What do you think SoloQ surv needs to be a better experience?

Rickprado Member Posts: 561
edited July 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm going for Rank 1 survivor before the rank reset, mostly playing with friends, but at the morning i'm playing SoloQ.

SoloQ is miserable: People giving free slug for the killers, rage quitting and killing themselves on the hook.

In your opinion, what could be made so SoloQ becomes a better experience? I think removing hook suicide could be a nice thing (you can only leave the hook if you have Deliverance, and you cannot ######### in struggle).

Whats your opinions??

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Sure, remove the hook suicides so the next thing everyone's crying about is the AFK players that can't suicide on hook.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246
    edited July 2023

    It's usually a matchmaking issue to me. One or two teammates are often significantly less skilled or less experienced than the other two players. Some variation is natural, but it's often a difference between going down instantly and a killer not being able to catch someone else. It leads to frequent games where one player is dead by 3 gens because the killer can instantly down them and can't catch their teammates, so they tunnel the weak link out.

    The system doesn't spend enough time trying to make a quality match. If a quality match isn't immediately available, it seems like it immediately widens the range to max acceptable limit. You get faster queues, but significantly reduced match quality. I simply don't believe that players won't wait 30 seconds for a better match vs immediately being thrown into a terrible one.

    Solo queue is fine when matchmaking actually makes an effort to put together a quality match. It just needs to do that more frequently. For every 3 games I get where teammates have my experience level and play like I play, I get 10 games where at least one teammate has a fraction of my hours or just memes around. The game does a poor job of matching by skill and playstyle.

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 561

    Then they should get reported and banned for a couple of days. It will be faster to try to end the match with a sacrifice or a escape than going AFK (which already happen). I really don't see a reason to defend survivors being able to kill themselves on the hooks, as it destroy 4 other players match.

    If you queue as survivor you should be ready to face any type of killer, not only the ones you want.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    What your saying is the same as a killer giving up in match should we also punish them too?

    Wouldn't be better to fix the reasons on why theses players do theses things.

    I'm not defending no-one, but forcing them to say in the match because they can't leave they will just go AFK.

    More reasons why the DEVs should stop with theses chapters every 3 months and focus on problem's like theses.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 639

    As a person who has like 200 hours on survivor yet got to Rank 1 twice, I can say the only thing needed is Perk Icons in Survivor Hud during the match so certain confusing moments can be avoided. Solo Q greatly depends on how competent your team mates can be and how aggressive does killer play.

    Reworking self-unhook mechanic would be a right step so team mates can't troll. Anti-face camp mechanic is another thing this game could use.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    The thing that would make soloq better would be to split into casual and sweaty first of all, I am not sure if most people want this. So you don't get players doing their challenges running No Mither or Left Behind and any selfish perk and play selfish to get hatch. You also won't likely get as many people doing Flashlight plays with their mate, although you can't really force them to stop but perhaps it will limit them from doing that in a serious mode.

    Adding a ping system or some sort of communication. The thing that ######### over soloq besides matchmaking is the inability to communicate and orchestrate stuff with your team as well as share information. You can't even see your teammates' perks until the end of the game.

    Making AFK punishable as well as DCing (it is in other games). Idk if they can do something about hook suiciding. But then you might not like this sort of DBD. Personally I'd totally be up for a ping system.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Disclaimer: Just answering the question of ‘What could make Solo Q a better experience for Survivors?’

    Wether or not I, or anyone else, agrees with these potential changes holds no relevance; nevertheless, the following would certainly make Solo Q a better experience for Survivors:

    •Base kit DS coupled with 30sec base kit BT 

    (ONLY WHEN IMMEDIATELY BEING TUNNELED OFF HOOK) to curb mainstream tunneling. Of course there will certainly be those accepting of a 1K, tho far and few in between.

    •Base Kit Empathy (as SWF already has this for free w coms)

    •Visible auras of cleansed totems

    •Visible auras of completed gens

    •At 1 remaining survivor, base kit Wake Up

    (Either that, or killer powers no longer take effect on/near exit gate switches) or…

    …Otherwise, force RNG of Exit Gates to always be only on opposite (NON ADJACENT) walls.

    Feel free to save all lists for what would make matches better for Killer in the “What would make matches better for Killer?” post.😘

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,013

    Being able to see ally perks would be a big one.

    Currently you have no clue what perks your team is running, so you step on each others toes a lot, messing up the value of Deliverance, not following the Prove Thyself player to a gen, being totally oblivious of ally broken effects until you notice the broken symbol appear after you unhook them, etc, etc.

    Just knowing what your ally's have would make a huge difference to bridging the gap between swfs and solo players.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,737

    Among the already mentioned, getting rid of hook suicides and a communication wheel.

    Better MMR matching would help, but part of the problem is that MMR can't account for if a player isn't taking it seriously. I'll be in a game where everyone will be a skilled looper, but I'm the only one on gens.

    To really address the issue though the game would have to make a decision whether it wants continue on the trend of trying to balance both SWFs and soloq at the same time. Because as long as they keep that, soloq will be at huge disadvantage and SWFs will have a relatively easy time. But if they were willing to do that (and it wouldn't be easy and require some fundamental changes) and impose penalties on SWFs, you could then actually balance out soloq better, but its always going to face the problem that one survivor playing poorly (sleepy, archives, goofing around, etc) will tank the team.

  • WW1PilotAce
    WW1PilotAce Member Posts: 61

    better matchmaking

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Lot of basekit auras, deja vu, kindred (maybe without killer aura) or even bond, and also capability to see teammate perks, and even some kind of fixed text chat wheel.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774

    Would the opposite of that true?

    "If you queue as a killer you should be ready to face any type of survs, not the ones you want.".

    The biggest problem seems to be the matchmaking. All the blasted dodging is what wreaks the matchmaking the most.

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 561

    Of course you should be ready. I've used to hate sabo squads, but i went against them anyway. Its a PvP Game, you should be ready to face any kind of survivor/killer, since you pick a side and face the other.

    TBH, i don't feel the problem is the matchmaking, as many of my matches we could win easily as survivor, but people DC'ing/Killing themselves on the hook made it unwinnable.

  • Roaroftime
    Roaroftime Member Posts: 420

    Solo Q is so bad because the game is too killer sided (statistically proven)

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482
  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 668

    Hook suicides would be a good start. There's literally no point in having any of the mechanics on first or second hook. The only thing that would mess up is a few perks that could either be reworked or you could rework the lost progression from failing an escape attempt. Add some minor debuff for failed attempts or something and keep the progression ticking away steadily.

  • oreoslurpee
    oreoslurpee Member Posts: 288

    As a Solo Queue survivor player since my friends dont play dbd, it def needs improvements, and such improvements would be suggested as;

    • 1. Better Match Making

    This is one of the standpoints on why Solo Queue feels so bad right now. currently, the MMR system chooses quantity over quality. this means it prefers fast queue times over quality matches. the much preferred style for games is having quality matches as the system better pinpoints the skill-level division of killers and survivors, however it would cause higher queue times. people need to realize that you quite literally cant have both great quality matches and fast queues, its impossible. absolutely no game has it because its quite literally impossible to achieve. so thats why many players prefer quality, and quality matches help solo queue as a whole

    • 2. Base-Kit Kindred

    Another amazing addition to the game that would help Solo Queue in a LARGEEEE mile. base kit kindred frees up a perk slot and lets players and the team as a whole know whether the killer is camping, going to a specific area in the map, and it lets the players all see each others auras (only if the kindred user is hooked). having it be basekit would help so much as it would let players know who/who cant get the unhooked player. as it also frees up a perk slot, so as a personal use, since i use kindred 24/7 all the time in all my matches, i could finally run a different perk that could help my gameplay.

    • 3. Better Hook Suicide Prevention

    The match making without a doubt struggles due to the fact that players constantly kill themselves on hook the moment something bad happens, whether they go down first or they just dont like the killer their going up against. theres not really a way of removing the suicidal hook style, but the main 2 ways you COULD help prevent it/remove it are either making the 2nd skill check in phase 2 not automatically kill you after missing the skill check both times/have the skill check loop continuously, or, just outright remove the skill checks as a whole from phase 2. sure AFKing would still be a thing, but thats why theres a Report feature. report the player for griefing and they'll get banned.

    • 4. Remove Killers Being Able To See Survivor Prestige Levels

    This definitely needs to be removed, because it very much possibly affects matchmaking. Some killer players get into a lobby and see that a survivor or 2 has their character prestige around 25-50+ and then they instantly boot out the moment they see it. survivors cant see the killers, obviously because they would boot out if they saw it was a P100 twins player, so why should killers be able to do the same? it just promotes lobby dodging. at least with survivor items you could bring franklins demise or lightborn per say.

    • 5. Let Survivors See Eachothers Perks In Lobbies

    This without a doubt needs to happen. if survivors could see eachothers perks in lobbies, we could play around or with the perks and we'd know what they have and make assumptions from the lobby and into the match. lets say, you boot in and you wonder "okay i wonder if someone has the fist clenching perk, lets see" and then you see 1 survivor has it, then you say "okay im guessing they wont want to be healed." and bam, you play around it. this game is severely perk dependent, and the way perks playout with survivors is whether or not you can capitalize your perks and your teams perks and work together to survive. it would be such a great way to see what perks my teammates are using so I can better capitalize on what could happen. I used photoshop to use an example, sorry if its bad.

    • 6. Anti-Camp System

    There is currently an anti camp system in progress ready for a future patch, but quite frankly i dont think it'll have any effect on the game. but no one knows if it was further changed, only time can tell.

    • 7. More Communication Options

    Personally i dont know how much this would be in affect, to me it just adds more clutter and annoyance, especially if theres a communication wheel. this is just personal preference and opinions though.


    but yeah thats my suggestions as all 6 changes should be implemented to help improve Solo Queue as a whole. quite frankly, these changes dont do anything for SWFs which is the good thing about this.

  • justalilbit123
    justalilbit123 Member Posts: 190

    MMR calculation needs to change. Right now, the only way to raise mmr for survivors is to escape. Did you loop the killer for 5 minutes in chase? Game doesn't care. Did 3 generators solo while also getting multiple unhooks and full heals? Game doesn't care. Game only cares about the Claudette that hid all game in lockers because the terror radius spooked them, then managed to find the hatch.

    With MMR this way you have these awful matchmaking experiences where you'll have one game of strong allies who slam through the gens, then you'll have three games of absolutely braindead, immersed survivors that do nothing but hide, die or suicide on 1st hook.

    I don't think it will change sadly, remember the "hockey analogy" dev? Devs seem to think if you didn't escape then you didn't play well.

  • oreoslurpee
    oreoslurpee Member Posts: 288
    edited July 2023

    i am actually so mad rn, i posted a comment and tried editing it and it said comment could not be found. did it automatically delete???

    edit: nevermind it showed up after 24 hours lel

    Post edited by oreoslurpee on
  • Nomade
    Nomade Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 46

    the game needs better matchmaking. It is extremely frustrating when you can not get into a match you stand even a chance of winning because the other side vastly out skills yours. This is not just a problem with "High" MMR either. Low MMR has the same problems where you could have a brand new player playing against someone who is bad but still WAY better than they are leading to a one sided pubstomp.

  • MPGamer18
    MPGamer18 Member Posts: 124

    Solo survivor is without a doubt the most challenging way to play the game now. It's not even close. You have to deal with good and very bad killers as well as good and very bad teammates. You have no idea what you're getting until the first chase.

    There is no way to balance that with perks. It's a waste of time. The only way to handle this is have solo only queues or implement a voice chat so all players can communicate.

  • Luckyz17
    Luckyz17 Member Posts: 34

    Allowing to leave without any penalty. I am noticing a HEAVY amount of survivors who give up and purposefully try to unhook themselves on their first hook just to get out of the game without a penalty. "

    And if they get unhooked, they run at the killer again, its legit just ruining the game.

    IMO if a survivor dies within the first 3-4 mins of the game, let a forfeit submission between the remaining allowed.

    I generally queue with 1 other person, and we legit have to gen-rush to escape and its 100% lame and not fun. I want to run away from the killers, but it seems like everything got nerfed for survivor and I legit can hit them through a window with 0 effort, its almost like vaulting through a window isnt worth but juking is.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    And by doing so they will waste more time and reported for properly with video evidence?

  • mustdogen
    mustdogen Member Posts: 369

    Survivor tutorial.

    Seriously most of the problem solo q had are on survivor themselves, survivor need something to teach them how ro play the game.

  • Luckyz17
    Luckyz17 Member Posts: 34

    When youre just playing the game, what video evidence? You telling me I have to start using obs to capture my screen while I play or do the devs have a built in way to check the game?

  • SantaKlawz1
    SantaKlawz1 Member Posts: 192

    I did better pipping in red grades in solo queue than in swf's this time. And I play in pretty teams.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    IMO two things:

    • Chat Commands/Chatwheel... Basically to ping what you are doing if needed. Because all the HUD does is showing how inefficient Survivors are. e.g. that you can ping that you are going for the save so that others dont go. Because the HUD does not help with that, a Survivor without activity can either go for the save or just be walking around. (This will not even prevent multiple people going for the save, because I have seen people with Kindred running full map despite them seeing that someone else is already going...)
    • Seeing the Perks or Loadouts of your team... Not in the Lobby, because it might increase Lobbydodging, but in the game, when you press ESC and see the Survivors and their Ping. Their Perks should be displayed as well. Seeing that someone has Deliverance or Adrenaline is quite important information, which is available to SWF but not to Solos.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,640

    There really is nothing you can do (besides fixing matchmaking) that'd make solo queue better without completely breaking the game.

    Most issues solo queue has are caused by things that can best be descriped as either a skill issue or the wrong attitude. You can have coordination even in solo queue. But for that you need 4 competent players that all pay attention to what their team mates are doing and sometimes perks to help with that. I have started playing survivor with Bond and the difference is night and day.

    Apart from that there is a lot of bad attitude in solo queue as well. "Something didn't go my way, so I'll throw the game." is a pretty common mind set in solo queue. This can't be fixed. More severe punishments for disconnecting, being afk or giving up might help a little but it will not fix the underlying issue.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    edited July 2023

    Obviously there's not much BHVR can do about useless teammates, but better MMR would certainly help (although I'm pretty pleased with it these days).

    The only thing I'm asking for is to be able to see our teammates' loadouts in the lobby, not only it would help not bringing incompatible builds (inner strength / boons) but would also allow solo q players to have enough informations to make the same decisions and plays swf can do on comms depending on the situation (unbreakable, flip-flop, DS, deliverance...). It would also just help us knowning our teammates' playstyle beforehand (chase build, gen build...) and would let me dodge self-care and left behind players :)

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 561

    Yeah, a forfeit button would be interesting in those situations.

    I think we should be able to see perks midmatch too, as is hard to remember other people 12 perks in the trial