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Why is BHVR so afraid to nerf tunnelling?

Tunnelling is popular strategy from day one.

It was understandable when maps was so survivorside.

It was tolerable when DS was strong.

Now maps nerfed and DS is garbage.

So why BHVR is not doing anything for this unhealthy strategy. It's very hated by survivors but yet BHVR is just ignoring all complains.

Imagine you are paying for this game but then one player just does not allow you to play.

Before someone is coming with "USE OTR" let me say this. OtR is the worst anti-tunnel perk ever. It has very easy counter, early hit. DS was so much better.

Plus DS was unexpected, killer did not know you have it or not. But it's so easy to figure if you have OTR.

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  • Member Posts: 1,298

    It's hard to make a decisive strike(3 seconds lmao why bhvr) against tunneling without it being abused or disruptive to the match. Trying to code a system that "detects" tunnel without it being easily worked around or easily abused is simply very hard.

    Just unnerf DS please

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Maybe i am bit overacting, probably you are right.

    But honestly, tunnelling feels worse. DS always gave me fight back chance when it was strong enough. But now i have nothing. OtR is really not good to stop tunnelling. It's not effective like old DS.

    And i never saw tunnelling was that popular, it was always in game but it's now almost every game. Some games it's me, some games one of the my teammates. I don't think currently we have healthy game.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    I think ds was even too weak with the timer 60s timer being too short so it punishes you from playing well. It should be 80s like otr and the skill check should be easier as it punishes new players who need it the most. If doing these changes I think the perk is fine while increasing the stun to either 3,5s or 4s giving bit more distance for survivor. Nurse and blight it could stun longer.

  • Member Posts: 1,141

    That's a bit of a stretch honestly...maps are still stupid, DS is still strong despite what sheep say, OTR exists, gens can go by very quickly still, etc. Tunneling is still a necessary evil, it can't really go away until they fix the things that make it as such or at the same time, so it's a lot of work especially for the bhvr standards we know

  • Member Posts: 498

    None of the M1 killers are any good at tunneling unless its a really sparse map like Rotten Fields, any decent player can run them long enough for at least 3-4 gens to pop with unhook BT, in which its on the team to finish the last gen and get a 2 out at worst. I don't really see the problem with that.

    The problem is when people who play the best killers tunnel, because I think a Blight/Wesker/Spirit tunnel is virtually uncounterable unless the player is terrible.

    But that just means those killers need to be nerfed, not that survivors need even more tunnel protection.

    The issue with making basekit anti tunnel features is that it will be used offensively instead of defensively like how BT is used right now, which can lead to all sorts of problems.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    I am sharing my opinion on forum. I have no rule book. Be respectful.

    There is some maps are problematic, true but i don't think most of maps are that bad. They are just fine. But some killers are so weak, even maps like Midwich probably feeling bad for them. So these killers should be buffed.

    I am not against buffing the other side , it's just i am asking for more fun and healthy game design.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    I agree with you mostly, but tunneling also alleviates pressure from gens with survivors trying to body block for the tunneled person and maybe getting slugged in the process. It's also extremely powerful when the killer can find the weak link(s) and currently that is not very difficult to do (usually the no prestige or prestige 1 Claud/Meg/Dwight/Jake/David etc.) and these people's only skill is doing gens not looping.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    You really did not play this game in first years, do you? Where Gyms had 2 pallets. Where god pallets was next to each other. It was nightmare.

    Non of current maps can compare with this

  • Member Posts: 1,141

    I agree completely, I want more fun game design too, it realistically just can't really be that way yet, esp depending on how much they're prioritizing it, which noone knows

  • Member Posts: 691
    edited July 2023

    When they changed old DS everyone stopped running it because it wasn't god mode anymore and they ended up needing to make the obsession icon permanent in games since killers would tunnel hard in games where there wasn't a DS user. The only thing healthy when DS was in the meta was the passive deterrent.

    I would think they are fine with how OTR is working since they haven't touched that perk still. If tunneling is really bad you can run the anti-tunnel perk and reduce the effectiveness of that strategy. At the end of the day if they were looking to do something more with tunneling I would think it would be a passive deterrent that survivors can't use offensively. If that was the case I don't see it being a quick and simple change and they also have the anti-face camp mechanic coon soon. At the end of the day there is only so much they can do at one time.

    Post edited by Trollinmon on
  • Member Posts: 178

    And a survivors job is to survive. This is always such a weird statement.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Even if you did get hit with DS, 3 seconds is VERY little. It’s really only 2 seconds since 1 second of the animation is spent dropping the survivor to the floor. As @MikaelaWantsYourBoon said, just don’t focus down one survivor and you’ll be fine. Don’t act like DS doesn’t have counterplay, because it absolutely does.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited July 2023

    the counter-play is eating the perk and playing strong efficient chasing killer that downs swiftly.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    You wanna know a fun fact? You won’t have to eat the stun ever if you don’t tunnel immediately off hook early game.

  • Member Posts: 528

    I actually think that BHVR can't really nerf it. Think about the ways they could:

    Basekit OTR would still be abused to bodyblock and wouldn't really discouage tunneling all that well

    Basekit 5 second DS would be the same

    Reverting the DS nerf wouldn't be enough.

    I had a suggestion to remove tunneling via making it so survivors have no collision and hitboxes until they commit a conspicous action or a minute has passed.

    The responses boiled down to:

    I can't harrass the killer via bodyblocking if this happened

    The game would be unplayable if I couldn't hard tunnel at 5 gens.

    It would be "unrealistic".

    The community doesn't want their toys taken away, and if tunneling was removed they'd have to "adapt", which doesn't happen in DBD.

    What happens to perks people don't like? Screams after screams after screams until the developers change it.

    Both sides would be screaming here, so no one would adapt, and nothing could change.

  • Member Posts: 937

    Tell that to my friends who experienced less than 5 minute matches due to being tunneled and all quit for good :(

  • Member Posts: 63

    tunneling feels worse because of the gen speed my friend. Killers feel the need to tunnel someone out because the clock is ticking and it ticks and the gens speed light. When you lose 2-3 gens by the time you have 1-2 successful down. You know you gotta get someone out ASAP. Im sure most killers would stop tunneling if they wouldnt lose gens that quick. This wouldnt solve the problem 100%, of course they will always be tunneler , but im sure it would be from time to time vs unexperienced killers. Compare to now almost every game.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    No, because it's still better to just smack that person off of hook and continue to tunnel.

    Tunneling needs to be re-balanced in the base-game, not through perks.

  • Member Posts: 3,271
    edited July 2023

    Which tunneling are we talking about?

    Reducing or even denying a player his choice who and what to target is a rather big change.

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    If you slug a decisive strike user for 60 seconds ->60 second that 3 people can rush generators+potencial pick-up.

    Why are you standing there staring at a survivor that will not do gens, will not heal anyone, will not pick anyone up, will not make rescues, will not do totems and will not do any hook denial, instead of going for the 3 people that are doing generators?

    Slugging a DS user is the entire counterplay. The entire perk is disabled if you just do not hit spacebar. If you hit /ignore on the guy who was unhooked in the last 60 seconds.

    This is not DS punishing you, this is you making a colossal misplay because you're that laser-focused on hard-tunnelling that you forget the entire rest of the game.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    They did already nerf it.

    Basekit bt+haste means you can make it 44 meters before you can get downed. If you have a bit of sense of where good loops are you pretty much always have a fighting chance.

    And while i do agree it's a tad too effective (or rather spreading hooks is too innefective) it's really not that high on the priority list.

    First off it's clearly intentional. It's a elimination based game. Why are you playing a elimination based game and then be upset you got eliminated?

    If you die first in games like fortnite or amongus or whatever are you also upset?

    Second for the "it's not fun" argument. Yeah it's not fun when you are eliminated quickly. Just like it's no fun when you play a fighting game and get flawlessed in 20 seconds. Or get projectile spammed when you can't deal with it.

    You know what those things have in common? The mayority of the time it's cause you played badly.

    95% of cases being tunneled is a excuse of the survivors misplays. Unhookers dissapearing the moment the unhook has happened, survivors running to the edge of the map where they are cornered instead of to the center, survivors not knowing how to run the main building of the map and prefer to run to unsafe pallets, etc etc etc...

    If you play a fighting game and you refuse to learn how to block, can you really complain about getting rushed down? It's 100% in the killers hand if you get tunneled but outside of 2-3 killers with busted addons it's all in your hands how effective it is.

    Third the no playing argument. This one is just plainly wrong. That's the argument for camping. You are playing the game when tunneled. You're playing the most excitting part of the game even. It's up to you however how long it last.

    Fourth it's just the most logical thing to do. As long as a survivor on dead hook is equally efficient on gens as somebody who has never been hooked it's a fool's errant to not go after the one that's eliminated faster.

    If you play RPG you also want to focus one enemy at a time unless there is a mechanic added that specifically makes that less viable.

    Which is ultimately the price that's going to have to be payed if you want tunneling nerfed.

    Why are the devs afraid to nerf tunneling? Cause 4 survivors are by design overwhelming for the killer.

    Unless you bring hefty nerfs to the survivors by penalties on being hooked for the first time or whatever then that's not going to change.

    Do want to clarify that i would like seeing tunneling not be the end all be all strategy if you want to win. But it's pretty clear that some drastic changes are going to be needed if you want to remove that option

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    That's just not true.

    Killers got best anti-gen meta ever with CoB + Overcharge + Eruption.

    These perks made gens very slow and yet killers did not stop camping and tunnelling. And this ended for them losing these perks. Some anti-camp changes as well.

    It's not realistic. Killers will always tunnel, even if game is so easy for them.

  • Member Posts: 394

    BHVR is afraid of killers' backlash and to disappoint popular content creators. It's just more safe to keep the game killer-sided instead of trying to shift into more healthy, balanced and perspective state of the game. As you can see survivors don't really complain that much so it's another factor to just keep things as they are

  • Member Posts: 1,105
    edited July 2023

    Back in the day I was not tunneling and had time to hook another survivor and still eat a DS.

    It was mostly used offensively.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    I don't know if DS should go back to 5 seconds, but what they should change is that the stun applies AFTER the survivor breaks free.

    So effectively the killer is stunned for 4 seconds, but you get 3 seconds of distance as opposed to only 2 seconds currently. Wouldn't be opposed to it applying on both hook states either.

    Unfortunately yes, tunnelling and camping will always be a thing.

    If gens are too fast, killers feel pressured to get a kill.

    But if gens are too slow then killers have no downside to camping or tunnelling because the threat of gen rushing is reduced.

    So then you add in a bunch of ways to discourage tunnelling and camping... but then its evened out by the fact that a longer chase on a survivor who is on death hook is often still more beneficial than a shorter chase on a survivor who hasn't been hooked. So then you make the anti-tunnelling stronger, but then survivors just abuse it and it goes against what it was intended for and NOT tunnelling becomes detrimental because survivors are trying to force you into it (like how if a survivor body blocks you with BT you are better off chasing them rather than continue chasing the unhooker) or survivors become near invincible (the old "small PP build").

    So it's a very hard thing to balance because it's always going to be an effective and generally safe strategy or survivors can abuse those who don't tunnel.

    There's no real way to fix. The best way I can think of is to make the reward for not tunnelling better than the reward for tunnelling, but I have no idea how that is possible or what to even do.

  • Member Posts: 2,207

    I mean I'd probably say DS is one of if not the best survivor perk in the game rn. You just need to know when and where to go down so you're still in a decent position after it activates. Only killers id say it's mediocre against is spirit and nurse but even then it's still a pretty good timewaster.

    Unfortunately tunnelling will always be the most effective strat unless they massively rework the base game. I don't think its too big of an issue though since it has a lot of counterplay involving taking hits, DS, DH,, and just looping well enough for the tunnel to be not worth it (easier said than done against some killers).

  • Member Posts: 6,564
    edited July 2023

    Or maybe we should get anti-tunnel mechanic or perk which makes survivor lose collision. Let's say for 60 seconds.

    Survivor can't use it as weapon. Killer can't chase them.

    Ofcourse this will make tunnelling less viable but for cost, they can buff killers in general.

    Hey Mr Killer, please don't down me here. I am on dead zone right now, my DS will be wasted because i have not any loop near. Can you please get me down next to shack. Thank you so much!

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    That still can be abused though because without collision you can stand inside the killer and auto aim will hit them.

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