Hex totems are miserable

The fact they can just spawn directly next to a survivor spawn has made me drop hexes for good. What is the point of a good perk with a drawback if the drawback is a chance for the perk to just not exist 20 seconds into the match?
They're also unbelievably difficult to protect with a fairly fast cleanse and however many other objectives you also have to protect.
I feel like killer should be allowed to choose where hexes spawn pre match, or have to place them like a boon. (Pre match preferable, boon-like hexes could potentially be insanely busted, you could have ruin at a 3 gen for example)
They are kinda weak on most killers. It's too random. I never understood how can devs be so bad at hiding totems.
"Hey look, tree in empty space, let's put key objective next to it"
I like hexes basically on Demo, Skull merchant and Singularity.
I sometimes use them on Wraith, but that's just for fun.
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There ought to be some measure that insures you're going to able to get more than just a little value (if any at all) before the hex is just gone and you're down a perk slot. With gen speed being what it currently is, you don't have time to attempt much defense of your totem without throwing the game unless you get a lucky spawn.
It's probably a good idea for the team to review hex mechanics.
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Hex totems should be protected at least 60 seconds into the round or until the first down, hex totems also need to be reworked for better placement, that way if a team wants they can pre scout totems and waste a little more time looking for them, or ignore them and try to power through whatever the totem is, I feel like that would make totems a little better, because right now it’s a gamble on whether you’ll have good use or not out of it
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There's hex thrill of the hunt(if it works the same as it used to) which alerts you any time someone starts cleansing a totem. Haunted grounds and pentimento which punishes survivors for cleansing totems.
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Totem spawns did get reworked a year or two ago and are drastically better. But every map released since hasn't had the same treatment for some reason.
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No, they are not.
I have been playing for 3 years and they are same or worse.
Only indoor maps have some decent totem spawns.
If you think totem spawns are better, then go check Eyrie of Crows. Some totem spawns are so bad I want to cleanse them myself.
You can have totem like 1 meter next to a generator inside one of those sand pits...
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Like I said maps released since they redid totem spawns having gotten the same treatment
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Then it was kinda pointless to "fix"(which they didn't) when they screw it again...
Swamp still have basically guaranteed totem spawns.
Autohaven still has totems next to tree in open space.
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It feels more like obscenely high risk pretty mediocre reward
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Totem spots are getting better alright...for one side.
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I was not aware of that, that really sucks
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Hexed and boons both need to be fixed. They're both in a bad spot right now.
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Sadly they "buffed" it to annoy boon users slightly, but removed the best part about it for defending hex perks.
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Hexes are not bad. Ask any survivor main. Yes there is a risk of them being cleansed early. But given the strength of their effects, it's certainly warranted. If you want your hex to stand you will need to defend it. And if you want to make it harder for them to cleanse then there is undying, thrill of the hunt, etc. Most of the hex perks are so devastating that survivors will be stupid to not drop what they're doing to search for it. Yes, some hexes are a bit weaker than others, but they all can be devastating to survivors, depending on killer, map, add ons etc.
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Most of the hex perks are so devastating? That's true basically only for Devour Hope.
Rest can be ignored and it's usually not worth looking for it. Luckily spawns are trash, so you will find it sooner or later while chasing or working on gen.
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Devour hope will need to be nerfed if they are going to buff hex perks.
Blood favor, third seal, (buffed) crowd control and ruin are all very strong hexes. And obviously the only ones being used. Crowd control is going to be a very scary hex once the buff is released.
And certain killers, huntress lullaby is kind of scary as well. Pig and doctor come to mind.
I hardly think survivors will want to ignore those.
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I think it depends on the hex as well as the map. I don't think anyone questions the utility of Plaything, Pentimento, Devour Hope, Blood Favor, and Crowd Control once it gets its buff. Also I think some people have unrealistic expectations for the consistency of how long they expect hexes to last. If you want more consistency and/or value, Undying and possibly Pentimento are necessary to use in conjunction with whatever hex you planned on using in the first place.
Something like Huntress Lullaby on Disturbed Ward is big yikes and will be gone 1 minute or less into the game, but a Blood Favor on Lery's can last the whole game and provide immense value.
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Totems are just an outdated mechanic, much like a significant portion of the game's content. It's a shame that the developers prefer to prioritize releasing new characters instead of improving and evolving the overall gameplay.
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blood favor, new crowd control, dhope, noed and 3rd seal (though only in soloQ) are hexes you shouldn't really ignore. FtD depends on other perks, plaything depends on killer, huntress and ruin def need buffs.
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Blood favor - predrop pallet if needed
third seal - blidness, who cares
crowd control - map dependant
ruin - hard nerfed, waste more time to look for it than actual ruin effect
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NOED is late game and you can definetly ignore it and just leave if needed.
Crowd control highly depends on map, but sure it will be decent with buff.
Blood favor is countered by pallet predop, it usually does anything only if you don't know about it. It can work on fast killers.
I talked about Devour hope, that's only one where you are going to die if you ignore it.
All other hex perks is possible to ignore and finish game with them active.
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Technically you can ignore dhope as well. There are killer players that will hard-guard the totem - in this specific case it's better to just finish gens. But usually, you just have to cleanse the totem. Same as all the other mentioned (NOED included - you rarely have everyone be able to leave before you can down someone with noed - thanks to 5% speed bonus). Blood favor sure needs you to burn thru pallets - if you are not on the game or maybe shattered square, then you won't have enough pallets to ignore it.
That being said. I will repeat myself that hexes should get immunity for first 20s of match to be cleansable. At least give enough time that killer can move to them or have at least some chance to use them.
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Rather immunity why not display hex (light effect) after that duration instead. Looks like dull first 20 sec
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I would be perfectly ok with that solution too
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I don't think this would solve anything, they can still spawn next to the first gen everyone hops on
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Sure, but they don't know it's a hex.
If it is only blocked they know about it even if they are walking around (searching for gen) and can simply return later.
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This is worth testing imo.