Pallets are the actual nerf needed.

TheSaltySaloon Member Posts: 48
edited July 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Not survivor/killer perks, Not reworks of entire killers but the insane number of pallets on every map.

heres some footage of me playing earlier today. I didn’t make a single mistake but there’s basically nothing I can do when survivors have, safe pallet next to safe pallet, next to jungle gym, next to shack.

you wanna make the killer pool fun again instead of seeing the same 5 killers over and over? Fix the number of pallets. Good survivors can only use a couple and waste so much of the killers time but bad players can waste a dozen without much thought process and still waste a ton of valuable killer time.


  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,611
    edited July 2023 have a power literally made for catching up. But ya didnt use it. And while you had bl2 i wouldnt have broken that pallet because its not very safe while you have bloodlust. But yeah theres a good bit of pallets on like the game or garden of pain and if survivors know how to connect them on a good bit of maps.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    Okay, then windows should block after 5 vaults

  • TheSaltySaloon
    TheSaltySaloon Member Posts: 48

    I’m on console so his ability is almost impossible to control with sticks.

  • TheSaltySaloon
    TheSaltySaloon Member Posts: 48

    All the maps have too many pallets. In my opinion there should be like 13 pallets max.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285
    edited July 2023

    Sorry, but this SCREAMS skill issue. You did 0 mistakes, but you didn't use your power because it's tough? You didn't watch where survivor is going. You didn't mind game. You didn't even hug obstacles and went wide instead. And you still think the problem is in pallets?

    How free do you want your games to be? This is about as insane as someone demanding nerf on all killers (say them having no ability), because of "I have broken keyboard and can't press shift to run" + saying "but I played the game perfectly and still lost it every single game". Duh... Ofcourse u lost.

    Btw maps like thombsone house already have 8 pallets - and it's by far not even remotly as strong for killers as midwitch - even though midwitch has 25 pallets and 2 of those are god pallets.

  • TheSaltySaloon
    TheSaltySaloon Member Posts: 48

    Skull issue is on you if you can loop a killer for a long enough time with a handful of pallets.

    Maps have so many safe pallets where there is literally nothing for a M1 killer to do but to wait for the survivor to throw the pallet or just brute force it and eat the stun.

    wouldn’t be so bad if maps only have about 10-13 pallets max as survivors would have to legitimately think about when and where to throw pallets, but when you have 20 and your teammates are all on gens, it’s game over.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    These days I play mostly bubba and pinhead (but I play occasionally like 70% of all killers). I don't have problem with pallets - as hinted before. Best maps for me when playing killer are midwitch, gideon AND RPD - all of which have butt load of pallets. Still it doesn't matter, because I use my killer powers, I do mindgame, I do hug loops tightly. And I have way above 50% kill rate.

    Which means, that it's skill issue on your part if you can't play around pallets. Especially during this event where most of the pallets can be turned into trap against survivors

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747

    Honestly yes,

    The ratio of resources to gen completion time needs some revision. Being able to fly through gens in 4 - 5 minutes and still have assloads of pallets plus this new broken mft + hope's nutty

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    You should be taking the window and not walk around the tile.

    The only issue I saw was just the tile spawning next to shack. If you play the jungle gym tile you can 50/50 that window and the killer gets punished heavily for guessing wrong since you can chain into shack. There are a decent amount of pallets on that map that are unsafe and at the end you broke one of them. When a survivor gets to a unsafe pallet you should play the tile even when the pallet is thrown.

  • ThiccClaud
    ThiccClaud Member Posts: 78

    0 mistakes? I saw 2 minutes and 21 seconds of mistakes

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,298

    Bait lmao

  • TheSaltySaloon
    TheSaltySaloon Member Posts: 48

    Survivor mains will fight this truth so hard but then wonder why every match is a Doctor, Nurse, Wraith or Blight….

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    you didnt use your power at all in that clip, pinhead is not an m1 killer

    but yeah nerf maps some are just brokery

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    While I agree with you some maps have too many pallets, this one is one of the more balanced ones. What stood out for me watching this clip is you playing a killer with an anti loop ability and you not using it :-/

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 508

    Yeah your right been saying the same for ages, maps need a pallet reduction across the board, with summin like 12 the most that can spawn.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    Multiple of these pallets were NOT safe, you just didn't mindgame at those pallets at all. Not to mention you never used your power for whatever reason.

    The issue with maps isn't the amount of pallets, but more the safety of them. Too many maps have too many safe pallets. Simply decreasing the amount of pallets on maps on the other hand will just increase the amount of deadzones survivors run into, which is the exact opposite of god pallets, leaving survivors with no counterplay at all.

    Maps need more mindgameable and less safe pallets, but not a pallet reduction in general. And the map you showcased is arguably one of the least problematic maps, as it already has some pallets that are mindgameable. It's not perfect but it's one of the fairer maps for sure.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937
    edited July 2023

    You guys can use palettes?

    My brand new controller and kb/mouse never drop them. My character just dies standing next to it. I keep saying out loud wtfack is my contoller broken??? My partner always comments no, it's the programming of your game that is broken.

    It works fine in every other game but this one. Don't even get me started on being magically pulled back through a window I vaulted ages ago.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,720

    what do you mean you didn't make any mistakes? every time he predropped a pallet and you didn't chain him was a mistake. pee-head has a very solid predrop punish, it takes longer for the survivor to break the chains than it does for you to break the pallet.

    there are some disgusting setups that good survivors can turn into infinites, but this is a very poor choice of clip to make your point

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    map issue is actually something they know they have to fix.