Would bhvr be interested in making a non-humanoid killer?

CrusaderNella Member Posts: 331
edited July 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

All killers so far have been using the same rig and mostly the same animations since day 1. In addition, all killers have been bi-pedal beings.

I would like to ask, (and it would be really amazing if a dev could shed some light on this), if they would ever be interested in experimenting with new rigs and character animations in the future?

Perhaps a Quadra-pedal creature like a dog, cat or some sort of beast? Or perhaps a snake like creature? Or a Spider?

Ignoring balance and issues like that, would there be interest in this?

Hooking at this take might not even be an issue because we have seen animations like Sadako where other forces are holding and hooking the survivor, so for example, the Snake Creature can simply hold them with their tail next to them, and hook with that for example.

I feel like has some amazing potential

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