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give me your DBD hot takes



  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I think I honestly hate going against Knight more than Skull Merchant. At least with Adrianna I usually pip when playing against her.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    No Mither is the best stealth and anti-tunneling perk in the game.

    There should be modifications to each killer's power, similar to addons, but can be used without consuming addons. These "infinite addons" should have downsides, similar to how addons used to be before most downsides were completely removed across the board.

    The perk Saboteur should have a 30 second cooldown, and should only go on cooldown upon completion of a sabotage action without a toolbox.

    A fifth perk slot would be SO fun, especially with all the perks we've gotten over the years.

    Survivors having unique, slight, passive buffs would be very fun and interesting to try and utilize, and it wouldn't cause great imbalance like it would have a couple years ago

  • Member Posts: 3,606
    edited July 2023

    A LOT of Billy's addons are not as bad as people make them out to be.

    As a Billy main, I just think people are too obsessed with Lo-Pro and Engravings to realize that there are other addons you can use, the issue is that they require a larger amount of experimentation and most people wont leave their comfort bubble.

    I also think that Freddy is one of the most boring Killers in the game, right beside SM and Knight, I think you could remove Freddy from the game and it would take 3 weeks minimum for someone to notice.

    After a lot of the perk nerfs, Freddy has found themselves in a worse position over time, making them less fun to play as and against. Also the Oblivious status removes a lot of perk synergy, it should be completely removed and/or reworked.

  • Member Posts: 1,227

    She is as bad as people say. She's literally the 3 gen queen, there's not much to elaborate on.

  • Member Posts: 21,227

    I disagree.

    DS's stun is meaningless to most Killers. It's 2 seconds.

    DH is so situational and dependent on not only the Killers ping, but also requires a lot of skill to use properly.

    Neither of these perks are worth running anymore. You'd be better off with other perks that will get you more consistent value.

  • Member Posts: 367

    got a few lol.

    Demogorgon is overrated

    Skull merchant is more fun than knight

    Blight is fine and fun for both sides

    Breakable walls were a mistake

  • Member Posts: 179

    Simply a better chase power. His ADS is still pretty quick and reacting to him is extremely hard in short range, can hit in small holes which even very good survivors might not expect, can get injures almost for free, and can reel and down a survivor in most tiles if positioned properly. Add to this that he's not hindered by cluttered maps nearly as much as Huntress(although big maps hurt him quite a bit).

    Huntress advantages over him are obviously infinite range, but it's rather gimmicky and rarely comes into play against good survivors, her ability to get 2 taps from close range which is significant but can be somewhat replicated with Slinger's Cigar addon or STBFL, and she's way better at camping, so that basement against her is literally death. But Slinger overall will get better results against good players due to his chasing tool being more consistent and reliable.

  • Member Posts: 675

    But artist just blocks off loops with birds, huntress you can at least dodge...

  • Member Posts: 179

    It is meaningful if you can get to a tile, it is basically an another health state for free. Admittedly, DS is not that good for people who aren't very good at looping but give this perk to a person that actually knows what they are doing and add DH here and suddenly tunneling that survivor would throw the killer a game to just get that one kill.

  • Member Posts: 654
    edited July 2023
    • Limiting killers to 19 add-ons for their power is bad, let older characters have more add-ons for variety, influenced by the community's playstyles.
    • Some perks are very unpopular, not because they are bad, but because it makes no sense being locked to a DLC character (Jonah's Corrective Action, Dredge's Sceptic Touch, ...), Those two examples would help so much newcomers if they were general perks like Shattered Hope or... Hope.
    • More survivors perks should not proc if Exhausted, similar to Iron Will and Made for This (speaking of Hope...).
    • Some realms with only one map should be retroactively added to previous realms: Lery's Treatment Theatre into Crotus Penn Asylum realm based on the medicine theme ; Garden of Joy and Eyrie of Crows together in a thematic realm of surrealism ; Shattered Square added to the Red Forest ; etc...
    • Vaulting seasonal cosmetics harms the game so much, we used to have fun seeing Elf Dwight constantly but it has now become a rare breed. Take that back, no cosmetic should be vaulted, it is against the principle of the internet platform we are all using.
    • FNaF should never make into DbD, as much as Jeepers Creepers. Scott's baggage is pure poison, far more destructive than the potential profit such a DLC would make.
    • For god's sake, how come the Nemesis perk haven't been renamed since the introduction of the Nemesis killer....?!?
    • Change the rarity of some previous cosmetics: the ones that were given for free to everyone (David's Donkey Jacket being Ultra Rare... really?) and event cosmetics should being changed to Very Rare/Rare after one year has passed (so many ugly sweaters being of the Rare rarity... but then the remaining are not?)
    • The Finishing Mori PTB was fine, it was the rework of Unbreakable that made everything falls apart.
    • The Blindness status effect on survivors is pointless when facing a SWF. It needs a rework or to be removed completely.
  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited July 2023

    Which is why you don't hang around a tile for too long and move on to the next tile before she gets the chance to lock a loop down.

    I personally find it more rewarding to outplay an Artist exactly because she can use her crows tactically like that, compared to that of trying to dodge Huntress' hatchets that has a hitbox with the size of a truck.

  • Member Posts: 85

    You paint her as a 3-gen queen plain and simple.

    She can be effective at loops and using info from afar. Granted, yes, she is really good at defending gens that are CLOSE to eachother because surv arent paying attention to what gens they are doing. Hence why Deja Vu got its lil buff.

  • Member Posts: 21,227

    She can literally pick 3 gens at the start of the game and hold them forever.

  • Member Posts: 2,441

    You dislike blight, wesker and billy. I guess you hate fun killers, your only missing oni.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    personally I believe devs don't know what they want this game to be.

  • Member Posts: 1,922

    Most killers are actually fun to play against, it’s my teammates that make the game unfun.

    Knight is fun to play against as long as they don’t just 3 gen.

    Old Freddy was better than current Freddy.

    Spies From the Shadows is underrated.

    DS and DH are still good perks, they just aren’t meta anymore.

    Never Sleep Legion is boring compared to regular Legion

    Reassurance should have been a general perk and not behind a paywall

  • Member Posts: 498
    edited July 2023


    • Stealth Killers are boring and I hope they never get buffed
    • Hemorrhage needs to be nerfed
    • Hag/Trapper/Wraith/Twins are all obnoxious to play vs and I don't want them to get buffed
    • M1 killers should be weak due to being easy
    • Survivors shouldn't be able to heal until they finish a gen
    • Sacrifice animation should be removed, so long for no reason
    • Maps should be 4x as big
    • Gens are a dumb objective
    • Added solo queue HUD shouldn't exist but more ways in-game to communicate
    • People who go perkless or run off-meta perks in solo-queue are disrespectful towards their teammates
    • Wesker's power is way too generous for no reason
    • Killers don't really have any good reason to ragequit
    • Bm'ing the killer unprovoked is really stupid
    • Bully squads are lame
    • CC's that make their niche bullying a killer should be banned
    • Tunneling is fine and a great way to get better at the game


    • Gen Regression perks are boring and not fun to use
    • Killers should be hella rewarded for getting downs more than hooks
    • Hook timer should be way faster in EGC
    • Basekit BT should be disabled in EGC
    • STBFL should be baseline though nerfed
    • Killer Addons shouldn't be lost and should be unlockables that are permanent
    • Nemesis is cooler than Wesker design-wise
    • Kicking a gen should make it lock up for a few seconds with a cooldown
    • Corrupt and Deadlock Gift of Pain should be baseline but weaker

    Probably more but I can't think of anymore rn.

  • Member Posts: 420

    The last good Realm BHVR has put out was Dead Dawg Saloon. Midwich, every iteration of RPD, Eyrie, Garden of Joy, Borgo, Toba Landing and the reworked Red Forest all have some quirk (usually relating to an overabundance or complete lack of clutter) that makes them awful for at least one side.

    And secondly, their licensed maps focus too heavily on being faithful to the original and not enough on being an actually fun map to play on - but that's likely entirely out of their hands (gotta put out something the license holders like, after all), so who knows.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I can't believe i'm saying this but Billy is still a pretty fun killer if you put time in him.

    Despite the changes

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I can't believe i'm saying this but Billy is still a pretty fun killer if you put time in him.

    Despite the changes

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2023

    Maps aren't as imbalanced as most people believe, and by extension, map offerings aren't a problem.

    Yes there are maps that are more killer sided or more survivor sided, maps that favour certain killers over others, but this is not as impactful as most would try to argue they are, all maps are viable for all killers. I have escaped from various killers on every map, and I have scored 4K's on every map. If you lose to a SWF who send you to Garden of Joy, the fact that you faced a SWF is a significantly larger factor than the fact that you played on Garden of Joy (unless you fell into the trap of pursuing a 5 minute chase through the house and it's strong windows). The relative skill difference between the killer and survivors is what makes the game, not the map you end up on.

    When maps are imbalanced, this is reflected in the kill rates, and the devs do something about it, like they did with Eyrie.

  • Member Posts: 675

    Fair, but a good artist you just do the same gameplay loop, she blocks the loop you either get hit or run to the next one, repeat. Huntress you can try to dodge and predict which creates just a far better gameplay loop and you can use hatches out in the open when chasing, whethers artist you really cant use birds like that since a survivor who has a brain is just going to move out the way.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    I know it’s considered a killer sided map but saloon is extremely unfun as killer imo

  • Member Posts: 85

    I understand that, but surv can also simply just push out the gens, if maybe 1 surv on each gen could help or everyone stack on one of the gens. Sorry if you dont get comprehensive teammates and you lose to a SM playing in that scummy way.

    But again if you play into a 3 gen and the SM sees it and plays into your mistakes she deserves it.

  • Member Posts: 21,227

    Extremely good teams CAN beat a Dull Merchant. It will also take them 45 minutes and no decent team will wait that long. They'll either kill themselves on hook or DC. Their penalty will be less time than the match.

    If you can't see that as a design issue, I worry for you.

  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited July 2023

    Except a good Artist can very much use her birds during chase to her advantage since that comes down to strategy and prediction from the killer's side, while simultaneously from the Survivors side, it's about outsmarting her bird placement and not allow her to gain a foothold over the chase or at loops, for me that's alot more engaging in gameplay than that of Huntress.

    Also same can be said for Huntress, a Survivor with a brain will just dodge a Huntress Hatchet without issues and render her hatchets useless at a loop because the hatchet hitbox is so thick it cannot be shot over the environment or the props you're looping around, i don't consider that a far better gameplay loop, especially not when you get those moments where a hatchet hits you even though the hatchet was way off from your Survivor model's hitbox.

  • Member Posts: 3,094

    Yeah, because my definition of fun is not the same as yours, crazy i know.

  • Member Posts: 685

    The player's experience can vary wildly depending on MMR, platform, region, day and time, etc. Just because you experience one thing doesn't mean that it's the gospel truth for everyone.

  • Member Posts: 675

    The hitboxes are jank for sure. Especially compared to say deathslinger. I think the thing is though in the open survivors can attempt dodges, but it will not always work since it means predictions for both sides. A huntress is not just going to ready one and immediately throw, she can hold it making it faster and then predict where a survivor might dodge to or if they will just run straight etc.

    The issue with artist is yes you can do a bird placement to zone a little bit. But think if you are just out in the open, a survivor is not just going to run straight, if they hear/see you put up a bird they will just turn. Legit the best play as an artist is to just wait and put up birds blocking off loops. You cannot loop artist but you can loop a huntress, and that is one of the big differences between them and as a survivor I want to be able to actually loop the killer, and if an artist just birds up a loop I have no choice but to hold W which is the most unfun part of the game.

  • Member Posts: 451

    Bigger maps would benefit the game's health, even if that came at the cost of increased movement speeds.

    Under no circumstances you should see the walls of a map if you're sitting at the dead center of it. Checking several objectives at a glance just by standing on an elevated surface leads to terribly stale and unfun gameplay.

    The game should promote actions that leave an opening for the opposing team to take advantage of, not playing it safe and still be able to cover all your important objectives at a glance, like 3 generators or gates and hatch.

    As an example, Midwich, as small and statistically killer sided as it is, it's still probably one of the few maps where I feel I have a chance to at least make some progress even if we lack one player, but on the flip side, it comes at the cost of making the gates literally impossible to open without at least one player serving as a sacrifice because the gates are a short walk from each other and the gate's lights are easy to see without having to commit to fully check that side. From the center of the map, you can just walk two steps to each side and check if anyone's making any progress. It's less of an issue if all 4 survive until the end, but it's literally impossible to progress if at least 2 players have died.

  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited July 2023

    Thing is, you don't use Artist's power the same way you use Huntress' power during chase, both have range yes but they work very differently and one has more than one way to be utilized than the other.

    As someone who is fairly skilled with Artist, using an Artist's power out in the open like you would with a Huntress' hatchet is gonna have a higher chance of missing, that's why you gotta use her birds more strategic than that.

    While playing against an Artist, having to think ahead and frantically search for another loop to quickly use before having to move on is where the fun as a Survivor is for me, because you're always on your feet and need to think 2 steps ahead of the Artist when they know what they're doing.

    Also i am only speaking for myself on this, but looping around the same spot for too long can be just as unfun as only holding W.

  • Member Posts: 763

    Absolutely not. It's one of the things that makes Wesker intolerable. No chatty killers.

    I've always wondered why the Clown didn't have any addons like "Joy Buzzer" and "Whoopy Cushion".

    Agreed. The antidote is fine in concept, but the flow between switching vials isn't as smooth as it should be and the cooldown hangs sometimes so although you tried to switch and it looked like you did, you didn't, and now you're throwing the wrong vials. Changing up some of the addons was ok, but there was no reason to lean into the antidote as much. Although he may be technically "better" now, he's less fun to play. I'd rather not use the antidote vials at all now. Having the antidote affect the survivors, particularly at the same speed and with the same buff as the killer, is annoying as well. A chunk of the temp speed boost you get is used up to compensate for the length of time you had to stand in the cloud for it to take effect. The time to effect should be shorter or the length of the buff should be longer (or of higher value). And the effect survivors get from the antidote should be lessened or come with a consequence (such as hindered by 3% for a few seconds once the buff wears off).

    Your breakdown of MFT vs ML, and MFT granting such a value for just taking a hit, is spot-on.

  • Member Posts: 85

    If you cant see that even mediocre teams can beat her and not every SM plays for hostage games than I worry for you

  • Member Posts: 5,969

    I strongly dislike the idea that certain maps have free gens. Dead Dawg Saloon's in particular, especially the one positioned right next to the window so the killer is forced to take the longest possible route to remain unseen, is really dumb.

    Facecamping at 5 gens is the most BM thing you can do. Survivor or Killer.

    Adrenaline is borderline OP, now that survivors can tell when it's going to proc. I'm fine with a heal, or a speed burst, but not both. I'd rather keep the heal, actually, since that makes it more unique. Maybe apply the speed when already healthy, and the heal when not?

    As of right now, no killer perk is too strong.

    Many people have become way too used to perks blatantly powercreeping others.

    might add more

  • Member Posts: 311

    You paid for the game, do what you want and play how you want.

    No one can tell you how to play a game that you paid for

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    Camping/tunneling could be a dealt with to a point by making gen regression meaningful, Things like basekit Pop goes the weasel and insta stop regression by 0.1 sec of repairs.

    and hook progression slowed by killer proximity. Depends on survs alive/gens.

    Perks need to be placed into categories so that stacking of certain types of perks can't happen.

    Item's and addons need to be prevented from being stacked especially in a swf environment.

    Solo queue survs need a bigger field of view.

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