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Feedback and Suggestions

Wesker = Jack of all trades?

Remember when devs nerfed Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, because it was a "jack of all trades"? Wesker is one too, shouldn't he receive the same treatment?

Wesker's power:

  • great mobility
  • good antiloop
  • side objective for survivors (spraying)
  • killer instinct notifies you of a survivor's whereabouts, so you can easily tunnel them, especially if they're injured
  • full infections hinders you, including mid-chase, so even if you're really good in chase, the hindered status effect loses you the chase prematurely
  • if he hits 2 survivors close to each other (including right after unhooking), wesker's attack injures (or puts in deep wound) both of the people

Considering all of this, it's no wonder he is so popular. Doesn't this guarantee a nerf? I mean, if you give a killer everything, then yeah, why would people want to play other killers who have less abilities? What are your thoughts?

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  • Member Posts: 5,502

    This is quite the reach, like is Wesker overperforming? on what basis other than him being a good Killer, are you proposing to nerf him?

  • Member Posts: 1,215

    The devs have the history of nerfing the things that are too popular. 50% heal speed self-care was arguably a bad perk, and the devs nerfed it because it was too popular . They even wanted to nerf Hillbilly's engraving add-ons because they were too popular, not because they were overpeforming. So by that logic, yes, Wesker needs a nerf just based on his excessive popularity. But he also has too much to his power, like I mentioned.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I refuse to believe this until one of developers come in here, where they sit down and confirm that the only concern they had in those instances was the popularity and only that. Because without that, you have nothing than a faulty theory regarding bHVR and not a reason anyone should accept for nerfing Wesker.

  • Member Posts: 81

    You shouldn’t encourage a bad thing when he’s already in a fine spot

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    The difference between wesker and original PR is that wesker isnt broken.

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    Few things

    1. His cross map mobility is mediocre. Someone has done comparisons on Midwich, it's 7 seconds vs 9 (because of his cooldowns slowing him after). It's a chase tool first and foremost.

    2. Wesker being popular doesn't mean he needs a nerf. Legion, one of the weakest killers in the game, is also one of the most popular killers. Popularity =/= Strength. There is a lot more nuance than simple popularity.

  • Member Posts: 1,587

    He's popular because he's the only fun killer to be released in the last year.

  • Member Posts: 4,225


    - easy 3-gen porential

    - side quest for survivors (hacking drones)

    - pinpoint information

    - increased speed

    - stealth

    - power makes survivors exposed

    Do we need to look at Skullmerchant because she can do "too much"? No. Just her part with 3-genning sucks.

    So do we need to nerf Wesker? In short: No.

    In long:

    None of your mentioned reasons justify a nerf.

    1. His mobility is mediocre at best as @GrimReaperJr1232 mentioned. Blight should be far better.

    2. A good antiloop is not a reason to nerf him. His dashes are fun. You need good precision to get value. He is the typical killer with low skill floor and high skill ceiling.

    His power is very balanced as you have tons of counterplay and the Player which is better will win the chase.

    3. Side objective: Plague, Pig, Nemy, Onryō, Freddy... Just to mention a few. Also with the recent change that you can carry a can with your item has made it a lot faster to spray. You spend less time than before. About the tunneling: just look at Pyramid Head.....

    You just don't complain about him because he is so rare and the chances that you get a tunneler is slim.

    Oh and btw... Just don't spray if Wesker is unoccupied and/or near you. That helps a LOT to not get tunneled.

    4. Full infection takes afaik 120s (80s with VCD). If he chases you still after that, then 3 gens are done and you should not be mad that the killer gets a bit help after that time. He basically lost the match with that chase anyway.

    Hindred is just there to force cleansing. Or would you cleanse if it was something like... Blindness? No. Most people don't care about most effects and therefore they would never cleanse. (we had that with Plague when she came out, it was horrible).

    5. The collateral damage hit is to reward pinpoint accuracy. DW was just added to make it more "clear".

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    A jack of all trades is a master of none.

    Wesker is fine.

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