Played Docktah against a team running it alongside crazy flashlights. It's darn near impossible to catch up with a M1 killer. It's completely BS to be given a BONUS just for getting hit. It needs to be gutted. It's completely unfair.
I'm an Onryō main and Made For This just feels terrible to go against. Sadako has no chase power, lacklustre slowdown, and unreliable map traversal due to huge cooldowns so she really can't afford to be spending additional time in chases.
To me, this is just the whole Dead Hard situation again: a perk that grants free additional distance, prolonging chases with no reliable way to counter it as an M1 killer. (And then for some reason it also has a powerful Endurance effect tacked on).
Yeah you could use exhaustion add-ons and perks, but then you're wasting slots on a killer that really needs to run something better (not to mention a lot of the weaker killers don't have exhaustion add-ons).
The most frustrating thing about this perk is it has no tangible effect on the strongest killers like Nurse and Blight, because they can catch up so easily. But the rest of the roster is - as usual - left to tag behind.
16 -
Losing a match is okay.
14 -
I'm perfectly fine with losing given I'm just playing for bp, but let's be real... When you CAN'T CATCH UP NO MATTER WHAT? Come on now. I literally just chased a guy on red forest in a straight line and he took it side to side to strong tile.
9 -
You're saying he ran from one side of Red Forest to the other and you didn't catch up?
15 -
I was MFT defender when it came out but the more times I think about it (and experience it on both sides), yea this perk just on paper is overpowered. Compare this perk with any other haste effect perks. The only one that comes second to this is Hope, however Hope is end game perk and as such it will not help you during most of the match and you might not even get to the point to get any value out of it. It also gives you endurance which is pretty good.
11 -
Its the only perk in the game that is making people not run exhaustion perks.
Would have been interesting to see this in its current state and old DH, which would get picked more.
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It does the opposite. You want to run exhaustion add-ons and perks to counter it. It's the only way you can do something about it.
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They meant that it's the only perk making people not run Sprint Burst, Dead Hard, Lithe, etc.
1 -
Okay. Yea of course because it's much better. What is better? Extra speed boost for a short period of time or permanent 3% haste all the time while injured?
5 -
These MFT threads are non stop. Just nerf it so we can talk about something else already.
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To be honest there is 1 exhaust perk that works perfectly with MFT... its called Dead hard.
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It's not like winning is fun against MFT users though, win or lose, they are always a miserable experience.
25% more holding W slogfest.
8 -
I didnt have fun holding M1 on Gen and escape, looking at a teammate to be tunneled out. And thats okay.
1 -
So are gen perks op? or are chase perks op? or is it anti-camp perks that are op?
Can yall make up your mind, cause it seems like yall complain about anything that doesnt result in an instant hook.
5 -
Haha thank you!
0 -
It would be great if MfT couldn’t combo with exhaustion perks, but I see a lot of MfT + dead hard players.
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Maybe, just maybe you see a lot of complaints from killers because the game is insanely bad for killers right now and not in the least bit balanced? Just a thought.
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So they can go back to the windows complaints
1 -
Yeah i never understood that one. People complaining about windows and sloopy legit confuse me! u know a meta will always exist and these perks are pretty tain right.
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Yeah, they've really screwed the pooch this time, very disappointing and off-putting.
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This perk is awful to go against, specially with Resilience, it shoudlnt exist
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That's simple, you would play them together.
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Not old Dead Hard, then you'd be cannibalising your Exhaustion. It pairs well with current Dead Hard because you can only use that twice, meaning you'll have chases where you don't have it available and MFT picks up the slack.
Any other Exhaustion perk, including old DH, and you're not able to use either perk to their fullest because of the shared Exhaustion condition.
0 -
There is nowhere near as many players complaining about WoO compare to MFT.
WoO is fine imo. I couldn't care less about pickrate when perk is not oppressive for other side.
MFT is broken, but we have whole Object of Obsession situation again. Broken perk, but people who use it wants to chase, so they die anyway in the end. So escape rate is not that high.
3 -
By old I mean endurance old, not distance version.
When you use DH, you are supposed to die, so you don't care about exhaustion. It would be amazing with MFT.
It wouldn't be that good with distance DH version.
0 -
Ah, I see.
Even then, it'd be more awkward and less of a good synergy than people claim. It'd be better than distance DH, though, for sure.
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I agree it's too strong but nothing should be "gutted," that's raw kneejerk reaction balancing
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It's not lol.
2 -
This is my favorite part "It's completely BS to be given a BONUS just for getting hit". and thats because youre a killer main that you think so. It's completely BS to be given BLOODLUST just for sucking at loops for 15 seconds. Wait, it doubles after 30? and triples after 45? Give me a break.
4 -
I'd rather not have CoH treatment where it takes eternity to finally solve a problem.
Bloodlust argument never makes sense, that's like killers saying "it's completely BS to be denied a hit by just vaulting windows/pallet", it's a base game mechanics after all.
Everything is balanced in Bloodlust in mind, at this point.
1 -
Threads are sent here to die
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Puppalope made a 2nd vid on this
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Too bad, bhvr said they aren't doing it at the moment
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You're not factoring in how easy it is to escape from most tiles or how easily the tiles chain together, that's why bloodlust exists. It's already extremely difficult to down a seasoned looper by default if you're using an M1 killer, add 3% movement speed on top and it equates to utter nonsense in higher skill matches where the point at which you actually score a hit is (more often than not) right at the damned edge of a pallet drop or window vault.
Made For This comes into play and suddenly people are escaping all sorts of chases where they'd normally get outplayed and downed, then they want to turn around and act like they were good at something, it's lame.
0 -
"MFT is one of the best perks in the game"
"It helps me a lot in chase"
"It extends my chases a whole bunch"
"For me it is way better then Sprint Burst"
"This is the healthiest perk they have ever added to this game"
0 -
You just cherries picked that vid you passed the whole not hugging structures tight enough
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How is someone not hugging structures relevant to the fact he admits the perk is doing way more for him then SB and for most players SB is better but for him it is way better to run MFT. And then states it is a healthy perk because it encourages chasing when the background footage is him running DH, MFT, and Hope. That the type of dude to defend double pallets and pallet vacuum by saying it encourages survivors to loop.
1 -
It's funny seeing killers complain about mft... when most survivors aren't even that good and die with in seconds of being chase( me included).. its 3% if you’re losing to that.. then you might just suck🤷🏿♂️🤷🏿♂️🤷🏿♂️
1 -
Can I rephrase that into 'toolboxes and bnps are not op as survivors don't do gens' ? Also can I say 'blight's compound 33 isn't op as it gives you the hindered effect and MFT gives you the speed boost so they are all balanced' ? If you are suggesting bad players can't play well equipping the perk as a proof to the game balancing then you are biased.
2 -
Or most survivors just can't use it properly?
Of course there is many games where I don't care about MFT, because survivors suck, or I get killer who is not affected.
But then you get games where survivors know how to loop...
1 -
You do realise you are defending the strength of this perk by saying most players are not good enough to use it?
You have heard of Nurse right? Did you agree with all the Killers saying that Nurse was fine because she is hard? Clearly there is an issue here.
Nurse has one of the lowest kill rates in the game... but in the right hands she is a monster, and has had to be nerfed repeatedly to where she is now.
MFT is the survivor equivalent. In a bad players hands the perk basically does nothing, just like your baby Nurses getting 1 or 0 hooks and a 4 escape... but in a competant players hands it's very strong, and in the best players hands, it's basically untouchable.
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It's 3%..lmaoo.. sounds like people are making excuses for them sucking..🤷🏿♂️.. if you nerf bloodlust then we can nurf mft
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I am biased.... so what .. its only 3%🤷🏿♂️🤷🏿♂️
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It's not just 3%.
It's 3% on top of the survivors base speed, which is 4.0m/s. This means the survivor is now at 4.12 m/s.
Your average killer is 4.6 m/s, which is 15% more than the survivors base speed.
This means your relative gain on the killers speed is actually 20% (0.12 / 0.6 = 0.2), and speed translates to distance. So the further you are from the killer when you start running, the more distance you're gonna make up when the killer chases you.
A lot of people say that killer bloodlust is unfair, each proc the killers get a 0.2m/s speed boost. Compared to the survivor base speed, each tier of bloodlust is a 5% boost. That means the killer relative gain vs. their normal speed boost over the survivor is 33%.
Here's the difference, a survivor has a smaller hit box and can hug around structures easier. They have windows and pallets to give paths the killer can't take as efficiently... and the killers lose ALL bloodlust if they hit a survivor, or break a pallet.
MFT does not stop working... ever... it makes it easier to reach pallets, it makes looping around pallet structures easier because it amplifies the benefits of smaller hitboxes and the strength of vaulting pallets, it forces the killer to break pallets more often to break the loop, thus forcing them to lose bloodlust and have to build it up again more often. Then you get the problem of body blocking, protection hits, and the fact the protector can have MFT as well, just exaggerating the problem further.
What do all the weak chase killers have in common? No built in mechanism to deal with pallets and windows othercthan mind games. The strong chasers ignore pallets and donetimes windows. Bloodlust is a mechanic that helps weak chase killers catch up. The strongest killer characters don't really need it, as they have good chase already.
Conclusion: MFT hurts the killers that already struggle in chase as is. If you want everyone to play Wesker, Blight, Spirit, Nurse and alike, by all means keep it. However don't complain when this is all you face, cause MFT ensures it.
Post edited by UndeddJester on0 -
Doubles after 25, triples after 35.
1 -
It's 3%... I'm sorry you're not gonna get me to feel bad for killers over 3%.. on top of that survivors are at a disadvantage when they are injured. So mft is a high risk good reward perk. Killer got a m1 ,m2(with addons),bloodlust and baskit have more than enough to counter any survivor. So back to what I said you might just suck and instead of excepting that killers like your self play victim. Survivors for the most part aren't that good at the game. Most of us don't even survive our matches. So when does it stop being survivors are op and its starts being I'm not that good at killer
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If you say so dude. I could argue that MFT comes for free after you lose your first chase every single time. There is no "risk"...
However if you can't understand relative speeds, then there is no point arguing with you. Hold onto your 3% argument and tell me I suck instead of engaging in the debate.
P.S. I'm not a killer main, I 50/50 survivor and killer, but label me with a particular crowd too to devalue my point as biased argument.