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What the hell happened to Rancid Abattoir?

ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,015
edited July 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

This map is completely barren now, I think I only counted a maximum of 11 Pallets and a minimum of 8. The main building only spawns the worst window too, which is made absolutely useless when the breakable wall is broken. It''s like pre-Skull Merchant Shelter Woods, except 2/3rds of the size.

I even saw a Generator with literally nothing around it for like 24-32m, good luck getting that one done ever. It needs more pallets because right now it's deader than the pigs inside of the slaughterhouse.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 1,958

    Even when the main building spawn the former good window it not anywhere close to decent anymore.

    The breakable door don't spawn if u get this window and u get a fence making it harder to run it. In the ptb there was more Jungle gyms spawns. Also, the main building would often spawn the window by basement which was indirectly much stronger than before due to how easy it was to get in and out of main building now. Overall the map feel drastically different from the ptb unlike other rework maps.

  • Sharby
    Sharby Member Posts: 498

    I mean isn't that what people wanted? Maps to get gutted into being awful for survivors?

    Garden of Joy is next.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 1,958

    i mean yeah i guess u right but i thought the main target was fracture cowshed. All the farm maps in my opinion still lean in the survivor favor and the only one that got severely gutted was rancid (which was the only balance one to begin with). fracture cowshed got two pallets remove on average from what i see and the main building nerf a tiny bit.....it still to powerful lolol.

  • Sharby
    Sharby Member Posts: 498
    edited July 2023

    Unsafe loops are not 50/50, they're 70/30.

    I'd say TL's are 50/50's.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,013

    I dont even get why they thought that they need to rework Rancid Abattoir in the first place. Cowshed, completely agree. And it looks fine from what I have seen so far.

    But Rancid Abattoir was quite balanced as a farm Map. They should have reworked Rotten Fields instead.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    That map was able to spawn some pretty crazy set ups for survivors with bad rng, and the one window that is now permanently closed was also pretty damn strong for survivors. I do think it's fine that they changed the map a bit, but they went overboard with the changes. The minimum amount of pallets on Rancid Arbattoir needs to be increased, and they need to enable both windows at once that are close to each other, there is no reason only one of those windows is open at a time now.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I am starting to believe they missplaced Rotten fields with Rancid.

    Theres no way Rancid was problematic and needed to get rekt like this along with cowshed, while Rotten fields is okay even in the most naive data collection

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,015

    Rancid could spawn some nasty setups with good RNG but they just needed to tone the best possible spawns down. They didn't need to obliterate the map like this. It was fairly balanced in most matches.

  • averagemikaelamain
    averagemikaelamain Member Posts: 286

    I dont understand all the new coldwind tiles. The maps feel like Autohaven from a few patches ago where almost every map was an auto killer win.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 7,856

    I think its because survivor had large escape rate on the map. it was really easy map to play for survivor with lots of safe resources that most of killer had to break. @Huge_Bush talks about what the problem with that map was. Having 1-2 jungle gym+long wall pallet or T-L with linked cow tree+shack showcases the problem in loop design. The classic jungle gym is too safe. the long-wall of the gym is too long for killer to mindgame slide, so it is instant break. the single-wall long wall pallet is also too safe. survivors can camp the pallet on the long side and slide on reaction. Shack pallet is not balanced but that is nothing new and The cow tree was a safe loop. new cow tree is a lot more fair. what they did to new cow tree where they shorten the side. that is what they need to do with classic jungle gyms on all the maps.

    the map still has a lot of jungle gyms but it has no pallet density. this is like opposite problem of what they should be fixing. each map could have like 20 pallets, but as long they are fair and you can mindgame them as killer without needing to break them then there is nothing wrong. dbd could even have respawning real pallets like anniversary if the pallet were not shack and classic jungle-gym level strong. instead of making the map less safe, they just made the map have no pallet density so the map quickly runs out of resources for survivor to loop.