Liability Status Effect - a way of legalizing megheads

gyajoy Member Posts: 47
edited July 2023 in Polls

I was thinking about a chapter idea that dives into the concept of the killer turning survivors against each other.

Then it came to me a new status effect:

Liability status effect

You are immune to damage for the duration of the status effect:

·     Hitting skill checks regresses healing and generator progress by -3%

·     fast vaulting windows block them for 14 seconds

·     fast vaulting pallets breaks them instantly

·    you can respawn hooks sabotaged by other survivors with a toolbox.

·     Sandbagging teammates in general grant special score points.

There can only be one survivor suffering from this effect at a time.

Here's the rest of the chapter idea:

Liability Status Effect - a way of legalizing megheads 9 votes

Nice game mechanic
gyajoyBlueMoonBRUHMOMENT 2 votes
Fun game mechanic
Please don't
ShinobuSKsizzlingmario4GensByDaylightDavidHypnosnarsLeon_Scott_KennedyJokyAzz 7 votes
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