Behavior: Remove no end or remove exposed!

gabrielfan1983 Member Posts: 18
edited January 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Had no end pop six matches in a row today. I know it's every no skill killer fav back up In case they get owned by a decent team that worked hard to get the gens done and survive. If a killer can't get a k before the last gen is done and the gates are opened then go do a custom match, load up some bots and practice. All the killer mains got behavior to nurf and or mod every survivor perk to their favor. I know the official reason for the perk update was "to break up meta" but the no end "nurf" is a joke. So if behavior wants to curb dc, remove no end

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Lol NOED is so not even an issue at this point. If you dc because of NOED in a 4v1 you have major issues.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    Old school Chad survivor. The young uns will never understand.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    NOED is fine. It has already been nerfed once already, no need for any more changes. Try cleansing all totems or cleansing the NIED totem when it's aura is shown.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,137

    You have a perk that literally makes you do totems in 9 seconds after the first one AND gives you aura reading on the next one. Maps also exists.

  • StickyB
    StickyB Member Posts: 96

    But then I can't use my B:COH and use my 4 meta perks and bring my medkit

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,686

    NOED still needs a rework. The nerf definitely helped put it down, but it's still a terribly designed perk.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,686

    The perk allegedly encourages survivors to cleanse totems, as breaking all five prevents it from spawning. However, breaking all five totems makes the perk an efficient slowdown, so that's not actually a real counter.

    Worse is when people do invest time and effort to counter it, but only find four out of five, in which case the 'counterplay':

    A) did nothing, as NOED fires just as hard when you cleanse one totem or four.

    B) made NOED slow you down on top of firing full force, making it stronger.

    C) ensured NOED would NOT show up in any spot you DID find.

    NOED, even now, is a really strong incentive for survivors to just not do bones. It should have its power tied to the number of totems left standing so its counterplay actually counters it, instead of it countering its counterplay.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    The perk allegedly encourages survivors to cleanse totems, as breaking all five prevents it from spawning. However, breaking all five totems makes the perk an efficient slowdown, so that's not actually a real counter.

    It is one of the counters and is a more than valid option if survivors are ahead in the game, although most survivors have more interest in crushing out gens and just dealing with it if it shows up.

    The other option is to just remember where totems are and check back if they activate although this runs the risk of the killer potentially getting a hook near the totem rendering it unable to be dealt with.

    In a situation where you cleanse some but not all totems the points you make are true, but largely irrelevant as with the nerf of showing the totem aura it has been made much more efficient to not cleanse all the totems but to wait and find it afterwards once it's highlighted. Cleansing totems in general has also been largely nullified by wanting to keep spots open to boon.

    Your concept of tying the strength to the number of totems could be interesting. Basically give it the pentimento treatment, right now it only has 2 effects though, but lets see how that might work.

    First we need to fill out the effects, making it stronger because the current effect does not warrant trying to keep all totems active, plus with the concentration of COH in the meta, players are already keeping more note of totem spawns than ever and it can easily happen that you have multiple totems not be able to activate due to boons. Also when the perk is equiped all dull totems on the map will need to get highlighted like generators since they are a secondary objective for killers as well.

    0 totems it would have no effect

    1 totem would grant the haste effect

    2 totems exit gate regression of 0.5 charges per second and 25% reduction in opening speed

    3 totems would grant the exposed effect

    4 totems lets say a mori with no hook restrictions, but instead of the full mori, a quick mori like pyramid heads, because time is of the essence in endgame, except the final survivor can get the full mori for flair.

    5 totems would make the totems unbreakable and lock in all effects

    Kind of just a baseline idea.

    Personally I would prefer a sliding scale based on the number of survivors still in the game, having the current effect vs 3 survivors, losing the exposed vs 2 survivors, losing the perk completely if its 1 on 1, and buffing it against 4 survivors as it really isn't that effective in a 4v1 scenario, unless you get a hook in close proximity to the totem and even then it ends up just being a 3 out unless the survivors completely throw because they are greedy for the 4 man out.

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    saying cleansing totems=slowdown is stupid. that makes hooking, chasing, healing, etc all slowdown as well.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,686


    They are.

    What do you think people mean when they talk about 'applying pressure'?

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I haven't even seen noed in months.

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    then noed making you cleanse totems isnt an issue. you already have tons of things you need to do that isnt generators

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,686

    You think it's fine for a perk's existence to produce that kind of pressure? Or do you think it's fine that the only way to counterplay the perk is to give it an equally powerful, different function?

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    i dont think its okay, but when dh, unbreakable, otr, adrenaline, every boon totem ever, old ds, and every survivor item minus maps do the same-providing pressure through their existence alone-i think its okay for killers to have a few

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,686

    None of them provide pressure through existence, with the exception of Dead Hard.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,137
    edited January 2023

    So then you keep track of the obvious totem spots and don't do those totems. As for the argument "well soloq" killers will almost always stomp solo q no matter the state of the game as long as no in game comms dont exist.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    So.. Basically a better rancor? Lol

    Also, making a whole extra mori animation for every killer except pyramid head? Cmon we don't even have PURCHASABLE moris yet, no way bhvr would do that lol

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    More like just re skinning the pyramid head mini mori with a different killer in the background.

    Not really a better Rancor, because Rancor has no counter before it activates except the obsession being dead. That concept is more of a endgame devour hope with a touch of pentimento based on the concept of its strength being tied to the number of totems on the map.

  • gabrielfan1983
    gabrielfan1983 Member Posts: 18

    To all the dead hard cry baby's you got what u wanted, another nurph. Oh and nothing is more boring then crushing all the totems to eliminate no end, especially since booning is worthless. Again no end is the dbd answer to give no skill, novice killers a easy 1k, nothing more. To make the perk less bs and op, make ate aura of the totem visible at all areas of the map as soon at the last gen is popped. Or the way it was originally designed, 40 second of exposed for the killer from the last gen pop. It was reworked due that killers could not "find" a survivor in allowed time. Also to the comment saying that killers have no "strong" perks. Look at lethal, bb and c, lightborn. Also all killers are faster and each have a unique way to win i.e. advantage. I'm not saying killer is easy, if you are going clean, no tunnel or camp, but no one perk sould be automatic, no cool down, infinite time one hit. If that's fine then lite haste sould be never ending.