Made for this + hope REQUIRE A NERF

Made for this + hope are THE MOST URGENT PERKS that need to be changed right now

They are broken, at ANY POINT IN THE GAME THERE SHOULDNT be a situation where surv is moving with the same speed (110% or 4.4m/s) as the killer making it impossible to catch and down them

Killers like hag, deathslinger, Huntress, trickster even though some of them are ranged, their power limits to survivor mistakes and when they come up against good/great survivors or let me rephrase AVERAGE survivors these days it will be rare for them to make a mistake and walk into the trap on maps with good visibility (e.g ormond) and let alone win the game, why? because 90% of the times at least 3 survivors will get to the end game vs these killers (they have no get around a map fast powers making gens hard to contest) if you put average survivors against average killer and when that happens if they run this broken combo, any fast downs or any downs will not be possible they will simply not catch up without no way out perk that could save some time any come back will be next to impossible if the down dont happen, this is not a skill issue this is a balance issue and I will repeat myself they shouldn't move the same speed as the killer (huntress hatchets can be avoided, trickster will not contest gens or gates fast enough if he gets a down eventually and hag will not magically teleport if she doesnt set it up or if they activate the trap while the killer is busy and deathslinger will not cheat and teleport out of nowhere to the gate or gen) and if people still have doubts because it is only end game let me remind you of the noed that didnt have a hex, this is literally the same situation but in the case of survivors where they literally will not get down on the ground until they make a mistake) IN THE END GAME CAUSE ITS THE ONLY ARGUMENT YOU COULD COME UP WITH

Hope was fine before made for this now it is broken with this new perk, nerf either hope or nerf them both slightly.

The End
