Survivors aren't scared.

JVJoyner Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 9

Call me funny, but this is a horror game and survivors are supposed to be trying to survive against a brutal killer... The aggressiveness from many survivors just goes to show that survivors are too OP. We've all faced the "Bully Squad" with the 3 flashlights, Dead Hard, and Boon Totems, ganging up on the killer while a 4th runs around doing gens. We adjust to take them on, but really, we shouldn't have to. Survivors attacking the killer should be a death sentence. It defeats the purpose of the game and should be addressed.

To clarify, I'm not asking for help or trying to cry. I handle them just fine, it's just dispels the entire theme. It can be fun, but more often than not, it's just annoying. Especially when they just body block you and Dead Hard with no recourse.


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258
    edited July 2023

    There are people here that have literally 10k hrs and more. There comes a point, where you will not get scared again from the same horror element no matter what. Also - if you had same level of experience (that comes only with time) - you would not be afraid any more.

    What made those survivors OP/aggressive is, that they are probably many times better then you. If you got survivors with same number of hours (or rather - same level of experience as people learn at their own pace), the game would definitely look different. And I hope you would not advocate killer should be able to win even if he's much worse player then the other side. There are definitely a lot of games where survivors feel there's exactly nothing they could do to escape. You just got your share of the same feeling. If anything, blame current match making.

    One last thing - the kill rate is above 50% for quite some time - even for 5% of best players. So if anything, killers are already OP.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    at this point its a strategy/teamwork game with a nice horror aesthetic.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,177

    DBD is a horror game, but like any horror game, people stop being scared by it. If you want to see another prime example, look at the old RE games, people speedrun them now, they clearly arent scared of them, yet they are consider major horror icons.

    Simply put, the more exposure you have to something, you more likely you are to be desensitized to it. You can build a situation to support someone feeling fear, but once that fear is gone, you cant really force it.

  • JVJoyner
    JVJoyner Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 9

    Perhaps I didn't say it right? Because you seem to think I'm getting upset about getting beat in matches. That isn't the case. I appreciate your perspective. As well as everyone else's. I definitely get the point that survivors aren't scared, so they don't play scared.

    My point was that it dispels some of the magic of the game. Most the "bully" teams are honestly easier to beat than a team that is strategic. I mean, they come right to you, it's not rocket science to defeat a group who's soul goal is to slam lockers in your face and keep you blind the entire match. At worst, it's a bit annoying and redundant. There's no issue with the game matching and they aren't hurting my kill ratio.

    Also, I'm not talking about any team that is aggressive. Getting the killers attention and leading him away into a chase/Looping/pallet trapping/etc is not only something I have no issue with, but something I appreciate. Those make for fun games. But even in those cases, the survivors are running away - Even if they goal isn't to get away completely. That's strategic and fun to counter play win, lose, or draw.

    I'm talking about the group of 3 that literally surround the killer in a circle, just out of reach and constantly attacking with flashlights while a 4th (Sometimes) will go work on gens. It's very obnoxious when they don't even send the one person to work on gens. But, like you said, maybe they have so many hours they don't care if they die. This is what I run into 20%-25% of the time which is a pretty big chunk.

    But I will concede the point that after a while, the horror aspect does lose that feel, and maybe I am suffering the blues from that. I am hoping new aspects can be added in the future that could draw that feeling back. Though, it's likely a lost cause and maybe my soap box at this point.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    No matter how good the horror aspect will be, it will loose it's appeal after some time.

    As for the rest of the post, I do agree. Playing against such group is usually a win. And it can be annoying. But there is no solution for that one. That group will already probably loose the game (provided killer player is not very much still learning). What more can be done?

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Dead By Daylight is as scary as it ever was, there's a reason newbies hide everytime they hear the terror radius. If anything, with the animations and map reworks the game is more immersive and therefore scarier.

    I remember being absolutely terrified of Hillbilly, now I just get excited when I see him, but he's not any less scary, it's just that I'm used to him.

    I sometimes see people complaining that the only scary thing is stealth killers, but even then they just jumpscare you, you're just surprised and even if you want to assimilate that to being scared the feeling doesn't last more than a few seconds. Fear fades, DBD is as scary for newbies right as it was when for us when we started, and it'll never be as scary for anyone who's a bit experienced no matter how many horror elements gets added or how much killers get buffed.

    The recent gen regression meta was one of the most killer sided meta we'd ever seen, but survivors weren't more scared. With the healing changes coming after the killer is more risky, but survivors still aren't more scared. Even in the PTB for the healing changes survivors weren't scared, they were just severly annoyed.

    Unforunately, I don't think anyone who's used to playing DBD could ever get back to being as scared as we used to be when we started playing.

  • JVJoyner
    JVJoyner Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 9

    Fair enough. Though I was playing survivor tonight and the Skull Merchant snuck up behind me and scared the hell out of me lol. Thanks for the input all!