This is quite possibly the longest post I have ever done but here is a detailed list of every rift cosmetic not yet added to the store with pictures, enjoy, and let the devs know that you want these back if you do, BUT, please, be respectful!
I am not including seasonal/event cosmetics since those are all time based and will return when their respective events. I have also not included any deep rift varients from recent rifts as those are confirmed by the devs to be exclusive to people who grinded the rift (unfortunately).
Tome 1 - Rift 1: Awakening
The Huntress: Miss Pussens
The Huntress: Lacquered Wono Ax
Nea Karlsson: Billboard Blue Cap
Nea Karlsson: Urban Country Vest Top
David King: King of Kings
David King: Fog Soldier Cargo Pants
Tome 2 - Rift 2: Reckoning
The Trapper : Pain Flail (Copper) (Thanks @Iron_Cutlass!)
The Wraith : Glowing Vigil (Orange)
The Huntress: Hunting Hitatare (Winter Blue)
The Legion: Fairview Varsity Jacket (Graffiti)
The Plague: Crown of Conviction
Feng Min: Last Quarter Skirt
Meg Thomas: Alpine Ski Vest
Claudette Morel: Tinted Walnut Glasses
Ace Visconti: Splashin’ the Pot
Jeff Johansen: Bloody Xmas
Tome 3 - Rift 3: Escalation
The Spirit: Thunder & Lightning
The Hillbilly: Wild Cap
The Nurse: Metacarpal Saw (Cool Rust)
The Hag: Dreaded Husks
David King: London Dawn Training Jacket
Meg Thomas: Flash Leather Leggings
Nea Karlsson: Nuclear Skies Pixie Bob
Feng Min: Cartoon Bang & Ponytail
Tome 4 - Rift 4 : Conviction
The Oni: Vengeful Lord
The Trapper: Circus Brawns
The Doctor: Naval Warfare
David King: Wave Runner
Jake Park: Ranchman
The Spirit: Seifuku (Red)
The Legion: Boot Knife
The Nurse: Hazmat Mask
The Doctor: Bloodied Pincushion
Yui Kimura: Second Gear Shirt
Jane Romero: Bohemian Wonder
Dwight Fairfield: 8-Bit Pizza Hoodie
Claudette Morel: Blueberry Skirt
Tome - Rift 5 : Unleashed
Nea Karlsson: System Smasher
Tome 6 - Rift 6 : Divergence
The Legion: Rabid Seadog
The Trapper: Deep Frostbite
The Hillbilly: Williwaw’s Touch
Nea Karlsson: Marine Guardian
Claudette Morel: Montreal Chill ( Confirmed to be Rift Exclusive in Trailer, unfortunately.) (Thank you @Satelit!)
Claudette Morel: Northern Flurry
Dwight Fairfield: Office Santa
Dwight Fairfield: Wildland Adventurer
Meg Thomas: Golden Summer
Felix Richter: Mountain Scout (Confirmed to be exclusive in Trailer, unfortunately.) (Thank you @Satelit!)
Tome 7 - Rift 7 : Forsaken
The Plague: The Maiden Guard
The Blight: Tragic Monstrocity
The Huntress: Apex Ursine
The Deathslinger : One-Shot Bandit
Jane Romero: The Interviewer Extraordinaire
Jeff Johansen: Maniac Rider
Felix Richter: Autumn Getaway
Tome 8 - Rift 8 : Deliverance
Jake Park: Leafy Green
Nea Karlsson: Dead Surf
Zarina Kassir: On the Move
Dwight Fairfield: Stand-Out Style
Tome 9 - Rift 9 : Crescendo
The Trapper: Hack-O-Lantern (Potentially releasing when the seasonal collection returns(?) (Thank you @BarnesFlam!)
The Plague: Maiden of Vanity (Community Cosmetic, will likely return) (Thank you @BarnesFlam!)
The Clown: Pumpkin Eater (Potentially releasing when the seasonal collection returns(?) (Thank you @BarnesFlam!)
The Wraith: Lord Dracula (Potentially releasing when the seasonal collection returns(?) (Thank you @BarnesFlam!)
Élodie Rakoto: Afropunk (Community cosmetic, will likely return)
Feng Min: Nexus Ranger
Feng Min: Mime Time (Potentially releasing when the seasonal collection returns(?) (Thank you @BarnesFlam!)
Dwight Fairfield: The Adventurer (Potentially releasing when the seasonal collection returns(?) (Thank you @BarnesFlam!)
Ace Visconti: Disco’s Dead (Potentially releasing when the seasonal collection returns(?) (Thank you @BarnesFlam!)
Jeff Johansen: Scourge of the Seas (Potentially releasing when the seasonal collection returns(?) (Thank you @BarnesFlam!)
Tome 11 - Rift 11 : Devotion
The Trickster: Glittering Magpie
The Nurse: Demure Dismemberer
The Hillbilly: Cabin Fever
Feng Min: Shorefront Enssemble (JUST RETURNED) (Thank you @Jhei & @BarnesFlam!)
Adam Francis: Commuter Casual
Dwight Fairfield: Mellow Fellow
Meg Thomas: Vacation Pastels
Claudette Morel: Rosy Rumbler
Any Tomes/Rifts not included (like Tome 10: Rift 10 - SAW) have had all of their skins added to the store or are too recent to be added to the store, I believe it takes at least a year or sometimes two for BHVR to add them. But feel free to let me know anything I missed in the comments!
BONUS Amazon Prime Exclusives:
Year 1:
The Artist: Altered Perception
The Artist: Deluded Perception
The Blight: Seething Ice
Dwight Fairfield: Love Hurts
Jake Park: Fancy Family Dinner
Meg Thomas: Cycle Courier
Year 2:
Haddie Kaur: Online Interview Get-Up (THIS HAS RETURNED) (Thank you @BarnesFlam!)
Jeff Johansen: Cold Weather Cocoon
The Plague: The Maiden Guard (Yes, it is the same as the rift one)
The Trickster: Golden Skull Mask
The Legion: Luminescent Carver
Feng Min: Nexus Ranger (Supernova)
The Artist: Indelible Stain
Jane Romero: Well-Deserved Hollidays
BONUS BONUS 4th Year Crowns:
Okay I lied about the no event cosmetics in this instance because, while the 5th Crowns have been given out with codes and the past Masquerade Masks were in the store, the 4th Year Crowns have not reappeared in any form. The picture is of Ace's because he is my favorite but they also exist for:
Dwight Fairfield, Meg Thomas, Claudette Morel, Jake Park, Nea Karlsson, Feng Min, David King, Kate Denson, Adam Francis, Jeff Johansen, Jane Romero, Yui Kimera, Zarina Kassir, The Trapper, The Wraith, The Hillbilly, The Nurse, The Hag, The Doctor, The Huntress, The Clown, The Spirit, The Legion (Frank & Julie), The Plague, The Oni, and The Deathslinger.
BONUS BONUS BONUS (Thank you to @BarnesFlam!):
Two exclusive April Fools head cosmetics.
Adam Francis: Pixelated Glasses
Dwight Fairfield: Propeller Head
I have written you all a book with pictures, so I beg:
Please let me know anything I missed or included that shouldn't be, thank you!
(Also if you made it to the end, thank you for reading!)
Special thank you to Mod @Rizzo who combined my two threads into one, and another special thanks to @BarnesFlam who has partaken in all of my threads on this topic and helped out with this list so much. To everyone else who has participated/will participate, THANK YOU! You guys are the GOATS!
Apologies in advance if the format is weird, I have tried my best to make it look cohesive, but if I change one thing it messes up another.
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Tome 9 had a lot of outfits that did get re-released to the store, but then were retro-vaulted because of being part of time-limited collections, a concept that nobody likes.
And Haddie's Amazon Prime outfit did get re-released. The only one to do so.
Post edited by Rizzo on10 -
That is pretty lame actually, but yeah I thought that when looking for them in the in-game store, I knew I had seen them there at some point, do you know which ones will be coming back when their respective collections/events come back?
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
I did notice most of these are single pieces given out in tomes.
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I have alot on my Switch but I don't play on that anymore. Would really like Zarina's red top to hit the stores, it's one of my faves
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There's so many of these that I would gladly buy if they came to the store.
I really don't understand why they don't release them - it's essentially free money for BHVR. They already have the cosmetics made, all they need to do is make them available to purchase.
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Amazon rewards are probably exc, so i would not expect them to be added to store.
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The Trapper: Hack-O-Lantern; The Clown: Pumpkin Eater; The Wraith: Lord Dracula; Feng Min: Mime Time; Dwight Fairfield: The Adventurer; Ace Visconti: Disco’s Dead; Jeff Johansen: Scourge of the Seas are all part of the same Halloween collection, iirc.
From the same rift, Elodie and the Plague's Outfits are Community contest winners, so they are bound to be in the store at some point (aren't there already?).
Haddie's Amazon Prime outfit did get re-released. The only one to do so.
And there is also those:
We got a "proper" thread for time-limited collections. It's not properly listed, but you can find pictures through the pages.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
Yeah, when are these coming to the store? Do they not want money, genuinely asking and not being sarcastic.
Post edited by Rizzo on4 -
I would buy so many of those. Not all right away because I’m not made of auric cells, but I’d get them eventually 😎
Post edited by Rizzo on4 -
with bhvrs new changes on og cosmetics going being available with shards after a while they probs dont think its worth it
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
I have been asking for ages and haven't really heard anything back unfortunately. But I have the same mindset as you, it is literally free money for them.
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Thank you! I will update the info when I can, I can add those Dwight and Adam heads too, I completely forgot about those. Also PUBG Dwight, but that is probs a licensing issue more than anything.
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They literally didn't need to do that though and only introduced that policy because they wanted to soften up the community before introducing time-gated cosmetics.
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Haddie's came back actually! So it is possible.
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The timing is super convinient LMAO, you are definitely right
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Considering the amount of vaulted cosmetics, i don't think there is at least one player that will unlock all those with shards.
Reminder that a Very Rare/purple outfit is 21.6k.
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@Rizzo Thank you for combining the threads! It was fetting very confusing for me lol
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The Tomes are only listed so it is easier to find the associated Rift, all of the single piece cosmetics were part of the regular rift track, they just stopped doing them after rift 5 or so.
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I have wanted the Purple Ace shirt since I started playing, it would be an instant buy from me.
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I remember skipping a couple of those rifts and thinking, "Well, the one cosmetic I kind of like will probably come to the store eventually..."
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and why would that matter to them if its likely or not? it still would probs feel like a waste of time to them
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This really puts into perspective about how I feel about the Prime rewards.
It was really tragic that The Artist (and Haddie for while) had their green-rarity outfits shoved on there when the previous standard was to release those to the store the same day the character came out.
Another thing, the fact that they seemingly pick one outfit from an existing collection to make exclusive with seemingly no rhyme or reason. The Dwight one could have released with the David & Kate Valentine's outfits, Jeff's could have been in the store with Nea, Doctor, and Slinger's metamorphosis outfits. And most recently, Jane's prime outfit was obviously part of the Brazil collection. They just pick one and make it exclusive which is a bit of a slap in the face.
I feel like the one-piece items like Trickster's mask or the glowing Legion knife were more fitting for Prime rewards, at least they felt original, and not like existing outfits repurposed. The free battlepass is still the best reward they've ever done though.
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Trickster's mask and Legion's knife were part of the worst prime rewards, only losing to BP
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Sorry! lol
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Yeah it really is unfortunate, it also shows how inconsistent the rules are when it comes to what comes bacl vs not, it genuinely feels like a dartboard selection.
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And it isnt unreasonable to think that, they said they would all come back, but it is so random what does vs doesn't I just wish we knew for sure what was on the radar and what isn't.
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I just want to own all of the Legion cosmetics one day. It's a struggle. Graffiti hoodie, boot knife, and pirate outfit. I mean, year 4 crowns would be great too, but just the others would be fine.
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That is where I am at, I have every Ace cosmetic except Splashin' the Pot and the 4th year crown, I am not asking for legacy or anything like that, just the ability to buy something that was free YEARS later. It just bums me out, I just think they look nice, and I know that there is even more stuff after doing this list that I have that other people want and it makes me feel bad for those people too.
BHVR is just missing out on money at this point, I don't understand their mindset, there is literally no downside for them, the assets are already in the game. They don't need to make a spectacle out of it, no new shop banners, just add them to the shop, simple as.
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I personally disagree. At least with those, they look pretty cool and you don't feel like you're missing out on an entire outfit. The artifact rarity is also something that's rarely seen in DBD.
I'd say the outfits should at least be in the store with the others from the collection. Even if they're new, the prime could give you it free while it's new, so still being a good deal.
Personally the worst was reusing the Maiden Guard outfit from the rift, followed by the bloodpoints, then the charms. I'm fine with Rift Fragments actually because 10 levels is a lot and gives me more free time.
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From complete skins to a single skin piece and recolors of weapons? No thanks
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One less, still a ton left to go.
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YES, apparently there are a bunch of new cosmetics coming in July-August so maybe they are going to knock more out too?
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I saw they released an old Rift costume. I hope they keep it up and I hope your post gets noticed. You put a lot of work into it.
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Yeah it would be really cool for someone from BHVR to at least acknowledge this post lol
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I didn't have time to play during the time the Frostbite skins were available and tbh the only outfits I do want. Frozen Trapper and Frozen Hillbilly would be nice to have as an option to buy - but just in general all the "limited" skins.
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Yeah, not everyone has time to play all the time, or didn't even know the game existed when these released. It would be nice for people to at least be able to buy them if they missed out.
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That or the opposite. Supposedly next patch will have the Summer event, possibly could come with a new time-limited collection and new vault.
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It could be wishful thinking, but it would also be a good opportunity to add everything they haven't yet. They do seem to be slightly overhauling the store of late. Hopefully no more exclusive stufd but we will see in time. Even if they only add one single piece cosmetic, it means there os a chance for more. I am trying to stay positive until I hear yay or nay from the devs lol
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We believe in you BHVR! You can do the right thing!
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Yea, it’s so cool! I need the Disco’s Dead one too for Halloween!
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Yeah weirdly Ace has almost no Halloween related cosmetics aside from that one, hopefully he gets one of those skeleton shirts this year!
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He’d make a good pirate if they wanna give him a costume!
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I have been rooting for a Pirate or Cowboy Ace since I started playing, he also doesn't have a blighted skin yet so maybe thay would be a good place to implement something like that!
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I would love to see more blighted skins for survivors!
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Why is Pain Flail listed on there?
It was made a free item for Trapper a long time ago.
I looked it up, the cosmetics is called "Pain Flail [Copper]", you might want to change the name to avoid confusion.
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Updated, thank you!
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Claudette's Montreal Chill and Felix's Mountain Scout were said to be exclusive in their rift trailer,they're not popular outfits so it went under everyone's radar,it's really stupid.
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That is actually so dumb, but thank you I will update and credit you!
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Updated the list with more credit given to the community, again, thank you all so much! Also fixed the spacing lol