Time to take a break for survivors

I thought I just had a bad game. But no. It seems this is the way the game is going to be now:
Between current slugging condemn sadako that occupies all tv's even if you actively try to take a tape at 1-2 stacks (but still get condemn killed) and current skull merchant.... It's really time to take a break and wait for devs to fix their game.
Hey at least killer is still fun. So that's something
Hey at least killer is still fun.
MFT joined the chat....
I am on break right now too, don't really need to make a post about it tho. Isn't it normal for players to take break?
Played a lot during anniversary and can't be bothered to deal with MFT in almost every game, too much work and stress.
I will get back maybe when new killer is released, unless they completely screw it...
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IDC about MfT. I play Bubba, Pinhead, Spirit some dredge, plague, legion. I don't feel any problem with the perk when using those.
For the pause - can't say I am fed up with survivor overall. It's just that Wesker even though he is fun is.... Too much present. And then you get occasional hard camp + tunnel. That's a lot, but you make it back up by those awesome fun games you get from time to time.
However now comes ever-present Onryo with hit&run&condemn (so no chases, you just run thru map as headless chicken trying to find 1 TV she somehow didn't use yet) to the mix together with non-chasing 3-genning skull merchant. That spoils the balance too much. 3 hours of gameplay for 1 fun 15 minutes match is just not enough. It needs to be fixed.
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I called this will happen with Onryo. It was kinda obvious from their changes...
I don't mind Wesker, he is fun to play against imo. There is not really killer I don't like playing against. Only some specific add-ons/builds, not a whole killer.
Everyone has their reasons for taking breaks from any game. It's normal and definitely healthy imo.
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I agree Wesker IS fun (not counting Video Conference Device addon and hard tunnel, but it's not super bad, because it's not super common). It's just if you get too much of the same thing, it's.... less enjoyable. Considering just him, I might need a break.
For the other 2. No. I am totally fed up with them after 1-2 games and I am pretty sure no amount of break will really change that.
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There is a big sadako player on twitter posting ways of countering her so i say head to twitter hes also going to be posting a video this week on how fully counter some of the addons
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post it here when it comes online please :)
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This is what happens when people keep demanding for killer nerfs, and BHVR releases a bunch of underpowered killers that feel like garbage to play.
Yes, Wesker is used a lot. It really would be super great if BHVR would give killers a good selection of killers.... but they don't! Most killers feel like absolute trash to play against a coordinated SWF, so here we are with a bunch of people playing Wesker.
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Nah. I am enjoying killer quite a bit more then survivor right now (there's no such BS as SM or new Sadako on killer's side). I don't even play Wesker. I used to, but I dropped him quite a long time ago
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This is the issue I have with people calling for nerfs on Sadako. She is finally a Killer that gets played and is strong and people are already calling for nerfs to her. If we cut back every Killer to the level of Wraith and only Nurse and Blight (maybe Wesker) are capable of dealing with most survivors then the game is bound to only have those two - three Killers or people who camp/tunnel.
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Hear, hear. Every, but almost every match is:
- Tunnel, camp, tunnel
- Slugged until death due to bleed out timer
- Terrible teammates who have 1500 hours less than you and are urban evading around the map
With a not working MMR system, rampant tunnelling and camping and a game filled with unfun killers (Skull Merchant, Knight, reworked Onryo) playing survivor is just horrible.