Does anyone have Garden of Joy's main photographed from above? ((NOT ANSWERED))

Ok so I probably definitely worded that weirdly, but, Garden of Joy, main building, roof-'balcony' (that isn't supposed to be accessible but the walls were destroyed) anyways...
If anyone has an image like this of the front section, with the pov raised a bit and maybe tilted slightly lower depending on how high the camera is raised.
If no one has one of these images, any suggestions on how to acquire one.
Best Answer
I dont have any photos like that, but I do know theres software that will let you no clip and explore around the map. Not talking about hacks, like offline alone. Look up how to find the Golden Toolboxes, their hidden on every map and can only be found via such no clip software.
Could you direct me to the software cus I'm pretty much incapable to find stuff by myself