Really BHVR

I liked most of the changes for the perks but i noticed that they didnt nerf killer perks just Prove theyself. How funny. I knew one day it was obviously gonna get nerfed but it feels a little out of place when you look at the other perks in this update. There are plenty of killer perks that couldve been nerfed. I think its kinda dumb to nerf a perk because its used so much but this is dead by daylight and thats what happens here. So jolt couldve gotten a cool down but didnt. Even though its the most used killer perk right now. And im not sure if its a bug or a shadow buff but everytime it pops it makes the survivor scream. And no it wasnt eruption im 100% sure its just jolt. They "nerfed" pain res and its still one of the top used perks by killers. They had alot of perks to choose from to nerf for killers but i guess thats being saved for the meta shakeup. Lastly to top it off they took the bonus bloodpoints away from prove as well. Was that really necessary?
I feel like the Prove nerf could have waited until they addressed the 3 gen issue. The timing isn't great on this. If they wanted to nerf it after addressing 3 gen snoozefests, be my guest. I'm all for less variance in objective speeds.
Removing the BP bonus on it is ridiculous. I don't know why they thought that was an issue. I already get a whopping 15k on an escape when I play optimally.
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Lmao this is not a case of nerfing perks just for the sake of nerfing a perk, and then just randomly deciding on which perk to nerf. There is no reason for any killer perk to be nerfed at the moment, I do not see how Jolt or PR would need a nerf in any way.
It's debateable whether Prove Thyself needed a nerf or not, I personally think it didn't. But that doesn't mean perks like Jolt need to be nerfed as well.
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To be fair the BP bonus was stupid. You could spend 30 sec on a generator in coop and get as many bloodpoints as someone who did 2 entire gens by themselves. And because the bonus is included in the scoreboard you'll be almost always top score without doing anything, just because you equipped a perk.
Though I wish they would increase overall BPs for generators in compensation. Especially solo'ing gens. Currently doing gens solo gives the least amount of BPs despite it being the optimal way to play.
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I dont really think that any Killer Perk really needs to get nerfed currently. And only because one side gets a Nerf does not mean that the other side needs a Nerf as well.
(But I also dont think that Prove Thyself needed to be nerfed, especially not the BP-gain)
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Sloppy needs one nerf. It's destroying perks like Resurgence. I wish they would change this part and i'd be okey.
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Uhm, have I missed something? There aren't really any straight up overpowered killer perks left. Some of the stronger ones could maybe use some small tweaks to not feel as awful to go against (looking at you Devour and camping incentivising Pain Res) but no flat out nerfs. Regression perks are nowhere near overpowered at the moment. They are all either pretty good or completely useless (no in betweens). Jolt is a perk that is mostly used by weak killers and I don't see any reason you would nerf it. It's pick rate is high but not alarmingly high and for stronger killers other perks are better alternatives, which means it's not a 'one size fits all'.
Prove needed a nerf and it's good that it got one now. Removing the BP bonus is consequential to their earlier decision that they do not want perks to be used for bonus BP, so I'm mostly fine with that. However, they could go ahead and just remove extra BP from perks alltogether. I don't know why it has to be such slow process. It's kinda confusing.
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I can understand if they want to nerf sources that makes gens pop faster. But they also yet have to address 3gens which Prove was like the only answer for.
Also how the hell are survivors supposed to get blood points now. Getting 1,25k for a generator you do alone plus the random factor of skill checks is kinda a joke considering the point cap for the category is 10k. I saw somebody else breaking it down that you'd have to complete 7 gens and one exit gate to fill up these 10k now.
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There no killer perk that really need to be nerf right now. Pain res and sloppy pretty fair. The only perk i really dislike stlll on killer side is noed but it not op or nothing.
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Yeah, it feels really bad to do 2-3 gens alone and end up with the least BP on the team.
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Basekit nerfs are far more impactful than perk nerfs. PTS encouraged bad play outside of SWFs anyways, I'm glad its gone.
Killers def lost this patch cycle. Camping is dead, tunneling is hard if the survivor is good.
Expect killer buffs to follow soon.
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Now that you write it, I have to correct my statement (that no Killer Perk currently needs a Nerf). Because I would agree on that. Or, to be more precise - I dont think that one single Perk (or Add On) should cause both Mangled AND Hemorrhage. It should be either slower healing OR heal regression, not both at the same time (with one Perk/Add On).
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maybe because there arent any killer perks needing nerfs. Not to say that prove needed nerfs. it did not, but lets not just go around nerfing things for no reason just because bhvr already does it.
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one of the community manager could show us a calculation of how BHVR imagines the average BP yield of a survivor.
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Yeah. Getting rid of hook grabs is a way bigger nerf than all the survivor nerfs combined.
And the killer perk buffs were a joke. Does anyone at BHVR honestly think those changes could affect the meta? What was the point?
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Because Devs are Killer Sided. Survivor Perk changes weren't good either. Fake buffs so Survivor don't feel left out.
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Sloppy is fine in my opinion. I think perks like Resurgence should cure survivors of status effects as well, at least the hemorrhage effect.
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They really aren't killer sided at all.
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Hangman's trick was nerfed
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I’ve had games where I’m the only one doing gens and I got the least amount of BP. I get that chases are essential - if others aren’t getting chased then I won’t have time to do gens - but sometimes other players just do nothing. Gens should give more BP overall depending on time spent doing them with bonuses for completing or coop as extra incentive.
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It definitely needed a nerf. Gens are too fast
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- Call of brine nerf
- Eruption nerf
- Pain resonance nerf
- Anti-tunnel introduced
- Anti-camp mechanic incoming
- Hook grabs gone
- Ruin hammered into the ground
Survivors can't have everything. It has to be a two way street
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Wait, so you mean there are some perks that effectively counter another perk?
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Killers have been getting absolutely slaughtered with killer perks over the last few patches - especially them practically removing overcharge and call of brine from the game. What are you going on about?
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That Haemorrhage effect should be changed with canceling healing cut down 50% of total progress. Not regressed.
Even if killer "pretend" to chase you away for a few sec (in a case of a teammate accidently lead killer to your corner), 90% progression would gone. That would also fix Resurgence and Solidarity
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Fast healing perk is already far better than passive healing like Resurgence, especially it only save you 16sec for an entire match if hooked twice. Botany save 5sec per heal, and you heal more than 3 times a match, at anytime, on anyone. No one used Resurgence already. Those weak perks needed a buff.
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The PT nerf is just...weird.
It definitely feels like a response to complaining about the perk from people who didn't understand it.
PT is good for me as a Killer. It means people aren't being efficient.
Also, removing the BP bonus is just dumb lol
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It's like they want us to get even less BP as survivor somehow. I'm tried of having to play so hard I end up tired after matches on survivor, and when I'm on killer I barely try and get 40K+ a match.
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Removing hook grabs is a bigger nerf than all the survivor perk nerfs combined.
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Play killer then! Problem solved.
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Devs: Hey we buffed Deja Vu to help combat 3 genning! We know it's very boring and popular right now and we're gonna do more to address it soon, we swear :)
Devs one month later: Hey, we're also gonna nerf one of the best tools to prevent 3 genning. And uhh, well good luck! :)
There's no consistency. The devs are confused.
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jolt is bugged or shadow buffed, it makes survivors scream working on an affected gen now.
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Its a survivor buff though, many didn't do gens because easy bonus with perk after a gen maxed, now they must do gens to gain points
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I agree that the prove thyself nerf was really weird. It's usually a very situational perk that tends to benefit the killer more than the survivors. I think the bloodpoint nerf was fair though, although it is really funny.
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i mean, yes that too. But my point was more sarcastic that a perk that counters a niche perk isn't really an issue, as sometimes you cn get lucky/unlucky on the perks the other side brings.
I mean, why don't I start complaining that Distortion is OP cause it counters Lethal Pursuer?
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Lethal isnt a weak perk. And you still be able to see other survivors. Unless all of them us Distortion, its still a win for killer that they use 4 perk slots for it.
The good example is old Ironwill, a strong perk that everyone used, that counter Stridor. They fixed it now.
Resurgence, Solidarity, Reactive healing really need to counter Sloppy so they would be used more than other healing perks. Since Sloppy is used for most killer that add 8sec for each healing (4 for healer, 4 for healed)
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That’s exactly it. Nothing else makes sense about needing PT.
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Yeah right, why they dont keep nerfing only killer? How dare they touch at prove thyself that has been used since year one being broken and make it still good. Wow so killer sided
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Should've been nerfed like Ruin.
15% -> 5% and after a gen is done the perk dies.
Honestly even that is too good for a free perk.
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I mean they also nerfed Spine Chill of all things. So not really surprised.
But the Prove Thyself nerf is stupid. I could care less about the gen progression percentage being nerfed, but removing the BP bonus is just outright ridiculous. It's hard enough getting BP as survivor as is. First WGLF now this.
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Ok, just to ask you - why do you think that Prove Thyself is broken? The Perk is basically bad for Survivors. It is mainly used for the BP, I guarantee you the usage of Prove Thyself will drop to nearly 0 once they remove the BP.
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It’s funny you think it’s weird when it’s about survivors perks. I agree PT nerf is dumb, so we’re Ruin and DMS nerfs.
It’s time you realize devs are destroying the game by listening to people who complain the loudest.
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Half of Ruin's nerf is fine. It didn't need both.
The Devs have always made weird changes. Self-Care nerfs and Billy rework as a prime example.
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I call that NowhereToHide will receive a nerf in the not so distant future, because "that perk has no counterplay and the killer has to do nothing to earn its effect, and bringing a whole perk like Distortion just as a counter is no fun".
It's my favorite perk and I feel like nothing I like in this game can remained untouched:P
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Take a advice like in Game of Thrones, dont get attached too much to one character, they will die eventually, the direction of this game is the same, i loved ruin, pop, bbq BP...
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Every game they spawn together with a gen in the side (secret base kit lol), just by that this perk saves a lot of time to pop 2-3 gens first chase, and force the killer to tunnel even more, i say that because in my 10 surv matches, 7 i spawned like this, consistently poped 2-3 gens before first down, and in my killer matches is the same, sometimes i down at five gens, and hook at 4 to 3.
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Ok. But do you also know that splitting up is better for the Survivors? And Survivors grouping up with Prove Thyself actually helps the Killer?
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classic survivor memory where suddenly goes into a "blank" state when it comes to remember nerfs and buffs..
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Get rid of my motion sickness and vomiting when I play it! Problem...not solved? 🤢 I aint about to vomit over a vidiya game lol.
Can't play any fps games unfortunately. Can't even watch vidiyas about em. Sucks 😢
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Just out of curiosity, how is traveling (for example by car) for you?
I have a friend that gets sick when she can't see the road. She either has to be the driver, on the passenger seat or needs a clear view ahead.
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Sometimes yes, sometimes doesn't, too situational but this help a lot in theyr early game.