I like the Sadako rework but... (Gamebreaking Add-on)

Sadako has received a substantial rework and is going through that adjustment period where she goes on massacres until the survivors adapt. I've already gone against some survivors who have formed solid strategies against her and made me work for every hit/down.
However, two add-ons stick out to me.
Iridescent Tape
This add-on is absolutely not okay.
A big part of this rework was that while Condemned is a lot easier to apply, it is also easy to eliminate. This add-on changes the variables significantly; now Condemned is trivially easy to apply, takes effort to remove, and is very dangerous. This add-on cannot stay as is.
Mother's Comb
This add-on makes the above-mentioned Iri Tape significantly stronger when it's already problematic, in my opinion.
It's not mentioned but my experience has led me to conclude that Iri Tape also selects the TV furthest from your location to be the only TV you can insert the tape. As such, with this add-on giving you a notification, you know where a survivor's TV is and can stop them from ever reaching it.
If you go against a Sadako with these two add-ons, you will die. Especially with builds tailored around it.
Personally, I think Iri Tape at a bare minimum should only allow 1 condemned stack on M1s when carrying a tape. Ideally, I think this add-on needs an entirely new effect.
As for the Comb, I would advise keeping an eye on it. I don't think this add-on will be problematic without Iri Tape, but I would be cautious. Just keep an eye on it without Iri Tape before making any hasty adjustments.
Iri tape is the only thing making her remotely decent. If anything it should be base kit. Being able to place in any tv right next to you defeats the entire mechanic.
Comb is fine, it’s not even her best addon for the Condemn build with Iri tape.
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People seem to ignore that she is still a M1 killer with nearly no chase power.
Even if you are fully condemned she still needs a full chase to get you and everybody who played Trapper can tell you how hard it can be to get a single down on a descent survivor when you have no tricks during a chase.
The people complaining about her slugging and not hooking are ignoring that this playstyle can be done with a bunch of Killers. Nurse/Blight with Infectious Fright are still a thing and can wreck you in the same fashion. Also camping a slugged survivor is very much possible on nearly every Killer unless a survivor brings "We are gonna live forever" or "Buckle Up".
I would still suggest a few adjustments to make a Condemn-only playstyle with slugging not that viable if that settles it for some people. The two add-ons you noted are problematic and maybe even a slightly higher cooldown on her teleport could do.
However I would not like this. People always complain that they only play against Nurse, Blight and Wesker. But as soon as another Killer comes and is a bit powerful they want nerfs. This is problematic because if we nerf every good Killer then of course people who play higher MMR will only encounter Nurse, Blight and Wesker 24/7.
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I think it’s a little too early to tell for sure, honestly, but I think you may be right.
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I agree.
Essentially the entire condemn build even with these addons all only works if they're bad a looping (which they should be punished). At the end of the day she's an m1 killer with no anti-loop. So if they're all holding tapes and know how to loop well the condemn build isn't happening.
Essentially this condemn build only works on and punishes people playing badly, which is good design.
There's plenty of counter play available.