Slugging Needs to Change

possumisprime Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

My main concern lies during the end of the game, when there is 2 survivors remaining. I actually got an accurate time just now since this has been happening a lot lately.

If a killer slugs at 2 people remaining, it takes 3 minutes and 43 seconds to bleed out while moving (this was with Sloppy, I wasn't sure if that actually made a difference still or not). You have to sit on the ground for almost 4 minutes if you are so unlucky to be one of the two remaining. All to avoid a hatch standoff. (This isn't even including the situation where the killer almost bleeds you out, then picks you up so they can keep looking for the last person, but that's a whole other situation). Your only other option is dc, and lose all the bloodpoints you just earned, and get a nice penalty along with it.

With this being said, it's laughable that when I tried to report this a couple months ago I was told "sorry you had a bad game, but it's a valid strategy". It was a wraith. Who slugged all 4 people. And refused to hook them. But it's fine, because it's a "strategy". How does that not fall under "holding the game hostage"? I guess, technically, you can still end the game if everyone is on the floor but after 4 minutes is a little much. Name another game where a similar situation is acceptable.

I know a "give up" option is one I've heard thrown around about before, but my proposal would be that with two people remaining the bleed out timer should decrease significantly. Like at least 50% faster. Because that's still generous waiting around 2 minutes.

Additionally, there should be a mechanic to prevent the event above from happening for as long as it did, at least again for around 4 minutes. There was the talk of basekit unbreakable but it seems that idea has been tossed. So in addition to the above I think the more people on the ground the faster the bleed out timer is. And that's not even just sitting still, that's while moving by the way. That way if you really want to keep playing and for your teammate to pick you up moving is optional to start the faster bleed timer.

This is my biggest frustration with the game right now, and hopefully this is a good outlet to be heard on.


  • Header
    Header Member Posts: 308

    My solution to this would be to, when there are only 2 survivors left, give them the ability to pick themself up, but reveal them every 30-60 seconds. This way killers can’t really slug for the 4k and survivors can’t hold the game hostage by hiding infinitely

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,335

    The usual response to the slug #3 to hunt for #4 is because of how the hatch works these days, and of course the desire for killing everyone.

    I do like the idea of bleeding out at like a minute or 1.5 minutes in that senario.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 417

    A give up option is needed urgently. The only thing that bugs me is that with the bots, it doesn't matter if you dc. killers can slug withouth worrying about anything because they can just slug the bot

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 895

    Make deerstalker base kit. I don't want to bleed you out, I just wanted to kill the other survivor and come back to you, but you moved and I can't find you anymore...

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 501

    Hi sometimes it's the hook spawns are terrible an if a hook break after someone dies on it can leave big chunks of map without a hook.

    Your best bet is to crawl to a hook an not move for killer to find you an hook one crows appear.

  • CamperSluggerVillain
    CamperSluggerVillain Member Posts: 164

    better get used to getting slugged my friend because once hook grabs are gone and those anti camping changes come out it's the only thing killers will have left

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    This, why do survivors don't get that!

    if you crawl in a corner to avoid the final hook ... guess what, you might get bleed out to death by a timer and the responsible for that lies in the mirror.