Enough is enough: balance the game with fundamental changes

XimaXNL Member Posts: 12
edited July 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello my dear DBDers,

I have been playing this game for quit some hours and years now, and it has become one of my favorite games of all time. I am 34 years old, been playing video games since I was 14 years old.

I can talk about why this game can be so awesome, but you all probably know it too.

What I want to talk about now is the growing unbalance in the game which has been developing for some time. I have been reading ideas of others, from killer side and survivor side. And I came up with the follow solution:

Make different game modes!

I will explain here what and why:


  • Make a game mode exclusive for random players, who can't team up before the game starts. So joining each other in discord or PS chat has no function because you can't know if you play together. This eliminates the communication advantage of groups (2/3/4 players).
  • Make a game mode for teams, as SWF is now. But add voice communication or just assume they are doing that with discord for example. With own voice communication it doens't matter how big the group is. If a group of 3 play together, a single player can join the team and play together as 1 full group with voice chat.
  • Maybe make a fun game mode like randomizer with perks. In the last Tome there was this challenge. I really liked it! Even for killers it forces you to play different and learn the game mechanics on a different level.

*I do think for the different modes, some adjustments needs to be made with certain perks to make it a balanced and fair game.


1: There have been many adjustments of perks and powers. Like the nerfing of dead hard. I believe that because of the bully squads, SWF with communications and toxic killers, a lot of changes have been made to try to balance the game. But it ends up with other problems. I have been playing 75% as survivor and mainly with random players. And I can tell you, it has gotten worse and worse. Because a lot of survivor perks have been nerfed, like dead hard, iron will, selfcare or boon circle of healing. It can be a real pain if you play with beginners who are learning (which is totally normal). The amount of games I can survive is sometimes really low. When I escape 4/10 games, I consider that ALOT. It's normally around 2/10. Is that a balanced game? Or take the Skull Merchant and her ability to 3 gen the game. With no communication between survivors, you are doomed.

2: I believe alot of the nerfing of certain perks are a result of SWF with communication. Whenever I play with killer, I notice right away if I play against a team or not. The way the do the generators or help each other, is just coordinated. So in those situations I totally understand the adjustments of certain perks. But when I play as killer vs randoms, I don't really have a challenge to be honest. Maybe if 1-2 experienced players who know the map and know how to loop. But honestly, those are the most fun games because I really have to do my best.

Based on the above arguments I can only see different game modes as a solution to many complaints. This including the coming changes for camping killers and so. As said, if you have different game modes, you can make better adjustments for each perk within the game mode. Let's take Dead Hard again. As killer vs a experienced group, you can maybe even take that perk away. They probably have perks to escape or help each other with flashlights. Within those game modes you can really get in depth of that certain game play and make it exciting. But with the Dead Hard from now, with that stupid animation with no function. It has barely any advantage as a random with players you don't know, let along know how good they are.

There are other countless arguments why certain perks should be nerfed or buffed, but I think, based on the changes and experience in the past, it comes down to the lack of different game modes.

I'd love to hear other opinions, preferably with arguments.

Post edited by XimaXNL on


  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Oh right, because queue times wouldn't be an issue at all.

    Why are new game modes for DBD a problem?

    That's simple, normal games like Dota, CS etc. has single queue line per game mode, because teams are same on both sides.

    That's not true for DBD, each game mode will create two separate queue lines, where everything collapse when either of them has not enough players.

    I wonder where most killers will want to play and where will survivors want to play.... This simply couldn't end well.

    You would always have to keep original mode as basically safety net where everyone will return after any new mode dies in a week.

    Only mode I would like to see is 1v1. That wouldn't be hard to make...

  • XimaXNL
    XimaXNL Member Posts: 12

    It’s hard to say what will happen. But keeping it the same and constantly changing perks/powers is not gonna solve it. Because of voice chat the game already fundamentally changed.

    wether you like it or not. In my opinion they should go through with it and make more changes.

    1v1 could also be a good idea but I doubt it will feel like dbd instead of a different game.

    with seperate mode it will end the discussion of OP killers vs randoms or killers vs bully squads.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205
    edited July 2023

    No it won't, those mode will be forgotten in a week and everyone will go back to classic DBD.

    I don't know about you, but I don't want to stay for an hour in queue time in soloQ mode as a killer, same for SWF.

    I also wouldn't want to play each game against SWF, that would become sweat festival really fast.

    In the end everyone would play current DBD.

    Ranked / classic modes are pointless for DBD.

    1v1 would feel like different game? How so? You get to have 100% chase. Great way to practice too.

    Players there would be able to play both roles, so wouldn't be that big deal for classic and there is only one queue line.

    Post edited by DaddyMyers_Mori on
  • XimaXNL
    XimaXNL Member Posts: 12

    The reality is almost never that black and white as you say it is. What do you base it on that certain modes will be forgotten in 1 week?

    i think the player base is big enough, there are many options to maximize both. For example the modes are open for a fixed amount of hours when the most players play for example. My idea isn’t bulletproof, just trying to think outside of how the game is now.

    the game is asymmetrical and with 1v1 it’s not. Then it would be just a chase mode. With the same perks, survivors don’t stand a chance. The game with 4v1 is about teamwork to get the generators and escape, while helping each other. 1v1 has nothing of those elements, just escape. But how?

    I wouldnt mind 1v1 to be honest but the classic game isn’t what it was a few years ago. So in order to grow the player base it needs fundamental changes. If only they add voice chat, it would be much more balanced.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    They need to make BP incestives to have decent queue times. Can't even use strict matchmaking.

    You think extra modes that are going to split player base even more is a good thing?

    How do I know it will die? Common sense is good start.

    SoloQ won't really care about this, basically same. Killers will want to play mainly against soloQ, just so they can chill more. Which means way more killers than needed -> queue times go up.

    SWF also won't really change itself, but their games will get way harder and longer queue times. You would have only desperate killers that don't want to wait, but they will bring strongest stuff, because they know it's SWF against them.

    In end everyone will get back to normal, just so they have better queue times and get to actually play the game.

    1v1 is not about escape, it's about having longest possible chase. When you get downed, sides switch and you play killer, then better time wins.

    It's quite fun imo. I would love to see that as mode.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    as many have suggested, it's all pointless... we all need to understand that bhvr lives in its own bubble, "everything the stats say is 100% true!" after that, bhvr will do everything as long as there is no ######### storm about something (excessive complaining) my: if you want to achieve something then you have to get the community on your side, little spoiler, it will be impossible xD because of the difference in opinion, and theoretically even if bhvr want to do something in the it will take years anyway, so either way you're talking to a wall when you try to make suggestions

    there are 3 options for experienced players playing solo main:

    1. you only play SWF

    2. you only play killer

    3. you leave dbd and look for another main game

    I (10k hrs) for my part have stopped playing dbd, just waiting for cs2 until then everything will be played but no dbd at all xD it is normal that the solo q is getting worse and worse, the cap is so low that probably even more bad players can reach it, which leads to the experienced player choosing one of the 3 options mentioned, I know a streamer (fog whiperer) who played main solo q, but almost only plays swf and many other good ones players too, so make up your own mind or play a little more until you see what I mean :D

  • XimaXNL
    XimaXNL Member Posts: 12
    edited July 2023

    I have been playing video games, not just DBD. That's what I said haha. Maybe you need to learn english better before trying to correct me. If that click bait to you, then you must be drowning when you are on YouTube.

  • XimaXNL
    XimaXNL Member Posts: 12

    Well I agree on the most part. Maybe with the coming anticamp features it becomes more fun. I usually play with 2-3 friends and more and more killer.

    Maybe BHVR starts thinking differently since their player base is lowering.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    lmao your right im so sorry I havent slept in like 15 hours! I cant believe I read that multiple times, took a screenshot, AND highlight the numbers without realizing that. so sorry lol.

    I dont like the idea of swf and solo being separate modes. soloQ games would be filled with even more hard tunnelers except now they can guarantee an easy win.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092
    edited July 2023

    I don't see the lie in OP's post.

    I'm pretty sure from the way the post is written with the punctuation between the favorite game part and their age part, that OP isn't saying that they've played dbd since they were 14, but rather that they've been playing video games in general since they were 14 and that they are now 34 and dbd has become one of their favorite games.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,394
    1. SoloQ: This will not stop the competitively minded from from linking a discord link in PC chat. Or clicking on a a players name to access their player profile if they’re on the same console. Profiles would need to be hidden until match start, and even then you’d still probably have people trying to bypass that in more efficient ways. Separate balance between these modes as an upfront cost could be even more wasted effort if it doesn’t pan out. This mode likely draws in more Killers given it looks like a more even playing field, while omitting any player looking to play as a group.
    2. SWF: A SWF mode that also isn’t a SWF mode given you can SoloQ into it. That might get confusing while also siphoning more survivors away from the SoloQ mode. It’s also going to have the lowest Killer population while also having the most volatile combinations of survivor MMR. This will make it even worse regarding queue time and any form of skill balance, likely bleeding more Killers out of this game mode over time, further impacting queue and lobby health. Once again, separate balance between these modes could be wasted effort.
    3. This seems to be the only new game mode you have suggested, the rest were player filters for the most part and an integrated comms system, but no fundamental change to gameplay. With a randomizer you need to adapt your playstyle to what Perks you’re given to take advantage of them. That could be interesting.
  • XimaXNL
    XimaXNL Member Posts: 12

    Interesting thoughts, thanks for the reply.

    1: Yeah the solo Q could work then if the names are hidden, I agree. Else they would have enough time to find each other. It's about making it really difficult to find each other outside the game. If they would introduce this game mode with reworked perks, since some of the perks are OP when playing without communications.

    2: Based on your first answer, I would agree here that if 1 mode becomes the most popular, the second would have a harder time. Maybe the third option would be the most ideal mode to shake things up.

    Furthermore, what are your thoughts of voice chat (whole map or radius around you)?

  • XimaXNL
    XimaXNL Member Posts: 12

    No problem, can happen ;)

    Yeah I think I meant more of a rework of the perks within the soloQ. If you would change that now without adjusting some killer perks, they can just tunnel people out. So it's a change on several levels.

    Rework the perks on a game mode where it's near impossible to voice chat.

    The idea behind this is the unbalance that has grown because of people using voice chat and bully squads. Or they should just make voice-chat available in the game to make it for soloQ in the regular game better to work together.

    Maybe it's me, but what are your thoughts on the game being changed due to voice chat outside the game?

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,394
    edited July 2023

    For voice chat, I base this on a friend who has already been nearly banned from PSN chat for shittalking Killers/Players they didn’t like:

    Assuming only between Survivors:

    ”Hey dickcheese, get out of the Locker and unhook me”

    ”stop throwing and get on a gen”

    etc. etc. not to mention more racist stuff you’d probably find from the younger more volatile generation.

    And now BHVR needs to implement voice log records in order to actually address harassment as well.

    And if it its between the Survivors and Killer as well:

    ”Get Palleted/Flashlighted biotch”

    ”Your mother probably didn’t love you as a kid”

    ”*hard R*”

    Some people just love to get under peoples skin.

    Trust me, I’d love integrated chat, especially between Killer/Survivor because it’d be so cool to hear a Survivor gasp when you get that sneaky pickup.

    But odds are it’s just going to make the game absolutely more toxic.

    Players needing to be willing to reach out to others and connect via third parties acts as a fantastic filter. You don’t bash your friends too bad. But a stranger?

  • XimaXNL
    XimaXNL Member Posts: 12

    Valid points, chat wouldnt make the gameplay more fun or nice.

    But don't you agree the game changed on some level due to the coordinated squads with voice chat? With that in mind, something needs to change. The game is not balanced anymore in my opinion.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    This games not all about queue times. If there were different modes in the game maybe more people would be willing to play. It's a healthy suggestion. Don't get in the way of that.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    That's just you having a toxic friend, most people just want a good, fun time without feeling belittled. Voice chat would be cool regardless.