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Do you survive 40% of the time ?



  • Member Posts: 150

    When i was new i would rarely escape . Survivor is very hard to play at the beginning.

    But it does get better. After putting some effort into learning the game and getting decent amount of hours i started winning more and eventually got to an mmr range where my team mates are decent on average. Recently i escape more often than not even when playing solo.

  • Member Posts: 8,816
    edited July 2023

    No way lol. I don't know exactly but it's probably 1 out of every 5 or so games. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I'm a solo player though

    I will say that this includes all games that have a survivor DC within the first few minutes of the match, so that automatically decreases any chance of escape by a massive amount. With new DC bots I could see my survival rate going up a little bit.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    Not even close, my guess on the high end would be around 25% but realistically I think it’s probably closer to 20%. I play a mix of solo and duo but to be honest, my escape rate is lower when playing with my duo because he’s obsessed with chasing for flashlight saves and never touching gens (he gets 1 flashlight save on a 10 game average, maybe less).

    He also brings OtR every game and runs straight at the killer after getting unhooked, only to complain that he dies early every game...

    Tbh I think I like solo q better lol

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah that was kind of what I was getting at, you explained it a lot better though.

    Your ranking is on the bell curve and shifts up and down based on outcome, but that doesn't necessarily translate into a consistent 40% escape rate.

    But the player focus in on outcome because they can't see the MMR number as it adjusts up and down. You'd expect the further away from the center you sit the more fluctuating the observable outcomes.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I stream if you'd like to watch. Literally just lost 1 match yesterday out of 16 games.

  • Member Posts: 298

    In soloQ i might be around 40 to 50% escape rate.

    In SWF i'm around 75% i guess.

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    i mean even the so call best survivor streamers struggle to crack a 70% win rate so i can see how you would be doubtful. 60% is definitely possible

    It just out of 10 games you know two will probably be a auto L because someone will afk/suicide/dc.

  • Member Posts: 256

    It depends, I usually have a 60% escape rate, but I also got really good teammates recently. To be fair, I also have 6.2k hours (around 3.5k on killer, 2.7k on surv), so I usually don't get killers that are close to my hours, which might be why I do so well if killers commit too hard.

    Since my build is Hyperfocus/Stakeout/Made for this/Hope the 2 ways to lose for me are either teammates that do actually nothing/go down instantly together with a killer that actually switches targets or just a straight up better killer.

    If the killer commits I can usually last 2-3 gens and either get left alone and can knock out the rest fast, since I got really good at getting and keeping 6 stacks of hyperfocus, or buy enough time for everyone else to do the same. Once Endgame hits hope/made for this basically makes me untouchable against most killers and I can usually help one other person in a rough spot escape.

    I feel like replacing hope with dead hard/resillience would probably be better, but hope/mft just feels too good in endgame.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    "You escape 15 times, out of 16 games?"

    That wasn't an average I gave, that was me just mentioning how yesterdays games went.

    "Are you including hook suicides in your stats? Are you playing solo-queue?"

    No, matches with suicides on first hook or dc not counted. I do a mix, but yesterdays 16 games were a duo.

    "I think everyone would love to see you play 20 solo-queue survivor games in a row, put it on youtube and link it here."

    I don't have a youtube but I do on my stream.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited July 2023

    "I understand not counting hook-suicides, but if you are posting on the forums, you probably would want to include those in your stats, since everyone on the forums uses BHVR matchmaking rules."

    That would be silly to include those in your stats. Would be illogical.

    Just because that's in their matchmaking bares no reason why you should be including it. Irrelevant.

    Also if we're gonna get that picky, there were only a couple dc/suicide games out of that set of matches. Not much relevance overall.

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    I don't think you fully comprehend the impact teammates have on a single player's record.

    One Survivor can only do so much. Because a Survivor is dependent on their teammates to escape, escape rates for any one Survivor is a poor metric of that player's performance.

    • Hall of Famer Ted Williams, widely regarded as the greatest hitter to ever live, played with the Red Sox for 19 years and only made 7 post-season appearances
    • Hall of Famer and 2-time MVP, with 14 All-Star appearances, Ernie Banks played with the Cubs for 19 years and never made a post-season appearance
    • 3-time MVP with 11 All-Star appearances, and projected Hall of Famer, Mike Trout has been with the Angels for 14 years and has made only one post-season appearance
    • 1991 - Cal Ripken, Jr. won MVP and the Golden Glove Award. His team, the Orioles, had a losing record of 67-95
    • 2003 - Alex Rodriguez won MVP and the Golden Glove Award. His team, the Ranger's, had a losing record of 71-91

    There are hundreds, if not thousands, more examples I could provide.

    @Uxoxe's data doesn't really say much other than having an abysmal escape rate as Survivor, and a respectable kill rate as Killer, during the games they recorded. There is context missing here, but the eye-raise is definitely warranted.


    To answer OP, @Jacho last time I documented my games, I had a 35% escape rate (solo queue) and my teammates had a 25% escape rate. A year prior, I had documented myself with a 60% escape rate over the same number of games (20). Someone D/C'd in 40% of my games, which I believe was largely responsible for the considerably worse escape rate.

  • Member Posts: 3,904
    edited July 2023

    No I do comprehend it I just don't bang on about it.

    I mean survivor is a team game, if you are playing with random strangers then the random variability of skill, motivation to play, game expectations, attitude, are such a source of variance that even the best MMR systems won't be able to fully counter it.

  • Member Posts: 2,731

    81% escape rate for the past 2 months for me (313 matches)

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited July 2023

    I think including dc's and suicides in your stats is failing to communicate on their part.

    The whole point of listing win rates is to measure skill, including those things is not measuring skill accurately.

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    I don't think most people talking about their escape rate are particularly concerned with skill.

    I most often see escape rate being talked about as a measurement of game health and player satisfaction.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited July 2023

    That's a fair point. However I'd argue they must use it to measure skill because if you aren't, then that is not objectively a measure of the games health, if you aren't taking into account your skill.

    So if you're hypothetically playing like garbage then that wouldn't be a true measure of the games health, because your experience is being skewed by playing bad.

    Then you'd end up pushing for changes to make your experience better instead of simply getting better at the game, which would have solved those issues.

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    i guess it was dumb of me to assume everyone was counting dc/suicides. If we are removing them matches than my win rate is well over 50%

  • Member Posts: 436

    You would make a great politician.

    What exactly are you trying to imply here? That you're 60-90% escape rate is a sign that DBD is in a great state?

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I didn't imply anything. OP simply asked our survival rate.

    I actually don't think DBD is in a great state at all if you're asking though.

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