Sadako literally obliterates solo Q
After playing several games with and against sadako she definitely needs changes. Not because she is too weak or too strong but just because solo Q is not ready for her.
The changes happened just 2 days ago and people who considered her weak are already changing their minds since in just 2 days people have already started to learn to play with the new mechanics.
For people who are using the argument that "people need time to adapt to new changes" i'm sorry to say but that won't work. With two days, people have already learned to play with her and the other side still doesn't know how to face her?
If solo Q needed "time" to adapt then solo Q would not be one of the biggest problems in the game. the game was released 7 years ago so I'm going to assume that the Q solo is bad because people are still adapting....
for people who are saying she is still weak or strong is a bit tricky. let's consider my case, I'm a veteran player with 5 years of DBD so I have more experience than most and if we consider that in a match the new sadako is going to face the same level of people who have the same knowledge and experience as me, she would be considered a weak killer but this is not the case because Solo Q exists.
the other argument that just get the tapes early to avoid condemned doesn't work against a experience Sadako. only a decent team will know how to apply this effect.
Sadako needs changes because of solo Q.
its been a LITERAL day of the rework going into place. give it at least a week because people are still learning how to counter her!!!
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I've only played her twice and Christ this is almost as tedious as going up against a Skull Merchant
Thankfully it's not because she makes the game last 60 minutes but both I played against just teleported all over the map like Nightcrawler. Every time I tried to get to a TV, she'd teleport to it. Just teleport teleport teleport teleport teleport teleport teleport teleport teleport teleport, never actually going after anyone, just zipping around until everyone is Condemned and killing them.
We'll see how it goes I suppose but man were both these games annoying AF to face her in...
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Pinhead has been in the game for 1 year now and he destroys soloQ completely. It's like I said, I'm going to deduce that people are still learning how to play against him..
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No She's an m1 stealth killer
Post edited by EQWashu on5 -
Its not just solo players. Shes killing teams, without even getting hook stages.
Theres no doubt she will be addressed, her current mechanics are not intended
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yeah well thats a pinhead problem. him and sadako are both completely different, have completely different powers too. literally give it a week or two so people have time to learn to counter her. also a little fun fact, she cant just consistently abuse turning off her TVs at once because after the last TV is turned off, every single TV turns back on again. there IS counterplay, you just have to learn it.
though her rework made her more of a noob stomper, while shes still pretty weakish against really good survivors
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Thats been my experience as well. I've only faced 7 of them, only 2 of which didn't spam teleport during trial. Smack person in chase with tape, teleport, smack another person with tape, teleport, never fully commit to chase. Teleport, tunnel someone close to being completely condemned, mori, rinse and repeat. I love the idea of her gameplay being more on the survivors, people actually dealing with tapes but I can look back on my match recordings and see the most I did during an entire trial before being completely condemned was trying to find a TV she didn't just recently teleport to in order to get a tape. :c
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"just get the tapes early to avoid condemned doesn't work against a experience Sadako"
This is like saying, "I lose when the other player is better than me, this needs changing".
I would say that's good design.
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And even her stealth is bad with a lullaby lol
Post edited by EQWashu on4 -
I think a fair change would simply be to make her basekit mori (condemned mori) only apply if you are on death hook just like Pyramid Head's mori and the offerings.
That would keep her power in the same reworked state while just bringing her inline with other killers and the rest of the game's mechanic.
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Then the condemn may as well be deleted as then it's pointless.
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Not necessarily cause if you're against survivors who don't know what they are doing to counter her (aka not grabbing any tapes and letting condemn build) you are given a kill when they are on death hook. If Pyramid Head has to build punishment by using his barbed wires and only kill at death hook, then why not Sadako? It's only fair for everyone and it'll make versing her more rewarding.
Less Sadako players abusing the mechanic and more skill involved for everyone, survivors will have to play smart as well as the killer.
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So if people play bad I get rewarded with saving hook time only on the last hook? That's trash.
"If Pyramid Head has to build punishment by using his barbed wires and only kill at death hook, then why not Sadako?"
Because you're ignoring THE best part of PH's which is saving MULTIPLE hook times, not just the last one. Big difference.
PH also has anti-loop. Sadako has nothing else.
You're also massively downplaying the Sadako skill required for that play style.
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1: Ah yea totally. You know I think TV's definitely spawn at each individual survivors feet at the start of the trial. Makes sense to me. Hope she doesn't teleport while you are en route to a TV in your face.
2: Grab the tape, she will find you and then zone you out once she does. And slug you as well
4: Congratz you just played into her hand. She fully condemned and killed every survivor without getting a single hook stage.
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Ok I can understand your point; however, no killer should be able to kill every survivor with 0 hook stages period.
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That's quite a blanket statement. What if the 0 hooks kill takes 30min of build up? Well now that seems terrible doesn't it.
What you're wanting to imply is that she shouldn't be able to condemn so easily, of which I would say it's not, most people just don't know what they're doing and playing against her incorrectly.