I think I give up with Singularity

I've given him a good chance, putting 25 prestiges into him, but I think I'm ready to just give up
He's fun to play, don't get me wrong, but he's also incredibly frustrating to play. Placing biopods is janky, half of the time I find you have to shoot multiple times to place them because you move one pixel in any direction and the game says nope, you can't place it there.
Even when you can see survivors, a lot of the time if they're obstructed by the slightest thing like a few branches or a fence, the game will not allow you to infect them.
Teleporting to survivors on maps with clutter is an absolutely miserable experience too, due to the fact of the game thinking you're trying to place a biopod rather than teleport, so again it goes back to having to shoot multiple times in some instances before you can teleport.
The 5 second cooldown/slowdown when you access a pod if you're standing near the hook feels terrible too. That survivor could've just died on hook, yet when you come out you're still unnecessarily punished for it.
Same goes for when a survivor is running around the hook and you want to use your power, the moment you finish infecting them with your biopod, they then have a 5 second period where they can run and gain distance or just use an EMP to undo your infection.
Does anyone else feel this way? Maybe I'm just bad and it's a skill issue lmao, but I was disappointed to see there were no further changes to him in the PTB/upcoming mid-chapter and at this point I'm just kinda ready to give up. I'm not necessarily asking for buffs, just QOL changes to make him feel better and smoother to play.
haven't played him myself but seen lots of gameplay of him by killer streamers and they seem to be crushing it with this dude he is pretty oppressive in the right hands so idk maybe try watching gameplay of him and then you might reconsider?
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I don't think you're alone. Once I had Lery's and RPD games back to back as Singularity I just gave up. Overcharge isn't even that impressive for the amount of effort it takes to get a single survivor infected long enough to teleport to.
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I’ve been having a good time with him frankly. I am only P10 though; twenty-five though? Probably just burnt out, period.
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the Overcharge mechanic is pretty easily countered in chase by just pre-dropping the pallet before he gets there because even with the crazy pallet break speed, on a lot of maps they'll still be able to make it to another loop in time.
that reminds me of another issue I have with him, sometimes the survivor will be infected, drop the pallet and be on the other side, you'll teleport to them but it won't actually break the pallet like it should and instead it just teleports you to their side - it doesn't happen too often but it's certainly frustrating when it does.
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Yea, Singularity feels pretty odd to play. He's certainly a very fun killer to play as albeit very map dependent but that's normal for a killer. Then there's everything you mentioned which kinda dampens the experience.
Singularity is kind of like trapper in the sense that his games are 50/50. Sometimes your pods will work extremely well in the right placement areas, other times they kinda feel really useless either because a survivor doesn't go where you want them to go, or the targeting doesn't work despite their body being clearly visible. Then sometimes they just emp chain your ability to make it impossible to even use your teleport.
A comparison I like to make is Dredge. Dredge can technically do everything the Singularity can but better. Sure he doesn't have Overclock, but his anti-loop ability is a lot more controllable and interactive plus he can zip around the map as he pleases without having to rely on shooting a pod. Not to mention nightfall which makes Dredge even stronger for a longer period of time than Overclock
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I feel like he needs certain add-ons to be his basekit.
Spent Oxygen Tank(exhaustion), Soma Family Photo(haste), Foreign Plant Fibres(stun duration) at least one or two.
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Not everyone is on PC like streamers. Placing pods on controller is just awful when any tiny movement can turn the location red to name a sample.
@ topic: Same. I think his power is too unforgiving considering the reward for successfully using it.
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I don't consider him weakest killer as some try to claim.
But he is definitely most map dependant, noone else is even close. Difference in eperience of playing him on indoor or outdoor is massive.
That's probably main reason why I wouldn't main him.
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I do love his mori look an voice lines.
But when you go against survivors that know what to do your power is just down the entire game. Replace the pods then when you check back a few seconds it's already down again.
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Which ones? I haven't any that have been crushing it against good survivors, lol.
Same for my games, haven't met one that "won" unless the other survivors were bad.
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watch zubatlel's vods he has been spamming him ever since singu released.
and also scottjund.
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that however is not a singularity issue and was not mentioned as a problem in the post
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I have a very similar experience.
I'm prestige 21 with him, and everything that's being said makes sense to me.
I don't even understand why out of all the killers, Hux is the one who has the most significant penalty on his power when near a hooked survivor. For example, Bubba can use his chainsaw 2cm away from a survivor on a hook without any problem, and BHVR doesn't do much about it. BHVR, why?
What more can I say? He's a difficult killer to master and too easy to counter. The time he spends placing his biopods is rarely worth it.
Now that survivors have adapted to the killer, he doesn't scare anyone anymore, and SWF groups consider a game against Hux as a guaranteed win.
And the most obvious consequence of his weakness is that the stats on Nightlight indicate that he has the lowest win ratio in the game (43%). Out of the 150 survivor games I've played since his release, I've encountered him only 3 times, and he was easily defeated. It's depressing.
I love Hux's design, and I want to main him. I'm trying to main him, but it's becoming more and more painful.
Unfortunately, if nothing is done, he will join the large family of killers who will gather dust in a few weeks...