I don't feel like crouching near victor should disable the killer instinct

Crazy that they actually added this, it's only saving grace is how little survivors do it. Are bhvr aware that twins looses like half their power with this in the game? You can't protect totems, you can't protect gens, you can't protect gates, it reduces victor into a killing machine with no utility. I feel like the only reason this hasn't been removed after all this time is because survivors have no clue you can do it and no one plays twins
It's completely possible to work around it aswell, just approach victor with two injured or one healthy survivor(s) and crush him when he damages one of you
Love how you say "reduces Victor into a killing machine" as if that wasn't what he's supposed to be.
I'm not sure why you wouldn't want survivors to be able to counter a playstyle that literally consists of just putting Victor somewhere so survivors can't do a totem or open the gates.
And your work around idea is not realistic. Even imagining that solo q survivors suddenly develop telepathy, if you bring two survivors Victor is either going to grab someone and you can't kick him or down someone and you can kick him. In either those cases Charlotte will show up before you get the totem / gates done so you lost a health state (or even hook state) for nothing and Charlotte can even slug the first one, put down Victor again and go after the second survivor.
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I agree. His power shouldnt be limited to chase. Being able to negate his radar makes his positioning pretty much pointless. Its not like theres 0 counterplay to it if crouch counter wasnt a thing. You can still just get hit and crush him... its one health state. If you are injured you can just go get healed or do a different gen if hes on one.
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Huh??? Charlotte will cross any map in the time it takes for a totem or gate to be finished?? That doesn't even apply to some of the smaller maps. You're talking like Charlotte just stands there untill Victor gets crushed. Most of the time I see survivors wait untill I've picked up a survivor and that gives them ample time to deal with the totem and victor.
Victor isn't just a killing machine, they gave him some utility but then they added a counterplay that's less of a counter and more just removes the entire power
Also, they shouldn't balance the game around solo q when swf exists, that's just buffing swf when it's obviously the more powerful of the two. A single surv can deal with victor anyway, albeit less effectively then two
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Well if you're not aggressively defending your totem/gate or are on one of the huge maps then of course it won't be problem, but those cases wouldn't be affected if the mechanic was removed because the killer wouldn't bother or be able to do anything about it anwyay.
also if "they shouldn't balance the game around solo q when swf exists, that's just buffing swf when it's obviously the more powerful of the two" I better not catch you complaining about anything that's too strong against weaker killers but is fine against Blight, Nurse and Wesker then 😇
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Twins should probably get better CD's. That's the biggest thing why people don't like them. It feels tedious to wait after every single action for so long (I am not talking about Victor's on-miss possibility to be crushed, but about looong swapping between both of them. About impossibility to self-kill/recall victor if mispositioned. About needing to walk for ages before I can release Victor after hooking instead of AI moving inactive Charlotte/Victor for me to ensure no camping while I already use the other person).
I am totally against Victor getting free, unconditional and uncounterable ability to camp everything for the cost of 1 healthstate on survivor's side and just positioning cost on killer's side. Not to mention that it requires soloQ to be coordinated beyond the ability of even 1000hrs survivor. Huge requirements/game sense on survivor's side for virtually no requirements on killer's side. Totally unacceptable.
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You camp 1 thing at a time and you loose victor for chases it's not unconditional and why does it take 1000 hours for you to learn how to walk up to him and wait to get hit
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You need to have game sense of following ANOTHER survivor that you somehow realized have already found the devour AND you somehow know, that it's being camped by Victor. That's quite an ask of survivors. While for killer side it's take devour, leave Victor in front of devour - bonus points, don't chase too far away from your devour.
Devour if you can guarantee it being not cleansable is much stronger then whole Victor. Even though Victor is strong.
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It is so unbelievably not a guaranteed uncleanseable it is so possible to counter victor even without the ability to crouch and completely nullify his existence
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It's not. 14s guaranteed. That's 64,4m distance. That already presumes you are next to it - Victor will give you advanced warning. If you super-duper want to control it, you can swap to Chalotte the moment you hear it. That's like extra 3s at minimum. 78,2m distance where you can safely chase. More then enough to cover 4-5 gens next to your devour. Possibly whole map if you pick something smaller (Like lery's).