Would bhvr be interested in making a non-humanoid killer?

All killers so far have been using the same rig and mostly the same animations since day 1. In addition, all killers have been bi-pedal beings.
I would like to ask, (and it would be really amazing if a dev could shed some light on this), if they would ever be interested in experimenting with new rigs and character animations in the future?
Perhaps a Quadra-pedal creature like a dog, cat or some sort of beast? Or perhaps a snake like creature? Or a Spider?
Ignoring balance and issues like that, would there be interest in this?
Hooking at this take might not even be an issue because we have seen animations like Sadako where other forces are holding and hooking the survivor, so for example, the Snake Creature can simply hold them with their tail next to them, and hook with that for example.
I feel like has some amazing potential
Back then this would be a no. But today BHVR has said they have enough money and tech to make killers that break the mold. So we might get some killers that are finally non human.
We kinda got that with dredge but I want a giant spider
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I don't want Spider killer. Unless they add arachnophobia mode.
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Imagine what they could do with that kind of tech. It's so exciting!
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Yeah, how terrible it would be to have something in a horror game be scary....
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Its not as much about beig scary as it is a very common phobia, one that can nope people out of games entirely. Its more than just discomfort for some people and the entity toes the line enough as it is.
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I think you have no clue about arachnophobia. It's not just Spiders scares you. So it's not about horror part.
For example, i know Spiders can't hurt me. So they are not scaring me. But i can't look them directly. It affects me so badly. Makes me puke.
That's why games are usually using arachnophobia mode for people who is getting effect by them. Or someone is making mods, so people can play these games without issue.
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But what about coulrophobia mode for clown? I understand people are afraid of certain things but if BHVR pandered to that. Then every phobia wouldn’t even be in the game it would limit so much creativity.
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I hope. alot of oppotunity for a killer.
Cough Cough Jersey Devil Cough Cough
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There should probably be a Coulrophobia toggle that puts clown in one of his cosmetics that don't visually read as a clown.
The lack of one thing doesn't meant that the game should lack another thing. It also wouldn't limit creativity as no one is saying to take something away or not make something at all. Just to be considerate of an issue should such a thing be added to the game.
Like they have the capability of making a client side toggle feature to cover some of the most common phobias by simply switching the visuals for any player who flips the toggle. You'd never know someone was playing against a clown or spider without incurring psychic and/or physical damage. We could indeed all get what we want or need in this scenario.
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Right, so lets look at the killers we have in the game. Some people are afraid of clowns, why don't we have a thing for that? Some people get sick at the sight of vomit, why is plague not a problem? Some people (someone i know actually) gets really creeped out by anything medical related, even the sight of a doctor (you know the killer?) can scare this person. Some people (someone else i know very well) are heavily afraid of zombies. Yet nemesis is fine.
So why aren't there modes to deal with those killers?
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We should have things for each of them, i've even advocated for it in the past. A friend of mine cant play against the plague at all.
Spiders are a bit different since there isnt a spider killer yet, so its more preventative than reactionary.
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best arachnophobia mod ive seen is for nioh 2, turns all spideys into Dragon Quest slimes :D
Sadly I dont see such a mod happening in this game
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I never heard anyone can't look to clowns? People scared of Clowns but they are normal human. Not creature. All of killers you mentioned are human type killers. Not creature.
Spiders are on other hand, they are creature. Animal. Whatever you want to call them. And i think you still don't understand problem with spiders. It's not only "FEAR". Some people just can't look them. Me included. I just can't. Their movement just makes me go to and bathroom and puke. They look disgusting. If they add spider killer without mod, i will just dc every match against it. My health is more important than the game.
I don't know how to tell you more, arachnophobia is very popular. I am not
I did not play Nioh 2 but the thing you mentioned sounds fun lol. My fav was Skyrim mod. I think it was turning spiders to walking flowers.
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How does the spider being a creature make the fear any more than someone who has a similar fear of clowns? Or who literally can't stand the thought or sight of vomit because it makes them sick. It is the exact same thing.
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If this is the case, BHVR should address this as well.
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Seems like there is a lot of buzz around a spider killer
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you mean like ghosts...or clowns...or the dark...or vomit...or guns...or blood...or chainsaws...things already personified as killers in the game?
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Already addressed:
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Yeah there is tons of untapped potential for future licensed and unlicensed killers if they reached into the non humanoid pool. Really hope they start doing this as it’s currently a missed opportunity.