You can still avoid condemnation and it just needs one minor change.

They just announced that you now get 2 stacks of condemnation for losing a health state from taking a hit and it breaks the tape. This could be good but survivors can still completely avoid the condemnation all they have to do is grab a tape stop to stop gaining condemnation from teleports. Then once the killer finds them before they get hit and the tape gets destroyed and they gain two stacks. All they gotta do is hop in a locker and boom you just dodge condemnation entirely.
This change only made it so that Sadako can now steamroll over new survivors and survivors who don't understand her power and still don't address the fact that the best of the best can still make you an m1 killer with an okay teleport power.
Make it so that if they are holding a tape and they get hooked they gain at least 2 stacks of condemnation.
Make it so that if a survivor is hooked and holding a tape they gain 2 stacks or more and the tape is destroyed.
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When I read the Update hopping into a locker was literally the first thing that came to my mind.
How did the Devs not think of that?
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Why do lockers counter things like condemns and Mori's something needs to be changed about that.
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The same thing happened with Twins and Victor.
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Well, doing so is not worth it to my mind. The survivor will be caught after a 5 seconds chase, survivors are loosing entirely the chase time needed to complete gens.
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Just tried it. You gain no condemned if grabbed out of a locker.