Suggestions for a better Solo Queue experience 😎

oreoslurpee Member Posts: 288
edited July 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello! i posted this in a discussion about "what should be changed to make solo queue experiuence better?" and so i just thought id put it here too of the possibility of having it be noticed!!

as a Solo Queue survivor player since my friends dont play dbd, it def needs improvements, and such improvements would be suggested as;

  • 1. Better Match Making

This is one of the standpoints on why Solo Queue feels so bad right now. currently, the MMR system chooses quantity over quality. this means it prefers fast queue times over quality matches. the much preferred style for games is having quality matches as the system better pinpoints the skill-level division of killers and survivors, however it would cause higher queue times. people need to realize that you quite literally cant have both great quality matches and fast queues, its impossible. absolutely no game has it because its quite literally impossible to achieve. so thats why many players prefer quality, and quality matches help solo queue as a whole

  • 2. Base-Kit Kindred

Another amazing addition to the game that would help Solo Queue in a LARGEEEE mile. base kit kindred frees up a perk slot and lets players and the team as a whole know whether the killer is camping, going to a specific area in the map, and it lets the players all see each others auras (only if the kindred user is hooked). having it be basekit would help so much as it would let players know who/who cant get the unhooked player. as it also frees up a perk slot, so as a personal use, since i use kindred 24/7 all the time in all my matches, i could finally run a different perk that could help my gameplay.

  • 3. Better Hook Suicide Prevention

The match making without a doubt struggles due to the fact that players constantly kill themselves on hook the moment something bad happens, whether they go down first or they just dont like the killer their going up against. theres not really a way of removing the suicidal hook style, but the main 2 ways you COULD help prevent it/remove it are either making the 2nd skill check in phase 2 not automatically kill you after missing the skill check both times/have the skill check loop continuously, or, just outright remove the skill checks as a whole from phase 2. sure AFKing would still be a thing, but thats why theres a Report feature. report the player for griefing and they'll get banned.

  • 4. Remove Killers Being Able To See Survivor Prestige Levels

This definitely needs to be removed, because it very much possibly affects matchmaking. Some killer players get into a lobby and see that a survivor or 2 has their character prestige around 25-50+ and then they instantly boot out the moment they see it. survivors cant see the killers, obviously because they would boot out if they saw it was a P100 twins player, so why should killers be able to do the same? it just promotes lobby dodging. at least with survivor items you could bring franklins demise or lightborn per say.

  • 5. Let Survivors See Eachothers Perks In Lobbies

This without a doubt needs to happen. if survivors could see eachothers perks in lobbies, we could play around or with the perks and we'd know what they have and make assumptions from the lobby and into the match. lets say, you boot in and you wonder "okay i wonder if someone has the fist clenching perk, lets see" and then you see 1 survivor has it, then you say "okay im guessing they wont want to be healed." and bam, you play around it. this game is severely perk dependent, and the way perks playout with survivors is whether or not you can capitalize your perks and your teams perks and work together to survive. it would be such a great way to see what perks my teammates are using so I can better capitalize on what could happen. I used photoshop to use an example, sorry if its bad.

  • 6. Anti-Camp System

There is currently an anti camp system in progress ready for a future patch, but quite frankly i dont think it'll have any effect on the game. but no one knows if it was further changed, only time can tell.

  • 7. More Communication Options

Personally i dont know how much this would be in affect, to me it just adds more clutter and annoyance, especially if theres a communication wheel. this is just personal preference and opinions though. I see a lot of players requesting this change so it could be a nice addition.

but yeah thats my suggestions as all 6 changes should be implemented to help improve Solo Queue as a whole. quite frankly, these changes dont do anything for SWFs which is the good thing about this. 😎😎


  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Solo queue inflates kill rates so they probably wouldn't want to improve it otherwise they would have to buff a lot of killers slightly to compensate.

    I wish it wasn't like that though.

  • oreoslurpee
    oreoslurpee Member Posts: 288

    is that true? how and why does/would it inflate the killrates of heroes?

  • JdoHybrid428
    JdoHybrid428 Member Posts: 87

    The matchmaking hasn't worked properly ever, as far as I am aware. Even though they keep saying they fixed/improved it. But it definitely need to get better. Base kit kindred is kinda broken as heck but then again they made base kit borrowed time so it might happen. But base kit kindred is the main one people have always wanted so idk. Wait and see I guess. No.3 I discussed in another post if you want to look at it. I don't like how so many people put so much weight on character prestige levels when it doesn't directly mean anything other than they have a stacked inventory which people can have just by being a few prestiges in. It's been bandwagon so much and has created nonsense drama and chaos. Letting survivors sew each other's perks would most certainly help but it would go against the core game structure being 4 random survivors who can't talk to each other. I could say a lot more on that subject but it wouldn't change behaviors twisted views. Camping is definitely a big issue but at the same time it's part of the game whether people like it or not. Plus if survivors are playing well then they can easily get 3 gens done while the person is on hook if not all 5, depending on perks and Gen locations. A core part of the game is that there no communication between survivors but that circles into the other topic and how behavior dbd team is hypocritical. Saying they don't want in game coms(which I dont) but then partnering with people who voice com with swf and having swf voice channels on their discord. It's annoying. Like your thoughts tho πŸ‘

  • oreoslurpee
    oreoslurpee Member Posts: 288

    yeah i know matchmaking was never the best, but it CAN be the best its ever been if they add some touches. simply by adding stuff to the game that helps the MMR fact check whether or not a player actively gave up or not. or, you know, actually fix how the MMR system works by not deciding that you can only be called good if you escape. like your MMR goes down even if you chase the killer around for like 3-4 gens, then die because you get camped/tunneled. even though if you just simply escape by hiding all game, your MMR goes up. thats why match making is so bad right now, it only takes into count whether or not you escaped or not. they need to change it so it takes into count how much effort you put into the match like doing gens, healing, altruism, being chased, etc.

    base kit kindred COULD be strong, but they can always tweak it. they could reduce the range you can see the killer from 16m to a possible 12 meters! they would have to completely rework kindred however. maybe increase the speed of unhooking? no clue how to change kindred but having it be basekit would not be that bad.

    i understand that prestige levels just mean that they have stacked items, but it could lead players to thinking that their a really good survivor, thus, having them dodge the lobby in fear of being bullied. thats why i suggested the removal of having the killer be able to see survivor prestige levels until the end of the match. you even said it yourself, its just caused chaos and drama. why not just make this simple addition?

    seeing your teammates perks in the lobby does not go against anything. if anything, your reasoning would be more towards the communication wheel in which i agree shouldn't really be added as to me its just clutter. i would like to see my teams perks so we all can play around each other, and with each other too. it would be super beneficial for solo queue and is just a QoL as it doesn't really affect in-game mechanics and gameplay.

    i also agree on the camping thing, if anything hook grabs being removed is already one step into discouraging camping. not much to say on it.

    and bhvr always goes back on their word. take a look at the pig, they said they want all killers with certain speeds to all have certain terror radius's. like 4.4 has 24m terror radius, while 4.6 has 32m. pig moves at 4.6 so they nerfed her radius from 24 to 32 even though it butchered her as a stealth killer. next thing you know, they add onyro and she has 24 meters yet she moves at 4.6m/s. they go back on their word a lot.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Solo queue is an absolute mess. You usually get teammates that don't do anything useful or use strategies that require two brain cells. If matchmaking ever got fixed, I would be able to win most of my survivor games easily since I usually lose because my teammates fall like flies. I'd prefer playing with bots instead of them. Because of this, the kill rates are around 60% which is where BHVR likes them.

    Also, some pubstomper killers get into weaker lobbies and they absolutely dominate. On the other hand, people playing the same killer can go up against a sweaty SWF and get zero kills. The two balance each other out according to statistics. Through this, it makes the killer look like it doesn't need any buffs when in reality they cannot do anything against a SWF. Obviously they can't just buff the killer because then solo queue will suffer even more.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    I can agree on survivor aura from kindred. Definitely not killer aura.

    That would be massive buff to all survivors. That has nothing to do with soloQ.

    I would like to see simple chat wheel for communication. It's easy to use and quite effective.

  • skrrr
    skrrr Member Posts: 11

    Im hoping that something from this post they add to the game, your ideas is so good,let's hope for this changes

  • oreoslurpee
    oreoslurpee Member Posts: 288

    yeah fair enough, but even if that happens it'll be for the overall health of the game. its better to have WAY more accurate statistics than inaccurate ones. i mean, the shape is really weak currently, but im pretty sure his killrate "proves otherwise" even though hes crazy weak. if they have better accurate statistics, then the health of the game would be in a much better state along with changes making more sense. its just that they kept escaping the only way to increase your MMR, instead of actual evidence you did stuff in a match, so thats why you get bad survivors in your matches. the developers said it themselves even! the MMR system checks whether or not you escaped or not. even if you ran the killer for 5 gens and died bc of face camping, you were gonna lose MMR. however, if your baby meg teammate only hid around the map and in lockers and somehow got the hatch or exit gate, then she would have her MMR increase. to me it looks like its just inflation, like rank inflation in Overwatch 2 where people just get boosted up the ranks because of a bad MMR system.

    thats why the MMR/Match Maker needs changing, it'll definitely change kill-rates and thats the point. its supposed to reflect matches properly and whether you did good or not. if it does that properly, then everyone could have better matches.

    seeing the killers aura base-kit kindred would definitely be broken. if you needa remove that then go ahead! keep it for the perk itself and add a special feature for it aswell.