Highest Win-Streaks on Each Killer
Most likely
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Loss farm off stream?
Unless they leave their stream running with the game up throughout the entire streak, we have no way to know if they aren't farming losses off stream so when they "resume" their supposed streak their MMR has been massively lowered.
Even then you can play the menu footage on loop to game that system.
You don't even have to actively play the game, just boot up a match and go afk. You can even set it up to do it automatically while you sleep or go about your day.
At best we have their "word" but that's not saying much. I'd like to believe they're all legit but there's been many cases across the gaming scene where supposed records where manipulated in some way to be easier/longer than would be otherwise. I don't see why DBD would be an exception.
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You'd have to lose the same amount of games as you won, if not more.
You really think someone who streams DBD for 8 hours is gonna spend another 6-8 hours de-ranking?
Even if they were, we could literally tell via Devotion level.
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Like I said, you don't need to even be on the game so how much they already played the game doesn't really matter.
You're also assuming complete reset, they could always just drop their MMR some, not all the way, which would still make an impact.
Just saying its possible and not unheard of for people to fake records for clout.
Devotion could possibly be a clue, but afaik no one checked that and that also means they were not playing off stream at all.
Someone could bring up devotion and they could just say "oh yeah I played a few matches off stream on a different killer, so the streak still stands".
Again, we just have no way to know for sure. Now I'm sure there's legit ones in there, but there could also be fakes.
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Sure, it's something to consider but unless someone cares enough to do the work, there's not much of a point to just talking about it.
Yeah, it could happen but we just don't know.
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Well, that's all that was being said really, that its a consideration and we don't know.
I think believing all of them are 100% legit is a little naïve. But no one would truly know except the streak holder, who won't out themselves for obvious reasons.
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Which is why I don't think it needs to be anything more than a passing mention.
We can't just assume every streak is bad.
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Well no I didn't say that.
We just also can't assume every streak is legit. Reasonable doubt exist. If something looks odd, like Clown for example, then its reasonable to suspect somethings off unless somehow proven otherwise.
Maybe they were manipulating MMR, maybe they were running pinky finger every single match match, maybe both. Either one kinda voids the results to a degree, if not completely, when talking about the general player base and killer.
Just another reason why I don't think we should be taking win streaks for anything other than, as you put it, a passing mention. Cool trivia with no bearing on power of the overall role or balance.
Killers aren't stronger than perceived just because of win streaks as some have asserted in the thread. Maybe they are, but win streaks are not good proof at all.
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I feel like people are uneccisarily gatekeeping what constitutes as a streak.
I can see the argument on the other page about 3 genning being hard nerfed, because doing a streak in that way is no longer possible.... But what would it matter if the clown ran pinky finger? Where are we drawing the line of what constitutes a valid streak, and why?
A streak is a streak, regardless of how it's done (whether you hard tunnel, use perks, use add-ons) - regardless of if you are talking about the general player base or not. And if we're talking about in general, big streaks also shouldn't even be a thing, anyways. So I'd honestly consider it part of balance, as well as MMR not working properly.
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The problem with Pinky Finger is that it completely changes Clown’s playstyle.
It’s still a valid streak, but I don’t really find it impressive or a Clown streak but rather a Pinky Finger streak.
And we can’t really draw any conclusions about MMR from this streak because even if it were working, most high MMR teams would still lose to Pinky Finger + Gin Bottle.
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I mean, its still a streak, you just shouldn't use that to say "ah yes the average everyday player using normal add-ons is complaining too much because of this other person only using the best add-ons possible every match". A streak is a streak even if you manipulate MMR too, its just silly to use that to draw any conclusions about balance.
Lets assume it is pinky finger for sake of argument.
The same people who are saying "well its not a SWF every match" are also saying in essence "this 500 pinky finger Clown should be proof the average killer is stronger".
No, at most that's evidence that pinky finger is strong, not that Clown is a strong killer in general. But we already know that there's busted add-ons. Myers isn't considered strong because of tombstone is he? No he's considered bad. Same standard for streaks, not proof of a killers general strength or lack thereof. An exception, not the rule.
Post edited by MrPenguin on1 -
I tagged you both because I think this reply covers both comments because I think he said kind of similar things.
For the record, I don't think that streaks are a true indication of balance, general representation of public matches as a whole, or killer strength. I do think streaks can signal inbalance - which factor in add-ons. But also I didn't watch the clown streak, so I don't even know if the dude used pinky finger or not every match, so I don't even know if that's really even the case. I don't think it's that balanced of an addon as compared to the rest of his kit/addons, and much like tombstone/tombstone piece I think the existence of it actively hinders the possibility for either killer to get buffs that they need.
I do have an objection specifically with 'streak is a streak even if you manipulate MMR" though - because I wouldn't consider it a streak is, say, the guy deranked for hours on that killer offline. That's essentially what the guy who did the demo streak did, and when question about it he said "on steam streak". Which I think by definition is not a true streak at all.
But going back to MMR - I think MMR should have two jobs specifically: actually have a balance match, meaning you're put up of against opponents who are going to be either at your skill level or equipped to handle you (which would give a more normalized playing field and preventing someone from going on streaks like this), and to separate brand new players from everyone else (which, in general, it does, to a certain point). I actually think that MMR system itself is somewhat decent, and I understand their reasoning for kills/escapes being skill by proxy..... but it's pretty well known at this point that the cap is way too low and also that the system just throws the entire thing out to prioritize queue times. Which I also understand why they did, because no one should be waiting for hours for match, but at the cost of MMR not working properly, or as good as it can be.
I really do think that in the cases of these streaks right here from the op are entirely caused due to matchmaking issues. I do feel like you are sort of downplaying that, busted add-ons in the equation or not. There's no doubt in my mind. mmr malfunctioning is something I see anecdotally. I have close to 3,000 hours now in this game, 2000 of them are on killer, and I'm constantly matched with survivors who have less than 500 hours in the game that get absolutely decimated, and it's getting to the point where I don't even find the game fun to play that much anymore. But that's a rant for another day.
Also, edit, because I hit submit like a dummy immediately.
Post edited by KingFieldShipper on0 -
I believe the artist winstreak record was recently broken actually.
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On MMR I agree completely, the cap is way too low. I believe I saw a statistic that said like 55% of the player base is at or above the soft cap and are all being matched together. That's way too much.
I'm sure the MMR issues like the soft cap definitely played a part.
You could still tank your MMR then start the streak and it would still count as manipulation imo. Since you'd be inflating what you would get otherwise. You could also use something to change you MMR that's not losing a match, like a certain MMR reset exploit.
My main point was that we have no way to know if they did it off stream or not unless they admit to it, like that one demo guy did. Whose to say others didn't do it too and just didn't speak up. It's not exactly about what we consider a fair streak or not, it's about not even knowing if those parameters got broken to begin with. So to us it would still be a streak even though it's really not.
In case its not 100% clear, I agree that that's not a "real" streak, just that we wouldn't know if that's happening. Sorry if I caused any confusion.
On the whole add-on thing, I was commenting on the arguments being made by others that a normal average killer is way stronger than they say because of win streaks before you jumped in/replied, and that's where using the" busted add-ons every match" came into the picture as that's not the norm. So if you believe it's not indicative of the general player base then that should be put to rest as we both agree on that point, and like I said before it can be evidence of a particular add-on being too strong so on that we also agree as far as I can see.
Post edited by MrPenguin on0 -
Oh I agree with everything you said. My main point was that the Clown streak wasn’t a good indicator of anything except that Pinky Finger needs a rework, but the rest do show that MMR and balance are an issue.
The MMR is actually pretty good when it works but like you said the cap is so low that the top MMR is filled with varying skill levels. Add on to that that the MMR prioritises queue times and if someone dodges the lobby the MMR gets messed up and so it doesn’t work accurately most times.
I’ve been attempting my own win streak after seeing the original post and am currently at 15 wins and every game varies between people on my skill level or people vastly below it, even though I have only lost twice in 30 or so games. I should not still be getting people with less than 200 hours when I have a 90%+ win rate.
And yes I agree with the manipulating MMR thing. If you have to lower your MMR off stream then you’ve still lost games and so that’s not a win streak.
So yes, I agree with you, I just think the Clown streak is meaningless and Pinky Finger should go.
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You are also not experiencing comp killer in pubs.
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Except for the singular time I found Team Misery just chilling in pubs, that's completely correct.
I go to scrim nights, small tournaments and such for my fix of comp dbd
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Its very common for people to not accept things outside of their own narrow scope of experience.
That's where data becomes interesting.
I tip my hat to anyone pulling off an over 1000 win streak games. (Even if I have some doubts to the full validity of such a claim. If its all there on the twitch stream sure but even that can be heavily doctored, I'm loathe to just deny its true but it pays to question the robustness of the measure.)
I think survivor streaks would be interesting too.
I agree that its likely most feasible as an organized SWF team.
Trying it solo is a greyer area because you are paired with random strangers who's motivation to play may differ wildly and that can directly impact likelihood of escape.
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yes exactly, it's because killer is so "easy" and op op yap! and it's definitely not because dbd has no matchmaking, no no :)) as a reminder, if dbd had a bit of matchmaking, most killers would be smashed against the wall so much that they would cry again like when mmr was not good but ok, but what am i talking about i can show it i have 10k hrs and take other mates who are also very experienced in my team and can show me how "op and easy" is killer :D
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I had a stroke reading this
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There are extensive ban lists for killer perks and add ons in competitive play too. It is a common misconception that bans only exist on the survivor side.
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Currently, ghostface's longest winning streak is from a Brazilian streamer, Ghostface. He beat Otz's record in RPD map
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should be reset every update coz meta changes.
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Just a reminder to start a new thread and fresh discussion if this is the topic you would like to discuss. Necro'ing old threads is not recommended. Have a great day 😀 👍