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If made for this gets nerfed bloodlust needs gutting



  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Oh yeah if you're just referencing BL2 or 3 then yeah I could see removing those. I suppose I was more referencing 1.

  • Member Posts: 5,105

    Stepping in with a reminder to keep the discussion and responses to others civil & respectful, please. You can respectfully disagree, without going after others, or their opinions. Thank you.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    I don't intended to be passive-aggresive, but a lot of your comments and responses seem to show that you play very little killer because you refuse to look through the killers scope.

    I don't wanna kick a dead horse because i've read 60% of the comments here, but I think you need to spend more time playing killer and get to an Average MMR, so that you can get a better of understanding that BL really isn't a crutch, but more of a band-aid fixing for a CORE GAME ISSUE that is still a problem for the game today.

  • Member Posts: 658

    Is it really a reward if I have to take the time to get to BL3 and then hear 2 to 3 gens popping after I get a down? If any killer is depending on BL3 to get a single down they already losing pretty badly and really not getting rewarded at all. Personally, I want BL2 and BL3 gone just so teaches ppl to leave chases more than stay with them but to say the killer is getting rewarded isn't really true. It's not a reward if it means you going to overall lose the match.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 160

    P65 bubba play a good amount of killer because solo queue gets unbearable after a few matches and I do look through the killers perspective as a killer I have no desire to 4K every match and sometimes even throw just to have fun I always give hatch and never tunnel the only map I ever tunnel on is mothers dwelling because that map is unbearable for killer the whole killer side of the game is more chill and less frustrating because if you lose it’s your fault no one else’s and I’m a pretty good bubba imo

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    It doesn't matter if it costs you the match. The reward is that you're pretty much guaranteed a down at that point. It rewards you for playing badly.

  • Member Posts: 795

    Wrong. Bloodlust is a built in mechanic for horrible map design. Many loops an M1 killer will never even be able to contend without bloodlust.

  • Member Posts: 51

    This is exactly my point. MTF is a GOOD perk. Not 'gamebreaking' or anything killer mains try to tell you. Its a small speedbonus. Why does every somewhat good perk need to be gutted? Like MTF is a solid perk, let survivors get a solid perk. Killers on this site complain about everything and im so tired of it. Chill out killer mains, your not being targetted by a series of attacks from behavior, your just throwing a hissyfit the second survivors get a good perk.

  • Member Posts: 132
    edited July 2023

    Hard disagree. Its a lesser bloodlust that is permanent as long as you are injured with a downside that is almost irrelevant. The loops, pallets, windows, and maps in general were designed and balanced around the killers moving a certain amount faster than the survivors. 3% MS is a hell of a lot and it makes every loop in the game so much safer and chases take so much longer.

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    Exactly, I am a killer main and I really don't see the problem with this perk. Some people are comparing it to old DH...? This perk isn't near as good. I hope it stays the way it is for a while atleast.

  • Member Posts: 21,212

    I do not believe the two are comparable.

    I would not be opposed to seeing MFT lose its Endurance proc and I would be equally unopposed to seeing Bloodlust II and III be removed.

  • Member Posts: 658
    edited July 2023

    One down doesn't mean anything if it cost you 2 to 3 gens XD You do realize dbd is a game about time management right? The cost of getting to tier 2 or 3 to get a single down means so little. Either way, I do agree with most that BL2 and BL3 could be done away with but I do not think BL2 or BL3 rewards killers, they only promote bad gameplay by staying in a chase for too long. I do think we still need BL1 tho bc of map design. On some maps you have to have bloodlust one to just catch up to a survivor like Lery's. I also add that getting a down mean nothing in dbd, shoot hooks mean nothing. What decides matches is killing a survivor as fast as possible. That why most killers camp/tunnel since downing and hook different survivors is not rewarding enough.

  • Member Posts: 51

    And im fine with them nerfing it a little bit to make it be activated somehow, but it really isnt that hard to play around, like I have never even noticed people running it but in post game ill see everyone had it. If you play smart MTF is absolutely irrelevant. And if the perk troubles you this much, just run anti exaustion builds.

  • Member Posts: 298

    They were also probably balanced around the idea that a survivor has 2 health states. If we’re going to discuss MfT as if it was a constant thing during a match, they we need to acknowledge that the survivors in question only have 1 health state and the related consequences of that - no 1st hit speed boost, chase over after 1st hit, etc.

  • Member Posts: 435

    Killers can just use that word they're so fond of, they can "adapt" to MFT, like they moan on about survs adapting to their perks constantly being nerfed and killer basekit buffs

  • Member Posts: 675

    Tbf tier 1 bloodlust is fine, Tier 2 and 3 is where u messed up very bad and agreed should probably not be a thing.

  • Member Posts: 691
    edited July 2023

    I agree BL should be removed as it is unfair that it is in the game with how amazingly well done these "reworked" maps are.

    Post edited by Trollinmon on
  • Member Posts: 263

    Only baby killers need bloodlust

  • Member Posts: 333

    Apples and oranges my guy.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Your ignoring the sunk cost for return here though. If you are bloodlusting out its already taking too long.

    No killer wants to get to bloodlust but every survivor can use the MFT speed boost.

    Sure you can make the point that blood lust rewards bad killers but isn't the same as MFT just being generally awesome.

    Nerfing one isn't exactly equivalent to nerfing the other no matter how you spin it.

    And before you crutch out on the tired "you're just a killer main" argument I'm not saying that MFT needs nerfing just that your rationale is flawed.

  • Member Posts: 582

    You’re demo, if you can’t hit them when they go for the window it’s a skill issue

  • Member Posts: 691

    How is that relevant? Is every killer Demo? Half the killer roster has no way of dealing with that without bloodlust or perks vs decent survivors.

    Also killers like Demo already don't receive bloodlust since you don't build bloodlust if you use your power.

  • Member Posts: 439

    I'm fine with Made For This if I play an M1 killer like Demogorgon, Wesker, Wraith, and so on.. ~115% killers.

    However, the moment I'm playing with ~110% killers, I'm finding the perk being really strong.. No.. Overpowered, even, and prolonging each chase by ~5 - 20 seconds per a hit, RNG dependable based on the map tiles' generation. Although you could argue that this is a skill issue and that I should use my power, that's only possible if I were to use add-ons and give myself some chance, you know?

    I do play killers without add-ons, so whatever benefit I could get isn't relevant and present within my gameplay.. So, it's ultimately only about how well I play and the players within the match play, along with the RNG; There's no getting carried by perks like Bamboozle and such, as I don't use them.

    Anyway.. My point being, Made For This should be nerfed.. Not a lot, just a little.

    If you ask me, the nerf should be decreasing its value from ~1 / 2 / 3% to ~1.5 / 2 / 2.5%, and that's it. And, yes, this would be a huge nerf and good enough to keep it a a balanced state.

    You could also claim that I can tunnel and do whatever strategy the players with competitive mindsets do use, but that's far from the gameplay I'm trying to go for, okay? I'm tired of treating the game with a competitive mindset and dominating the matches, because it's certainly not worth the effort, and all I'm doing is making the match even less pleasant for the players involved. What if they just wanna relax after a day of work? In that case, I'll try my bests to make it fun for myself and them at the same time. No tunneling, no camping, nothing of that sort.. But if they bring four Made For This, then the match is basically decided from the get-go, unless they mess up a big time during some loops.

    According to my experiences, the difference between Made For This and no Made For This equipped is being able to run from pallet to pallet or those few windows in a lucky RNG ~2 - 8 times more, which is equivalent to about ~15 - 90 seconds of a received time „just for using the perk“. Naturally, I'm gonna drop the chase if the tiles don't favour me and the generators aren't too far from my position, but even that is sometimes not of an option, especially if we're talking about SWF with VOIP. In such cases, Made For This is the main culprit and the reason why they're escaping the match. And, don't try to tell me that I don't know how to play.. I know it all after six years of experiences, including faking red stains, double backing, faking picking up the survivors, knowing how to dodge flashlights and pallet drops, (...).

    And, to bloodlust..

    That's just a band aid mechanic that has been in this game for a very long time; Removing it or nerfing it is like asking for even more players to play with killers like Sally, Lisa, Wesker, or Rin.. And as far as I know, everybody loves facing those killers when it's basically a fifty-fifty, relying on the killer to mess up, right?..

    I mean, if you wanna face more S an A tier killers, go on.. Keep on convincing people to ask for such a feedback, but then don't complain about what you've indirectly asked for. As for me, I don't want to face them that much. I do prefer a variety of the killer roaster to keep the experiences unique and interesting. Facing the same killer X matches in a row is boring, and it gets even more boring if their gameplay doesn't differ whatsoever from the previous one, especially if it's tunneling and camping.

    As long as the map RNG exists, Bloodlust shall exist aswell. They're in a harmony with each other.

    However, if maps were to stay the same with no RNG tiles anymore, then I'm in agreement to remove bloodlust.. Because that'd mean no overpowered tiles and players knowing how to play around them all in no time; Possibly avoiding them completely, resulting in a boring gameplay with no chases until you get to the point where you're nearly invincible, like waiting a meter from the exit after opening the gate. There's no way, I'm trying to down you if I know that dowing you moves your character to the exit and makes you escape without you doing anything, and this is the exact same principle.

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