Quick idea for a trapper rework

~Trapper Rework~

Trapper's speed increased by 1% for each disarmed trap on the map and each trap in his bag while not in chase.

Trapper's speed increased by 5% while a survivor is caught in a bear trap and the Trapper is not in chase.

Trapper's speed increases by 5% for 3 seconds after picking up a trap while in chase.

When resetting a Bear Trap, the aura of the Survivor who had disarmed it is revealed for 3 seconds.

The Trapper starts the trial with 3 bear traps equipped and 5 spawned randomly throughout the trial grounds, with spawn preference given to areas near windows and pallets

Bear Traps in the environment are deployed by default

Bear Traps no longer trap the trapper if he steps into it, instead disarming the trap

Traps now take 6 seconds to disarm

Traps now take 8 seconds to escape from and 4.5 seconds to be rescued from. Escape and rescue are guaranteed.

Bear traps are now much darker (equivalent of tar bottle)

~Add-On Changes~

tar bottle removed

Trapper Gloves: Traps take 1 second less to set up.

Makeshift Wrap: Stepping on traps no longer disarms them.

4-Coil Spring Kit: Increases the bear trap disarm time by 1 second.

*New* Squeaky Hinges (rare): Survivors disarming a trap or rescuing another survivor from a trap have the Oblivious status affect which lingers for 3 seconds after finishing the disarm or rescue action.

Fastening tools: Increase bear trap rescue and escape time by 1.5 seconds, decrease bear trap setting time by 0.5 seconds

Trapper Sack: All Bear Traps are carried at the beginning of the Trial instead of spawning throughout the Trial Grounds.

Oily Coil: When a survivor escapes a trap or is rescued their aura is revealed for 5 seconds.


  • JdoHybrid428
    JdoHybrid428 Member Posts: 87

    Interesting. Not taking the add-on changes into consideration, I think most of the core changes would be really cool add-ons(but there would be one more obvious broken combo with the current purple bag that allows you to carry all traps at the beginning). Otherwise I think it's definitely a cool direction.

    'A minute later'

    They've made some of these changes to the Trapper already, I believe. (Unless they reverted them). I'm really confused now. Do you actually play mobile instead of the main game? I might be confusing the two trapper versions but I believe the main game got the rework to trapper a while back that changed some of those add ons already.

  • Frogsplosion
    Frogsplosion Member Posts: 273

    I was operating off of the wiki which I kind of just assumed was correct

  • JdoHybrid428
    JdoHybrid428 Member Posts: 87

    Ah, ok. Yeah the Trapper got an overhaul rework to his add-ons sometime in the past couple years. I do like the aura approach to his power. I was thinking maybe they could make his trap not injure survivors trap by them. When a survivor gets trapped they can free themselves at a base 10seconds (maybe) and once they're free they have deep wounds which they have to mend. It'd work just like all other deep wounds. But they would be healthy unless they let the deep wounds timer run out and they'd be put into the dying state. On the killer side though, the aura of all survivors in traps are constantly shown to you(meaning once they're out of the trapp he no longer sees their aura). Being the base of his kit. Probably would have to add something else along with it though. If he hits someone who is affected by deep wounds due to his traps then they'll only lose one health state. Of course most of his add-ons would get changed to longer trapped times and others effects.(Like what you described) Be a cool direction.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited July 2023

    why I ever want to set any traps as trapper? the haste is way better then setting traps... I value the ability to counter holding-w way more then my ability to disable pallets/loops.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    I like the idea that Trapper gets a speed boost from having a Survivor in a trap.

    its sorta fits the Agitation perk

    Would be nice to see that baked into his main power.

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,030

    Not sure what wiki you've been using, because the DbD one clearly says that Trapper Sack allows you to carry all traps from the start.

  • Frogsplosion
    Frogsplosion Member Posts: 273

    Yes but it also says that you can't move them anymore once you place them down which is the part I got rid of

  • Frogsplosion
    Frogsplosion Member Posts: 273

    Because the haste turns off when you get into a Chase, so you can't actually use it to down survivors it's just a travel bonus

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    but you can moonwalk/look at the floor to keep haste effect while chasing loops similar to very old legion deep wound mechanic.

  • Frogsplosion
    Frogsplosion Member Posts: 273

    A simple fix would then to be implementing a cooldown on the haste effect such as when the chase starts it goes on cool down for 10 seconds and can't be reactivated until you've left the chase for at least 5 seconds or something of that nature.

    Basically what I was trying to get at is that m1 killers like trapper desperately need an "out of combat" travel time boost for bigger maps especially but also just in general given how fast the game currently moves.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited July 2023

    the difference in mobility between 110% m/s and 115 m/s is very minor. 8% difference in map traverse is minimal time waste. haste has most impact in chases especially when your far away from the survivor and your trying to catch-up to them as they continuously greed loops and distance to maximize time waste. Scottjund had a video on that in regard map traversal between 110% and 115% m/s. moving around quickly outside of teleportation/extremely fast movement speed(billy chainsaw) will not save that much time.

    biggest time sinks for killer are finding survivors, chasing survivors(both pre-chase and in-chase) and putting them on a hook. Yes i am not joking about last one. haste might be useful to get to survivor quicker but an easier solution to that is making survivor unable to escape and fall to the floor automatically. I am honestly not sure why survivor making a mistake of walking into a trap deserves second chances vs ability. a trick to getting to trapped survivors is playing 1 area. trapper's ability is kinda 3 gen-lock down focused because traps that are set far away take too long for you to reach survivor that step on them. Worse if they disarmed, you will take long walk to re-arm them. judging from skull merchant's reception, survivor probably do not want trapper to be strong due to their great dislike to 3 gen strategy killers.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,030
    edited July 2023