers need to be stronger to face SWF, but what annoys me is that all the buffs that devs give to killers is just to beat players who are already weak, look at my case, just today out of eight matches that I played, only one came out alive, the others or only one survived, or it was 4 kills

    If DBD is survivor sided as you say, then I was sold the wrong game, because in the games I play, the killer wins the most

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510
    edited June 2023

    Why the ######### other killers should get a nerfed LP because of one utterly broken character ; even LP on blight is strong/great but not OP.

    This is ineluctable: the next nerf for the nurse will be 'no more aura reading when you start charging your blink' (i.e., like Spirit with her phasing!)

    The devs changed her attack ( from regular M1 to special attack to nullify - for the most part - 1shot perks on her ) ; they will nerf her aura reading ability for sure

    'No way to hide' perk is also particularly brain-dead on her, for obvious reasons

    This will happen one day ; this will be a great holy day oOo

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    The problem isn't the "genrush meta" the problem is map design and survivors spawning on 4 different corners of a map which basically garuntees you lose 2 gens before you get 1 hook. Losing 2 gens is anything but unwinnable but it makes the rest of the match much more stressful

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    No. Its high usage is for those high mobility chase killers to get early game pressure. Blight and nurse also like using BBQ which benefits greatly from lethal. Its not like lethal is an instant chase win anyways, you still have a chance.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    IDK. Most of my games I have 2 hooks before first gen pops (but usually 2 gens pop at the same time) - this is most common scenario thanks to 6.1 buffs of extra 10s (but your version also happens from time to time).

    Also. First 2-3 gens don't matter. I could have 0 hooks by the time first 4 gens pop - if I can comeback then (or even after all the gens pop), then it's still 4K

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    okay and? do you think that's even the majority of killers experience? I dont understand why you think flexing your big strong killer skills in anyways helps anyone.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    It's more common for at least 2 survivors to spawn in the same tile than what you just said happens. I know, I've seen it. I've also seen LP users pass me over when I am running to a more central gen to go to the people 2/3-manning a gen.

    Plus survivors don't spawn on opposite ends, the usually spawn on the same side, so if everyone does a gen they probably just gave you the easiest 3-gen.

  • HarryRugby19
    HarryRugby19 Member Posts: 27

    Sorry, will never ever agree with this while a perk exists that completely destroys the perk for killer. Enough said, run distortion if you're worried about it.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    Maybe because I am surv main and if I can do it, so can most killers?

    Also as stated before - what does it matter that first 2 gens get completed before first hook? The end result of 4k is the thing that counts. Right now killer's average kill rate is above 50%, so why should there be any need to buff killers even more (do you really need to 4k at 5 gens to feel good? Doesn't normal 3-4k suffice?)

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618

    It matters significantly. Depending on the Killer and the size of the map, there's likely no coming back from losing 2 gens within the first chase. Your statement lacks nuance; what Killer were you playing? What perks did you have? What perks did the Survivors have? What map was it? What items did they have? What do you think your MMR is? Etc.

    Simply going: "Oh, this thing happened to me, then I did a thing and won. And if I can do it, so can anyone else!" is meaningless.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    I play a lot of killers. Currently mostly bubba and pinhead. Before that plague, legion, dredge, spirit, wesker, twins, nurse, oni, wraith, huntress, doctor, clown, meyers and I probably forgot quite a number of others.

    But the thing is, that I have the same experience no matter if I play nurse or clown (or anything in between them strength-wise). And sure, there's a huge difference between mother's dwelling vs RPD or garden of joy vs midwitch. But it's still the same thing - I just don't care about first 2-3 gens, because they are the least consequential to the end result of game.

    Best example - 4x BNP means first 2 gens will pop very quickly. But if those survs are bad, they will pop maybe 1 more before the game ends in 4k. Why should I even bother thinking about fast 2 starting gens if said survs will never finish last gen? And AFAIK u can't win "more" then just 4k-ing. So what gives?

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618

    And if they're semi-competent/have a functional frontal lobe, in that exact same scenario, you lose. It's a bad example. You went from, "A thing happened and then I won" to, "Here's a very specific example that would be unrecoverable in a lot of circumstances, but the Survivors are bad, so it's fine." At this point I'm not quite sure even you know where you're going with this.

    While the last generator is the one that leads to the end game, every generator before it is equally important, as the faster they pop, the faster you get to that last one and less time you have to accumulate hooks so it isn't a complete snowball. If you're encountering Survivors so bad on the regular, that you can shrug off losing 2 gens in the first 30 or so seconds, the MMR system has either blessed you with an infinite downpour of idiocy or you win nowhere near as much as you claim.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    I will not say that BNP's are not busted, because they just are. Same as C33+alch ring, MDR+amulet, tombstone piece, double iri plague and so on and so forth. With those first 1-2 gens will pop no matter what. But it still won't make the game unwinnable.

    And saying that every gen is as important as previous one is just showing u know nothing about game...

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618
    edited July 2023

    There are 5 generators, each generator is worth 20% of the objective. To lose 2 generators in the first 30 seconds is being 40% closer to the end game in the first 30 seconds. That's how a general sense of progression works - each thing is significant in reaching the intended end state, and no one thing happens without the other. Those first two gens will pop no matter what, but the quicker they do pop, the quicker you get to the 'important' one and the less time you have overall before the game ends. Get off your high horse. Conversation is done as far as I'm concerned.

    EDIT: Double posted by mistake. It 'deleted' my post only for it to show up 15 minutes later.

    Post edited by Raconteurminator on
  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 556

    What are you complaining about? the devs nerfed the locker safe and the fact of burning killers with the flashlight being that they could use Lightborn, instead of using the perk, the same happened with the healing circle boon, they made a perk to destroy the toten, you have perks for that , but you only build slow gens,

    I use distortion in all my matches, but that's not up to me, there's almost always a surv close to me and he keeps running and the killer ends up finding me by their tracks, it's even one of the reasons I asked for this nerf

    And it's not even a nerf that will make that much difference to the killers, because they still have the two-second bonus that they usually use in the knight perk and in the barbecue, it just prevents killers like nurse and blight from getting a hit right away of the match, killers like trapper, myers, pig, bubba for example if the perk is 9 or 5 seconds long it doesn't make any difference because they are slow, but for nurse and blight it is too strong for them that they don't even need it because they finish chases quickly

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    You are putting words into my mouth that I never said. Go back to my messages and show me where I said all but last gen are totally meaningless.

    On the other hand you said that if you loose 2 gens in 1st chase, then the game is lost. That's absolutely not true. It totally depends on a, which gens got done, b, how many pallets did it cost c, how many stacks from perks you got d, how much perks/items survivors had to burn in the meantime e, how much set-up (if any) did you get in the meantime.

    Say if you are trapper with perfect setup around 3gen and basement and that 1 hook is in the basement, I am 100% betting on trapper win. And that's just one example out of many

  • tubalcane
    tubalcane Member Posts: 189

    So you need it to be even easier for survivors? Whoa, a whopping few second increase for Lethal Pursuer. There's lots of unfun stuff for killers too while we're talking about unfun - like limitless pallets and endless loops. Start nerfing some of those, then we'll start nerfing mediocre killer perks.

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618

    No, I said depending on the Killer and the map, 2 gens lost so quickly could be an unrecoverable game state, not that it categorically is an unrecoverable game state. You implied heavily that everything but the last gen is meaningless because you told me I know nothing about the game for saying every gen is as important as the last, which is true. They're equally important, they function the same and they signify the exact same thing; that the game is coming closer to the end. You're clearly putting a massive significance on that one generator while massively underplaying the importance of the others. Now please stop pinging me with replies, I have no desire to continue this conversation.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285
    edited July 2023

    So if every gen is of same importance as the last one - that would mean that 1st and last gen take same amount of time (like real minutes from the start of the game - not talking about theoretical 90s). That first and last gen require same length of patrol route to protect those gens. It would imply that you have same map pressure (injuries, hooked survivors, slugged survivors, injured survivors, killer abilities like pig's active reverse bear trap, etc etc). It would mean the map has same amount of pallets (and dead zones) in first and in last gen. Same number of alive survivors. Same charges in survivor's items...

    Well from my experience - there's HUGE difference between first and last gen. Saying that the first gen has same weight as last one basically means corrupt intervention does literally and exactly nothing (even though it's meta perk). And anyone that would try to imply these things to me (or say that first and last gen has same importance) - will just very clearly tell me he has no clue about this game.

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 556

    Please be honest, the game is only easy for survivors who play in SWF or who have many hours of gameplay, myself when I play my matches are very few that I manage to escape alive, and in most of them the killer ends up doing 4kills, sometimes I need to use "left behind "or "sole survivor " because it's hard to complete all the generators because the killers drop the survs very quickly

    If you think differently, then sell me that DBD that you play where the survs are strong, because what I play is only the killers that win in most matches

    but I'm sure that even if this killer perk was nerfed it wouldn't be useless, even because the function of tracking survivors would be maintained, if you don't want to understand, please excuse me, you're being inconsistent

  • Slaphappyhobbit
    Slaphappyhobbit Member Posts: 47

    The issue with that isn't that distortion is needed, the issue with all balancing in the game right now is literally that SWF exists. If the devs would just admit that SWF screws EVERY other part of the game up completely, and add punishments of some kind for playing as SWF to make it so group play wasn't so strong, they could balance better around soloQ and better balance killers. Unfortunately, this game likely won't ever be balanced properly and toxic SWF groups are going to keep existing and ruining killers fun, which annoys killers and makes them try harder which punishes soloQ. The game literally can not be balanced without punishing SWF for playing as SWF in some way because they can't make soloQ strong because if soloQ was strong SWF wouldn't even be something killers could get a down in.

  • tubalcane
    tubalcane Member Posts: 189

    I can agree with your first statement. I think the MMR is busted right now. Hard to go up against people with thousands of hours.

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618

    I'm sorry, do you have issues understanding basic requests? Stop. Pinging me. With replies.

    You're literally spouting gibberish at this point. Every gen is worth 20% of the objective, they all have the same value. We're not talking about variables, we're not talking about pallets or dead zones or niche Killer interactions - we're talking purely about generators. You put massive weight on the final gen while forgetting that to get there, 4 other gens have to pop - the last gen only means anything if you significantly delayed the objective leading up to it, i.e. the other 80% of the objective. The reason Corrupt is so good and so used is because the gens all have the same value in progressing the objective. The reason why delaying that first pop is so good, good enough to run a perk that has no value outside the first 90 seconds, is because it's 20% of the objective and it can be completed potentially in the first chase. The reason Deadlock is so good is because it can stop 40% of the objective from being completed in the first chase.

    Now please, shut up. I said I had no desire to continue this conversation while you galloped around on your high horse trying to let everyone know how good you are at a videogame. Being perceived as being good at the game by a rando that shows up to flex in a topic by saying how good he is while contributing nothing to that topic has no meaning to me, likely no meaning to anyone else either. I do not care to continue this conversation, so stop pinging me or I will block you.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    If you're a surv main you are very likely going against babies and your killrates again mean jack #########. I also didnt say killers as a whole needed a buff, where did I ever say that? some individual killers need some love but that's not what we're talking about. Lethal as a whole is perfectly fine as it is. Decreasing its starting duration would only hurt low mobility killers which already tend to be the weaker killers.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    I have quite a number of hours and about 30% of those are in killer. So no. I am way beyond the point of "babies". Or to say it differently - I know I am on soft cap, because I know who I get (I personally know a few survivors I got as a killer and know them to be in high MMR - which BTW is not really difficult considering soft cap is so damn low).

    Talking back my first response back at you - all I am trying to say is, that from what I see most killers will usually get first 1 or 2 hook before first gen pops (even if it's not always the case). This is the thing I see most often (again - not all the games) no matter which killer.

    Talking about lethal - I absolutely agree the perk is fine.

    If you think I am flexing, that's on you. Your choice of deliberate misunderstanding me is your decision. Not mine. I see "same flexing" (killers getting multiple hooks before first gen pops) in most of my survivor games, in most of my friends killer games, in most of streamer killer games. Meaning everyone is "flexing" on you, if you think that having different game experience is flexing.

    And one last try - if something takes 1/10th of match time of effort while the other thing takes 5/10th's of match time, then they clearly are not the same thing. If by your scewed definition last 20% of objectives takes 50% of time and first 40% of objectives take 10% of time, then I would very easily and reasonably argue that 1st gen is NOT in fact 20% of objective - because that makes no real sense. If you can't understand such a simple concept - that's again on you.

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 556

    you did not read the text correctly, I wrote that I use it, the problem is that if there is a surv close to me the killer finds me why does this surv run to my side for the killer to take me down, see if you read it right before commenting by favor

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 556

    I think that because I'm a less experienced player I end up suffering with low MMR, because mainly in the season of passes and events, many players who stopped playing come back and their MMR drops, sometimes I face super strong Nurses, but they are actually veteran players who haven't played for a long time

    This is just my opinion, but I don't see any reason why a Killer player needs to drop his MMR just because he stopped playing for a while, his experience can be gained in a short time, besides he can remember things playing against bots, maybe that's why the game seems to favor killers in my games

    I know that this problem wouldn't be solved just by nerfing "Lethal pursue", recently they nerfed "prove yourself" and I thought it was fair, the beginning of the game is the hardest part of a killer, I wanted it to have a perk that when you hit a surv, the exit gates would close, to punish those funny people who are still giving t-bag at the exit gate, or create a new exit system

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    This is not a good argument, the perk is very good but not essential. Otherwise every killer would run it, corrupt is literally better if we are gonna go in that direction.

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 556

    I still think that "Lethal Pursue" and "There's Nowhere to Hide" need nerf, I see a lot of nurse and Blight with these perks, which are already very strong killers in themselves, if these perks were strong on pig and clown and If it worked against high level survs, I would even think it was fair, but in practice, I see this perk only working on strong killers against weak survs, then the killer kills a surv at the beginning of the game and the others can no longer progress in the game, I think There are better ways to balance killers, but giving them resources to find survs at the beginning of the game doesn't seem like a good idea to me.