Made For This cannot continue to exist in its current state

MFT is a perk that, in its current condition, only affects the weakest killers in the game (the ones without a chase power). So many times, I've completely outplayed someone at a strong tile, say shack, and I'll be playing a weaker killer, and thanks to that 3% Haste, they still make the pallet/vault. This perk incentivizes people to only play the strongest killers, because playing an M1 killer against it is basically throwing.
How many more threads do we need to post before you acknowledge that this perk is problematic, BHVR?
Jesus, the melodrama over this perk.
I main Ghostface and Pig, and I don't have a problem with MFT. It's no better than Sprint Burst, and I have more trouble with Sprint Burst as a non-chase power killer.
You can make as many threads as you like, they can't acknowledge a problem that doesn't exist.
25 -
There really needs to be some sort of moderation on repetitive posts. It's exhausting to read the same regurgitated post about the same thing over and over. Talk about echo chamber.
11 -
I would like that as a skull merchant main :D
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agreed , the only people not complaining about it are probably the people that are playing no TR killers and the top tier killer main players. trapper , píg , legion , onrio , billy , myers ,hag , bubba , plague , freddy
those low tier killer suffer from the same problems , either no reliable mobility powers or an actual good anti-loop which are what MFT basically is good at it , making killers without anti-loop more weaker , and killer with weaker anti-loop just a M1 killer with no power.
Made for This
You were born to survive, and raised to adapt.
Whenever you are in the Injured State Made for This activates and you benefit from the following effects:
- Gain a 4/5/6 % vaulting speed bonus while running.
- Gain the Endurance Status Effect for 5 /10 /15 seconds after completing a Healing action on another Survivor.
Made for This cannot be used when suffering from Exhaustion, but does not cause the Exhausted
"I didn't come here to be robot food!" — Gabriel Soma
With this giving the perk a chase-oriented style, returning the beloved vault speed build at the same time buffing a bit the endurance effect when healing someone while removing the good awful 3% speed which can be problematic on many maps / killers.
Post edited by MB666 on0 -
That's worse than Resilience.
The most MFT needs is to be a full exhaustion perk (so it can't combo into Dead Hard) and potentially nerfed to 2% haste (alongside Dark Theory being buffed to 3%).
Anything more than that makes it a dead perk. But of course survivors aren't allowed decent perks.
4 -
idk u lost the point of stacking stuff , which people already do with the disgusting HOPE + MFT + DH combo.
just saying that the perk woud be waay more fair to use if it was a perk that gives you a 6% of vault speed.
combine that with resilience and it becomes a 15% which was a thing with spine chill back in the day and that was fun for both sides and this isnt even taking the secondary endurance effect that mft gives you , i think thats more than enough.
DBD survivor players trying their hardest to accept a good perk design over a
brokenfun thing for just their side.1 -
You're playing stealth killers that can crawl right up on someone and smack them before they're aware. If I'm playing Trapper, and I outplay a survivor at shack, they shouldn't still make the window safely because haha funny injured haste perk.
People are making a big deal about it because it is a big deal. A lot of safe tiles are designed to be safe for default survivor speed. When you cut the speed difference by 20%, they become exponentially safer.
4 -
That's even worse. I don't want to see vault speed build come back. It needs to be gutted yesterday: remove haste and make it so it only works from injured to healthy so there's no overlap with WGLF or Buckle Up.
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2% haste is still very strong. Even 1% haste is very strong when given unconditionally. Any free haste perk shouldn't exist.
9 -
aight fair enough ,but I think the perk would be more atractive if it was something good as chase perk and at the same time something that survivors need to be good at to get value out of it , I personally had 0 troubles with that combo back in the day.
my pov back them: wow this player is vaulting more quicker but at the same wasting 2 perk slots to do it , meaning they have less options to use during the match but i need to be careful about messing my timing or doing lunges to early/late.
idk as killer or survivor i rather prefer that over a 3% of haste which has no counterplay or downsides to it.
Post edited by MB666 on0 -
Dude you need to chill lol made for this is fine and the fact you can’t handle a killer main saying it’s fine is just so funny to me most killers don’t care and I don’t think made for this needs a nerf or will get one anytime soon with texas chainsaw massacre releasing if behaviour start ruining survivor more than they already have then people will just switch to that if you can’t counter made for this and this is no shade against anyone you just aren’t a good killer
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It's nowhere near as strong in practice as some are claiming it is in theory. Practice never works out the same as theory, survivors need to loop flawlessly and consistently throughout a chase to get the value out of MFT, while a Sprint Burst or a Dead Hard pays off in the second you use it. One wrong read, or one second caught on a corner of a loop, loses the chase.
3% Haste theoretically extends a chase by 20%. But for one thing, it entirely depends on the length of the chase as to whether or not that is impactful. 20% extra on a 5 second chase is 1 second, and it's highly situational as to whether or not that gives the survivors anything of value. But if that chase lasts for more than 15 seconds, then killer gets Bloodlust, which is 5% and outclasses MFT altogether. This serves as a hard cap on the value MFT can give you. You might get one extra loop out of it, which is essentially what every exhaustion perk has the potential to do when used correctly.
And that's the key point, using MFT correctly has a high skill floor, on par with being able to use a 99'd Sprint Burst mid-chase, and the survivors who can pull that off are going to out loop you anyway.
Like I said, MFT has given me no trouble at all. And on the odd times it has, I've been very clearly outplayed by the survivor, it's given them an edge, but it hasn't been the sole reason they've won.
MFT is no better than any Exhaustion perk, and survivors are allowed to get a half-decent perk every now and then. Shaking up the meta is a good thing.
2% haste would be extending a chase by around 13.3%, so you'd need to be chasing at least 8 seconds to gain any value out of it, while 1% extends a chase by a potential 6.6%, this is now requiring a chase of around 15 seconds to give the survivor one extra second, and 15 seconds is where Bloodlust kicks in. So effectively, 1% Haste is giving the survivor absolutely nothing.
So I could see 2% working. A decent survivor could probably get value out of 2%, though the average survivor will not. While 1% is entirely useless for even the best survivors.
1 -
I'm not even gonna dignify this with a proper response.
Really? Because I would argue it is even stronger in practice than it is in theory. The theory only covers the perk as it exists in a vacuum. In practice, it makes up for so many misplays, as well as work in tandem with the horrendous map design to make survivors near impossible to catch on certain maps like GoJ. I have no many clips of me outright outplaying a survivor on a strong tile (like shack, vaulting right into a survivor after they lose a mindgame) and them still making the vault safely because of the speedboost from MFT. Whether we're talking theory or practice, there is one objective fact: 20% difference cut means every meter the survivor has on the killer lasts 20% longer, which means the killer goes from getting a hit with the very edge of their hitbox to the survivor very safely making a vault/pallet/tile with no recourse from the killer. On its own, MFT is "fine". When you combine it with the atrocious, oversaturated map design, it becomes excessively problematic, and again, only affecting the weakest killers in the game; the ones without a power that lets them circumvent the speedboost. It just further incentivizes players to strictly play Wesker/Blight/Nurse/Spirit.
20% on a 5s chase is indeed 1s. And 1s in chase in DBD is a MASSIVE amount of time. A fraction of a second could be the difference between a survivor making a pallet/vault safely, and we're talking about a whole second, on a FIVE SECOND CHASE. Keep in mind survivors get a lot more distance on something like a god vault/pallet break than simply 5s. Now compound that fact with the 20% chase extension. What's a weak killer's only recourse? Bloodlust, of course. And Bloodlust resets on what? Hits (which coordinated survivors will take for their teammates) and pallet breaks (which a survivor can force on a safe enough pallet, which so many maps have today unfortunately).
MFT is far easier to use than a 99 SB, and gives more value. SB gives 4.2 meters of distance to the survivor when used ((6-4.6)*3). That's 7 seconds of chase added for the killer to close the gap (4.2/0.6). MFT gives 20% extra distance on ANY meter of distance that a survivor has over a killer, this means a chase only needs to last 35s (4.2/0.12) or more while the survivor is injured for MFT to outclass SB in terms of total distance gain. This is, again, looked at in a vacuum, not taking into account that MFT lets a survivor greed a pallet so much more often (which increases time wasted), or make other pallets without a burst use like other exhaustion perks, or make safer vaults after being outplayed in a tile. No matter how you slice it, this perk is extremely busted.
1% Haste is an extra .33 seconds on that 5s example you gave earlier, which is still enough for a survivor to safely vault a window/make a pallet, and gives more value than Resilience on vaults. Unconditional Haste will always be problematic. MFT needs to get nerfed yesterday.
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Wait until you figure out how to 100% SB so you can get injured loop for longer with MFT and then activate SB
0 -
I am sick of seeing 1-3 MFT comboed with hope every games and read people that claim it's a fine perk.
It reminds me of the conversation on old DH.
hope a nerf won't take years this time around...
7 -
I agree with your post. MFT is as good as survivor who uses it.I don't think the perk need change but some killer may dislike going against it so killer player should an option to run a consistent small bonus haste perk. The only consistent haste perk you can use now is pwyf but i am sure that @dbdthegame does not want to use that.
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You played Trapper and didn't have at least 2 traps up at shack?
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I would absolutely welcome another killer haste perk. PWYF can be a bit... cumbersome to use.
Something like: each unique survivor hooked grants a stack of 2% haste, each survivor sacrificed removes a stack.
2 -
Always trap pallet and window. Always
4 -
if we have reached a point where perks need to be changed because weak killers like legion are affected more than nurse than we'd need to remove 90% of all perks.
That's impossible. As soon as you aren't exhausted anymore SB will immediately activate if you're running, which causes exhaustion. SB and MFT literally have anti synergy. No mither and self care levels of anti synergy
2 -
Every survivor out here claiming "SB is better than MFT" yet every survivor runs MFT over SB.
Numbers wise, SB gives you a "6m boost" over perkless running, but this is a fairy tale scenario where you trigger SB and run directly away from the killer, which you can only reasonably do in an open area. Also have to keep in mind that SB triggers the moment you tap the sprint button , which forces you to walk most of the trial or gamble that the killer wont find you within the 40s recovery window.
On the other hand, MFT is a permanent 3% boost just for being injured, which translates to 0.12m/s. Now basic math, tells you that over FIVE SECONDS a survivor with MFT will be 0.60m (more than half a meter) ahead of a perkless survivor.
This is where the problem lies, being 0.60m ahead of where you would normally be, is the difference between making a pallet and extending chase for another 20+ seconds or going down , its also the difference between making a window vault or not.
the value in MFT doesn't come from straight line chases, its in the 5-10 second Jungle gym / TLs chases where you extend chases you otherwise couldn't because you made an extra 0.6m to 1.2m of distance.
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
Funny... Imagine complaining about a good survivor perk after a long time while killer perks are still somewhat rancid to this day. The fun part is that you also wanna say that hope is overpowered with it. It is a fine combination for it's price in my opinion, since no matter how you look at it that's half of a survivors loadout, which only comes to fruition in the end game basicly.
While killers can run perks that almost exclusively circumvent the survivors from getting that far. Look at all the gen regression perks that the killers have at their disposal and yet for some reason it is still enough to run 1-2 of those to cause pain.
Also killers who are actually good will not complain about this perk/combination because they will know that the survivor who runs this makes a mistake is dead and can capitalize on this.
Now to give you a point about the old DH. It is fair that it was nerfed because it was a free time waster one way or another. Or the time when survivors effectively bugged out with DH or negated a hit after it should've taken effect. This time MFT is not that bad,
As stated in here if you are bad it may save you like once or twice a game, but if you are good and consistent it wil look like that you are abusing the perk, but otherwise you shouldn't crack the whip over survivors because you will sound biased. Survivors nowadays don't get nearly as many chances with perks being good as killers.
But if the maps, tiles and buildings would be the way they used to be (infinites, loops that favor survivors horribly well) this complaint would be acceptable. But if I look at things the way you do but as a survivor main, then the following killer perks should be nerfed:
- SH: PR (just because 4*15% is too much)
- DMS (because why can it block any gens and why can it combo with PR)
- NOED (because it's boring and such an easy perk that gives almost a free kill or 2 if used at least decently)
- Eruption (because you still scream and 10 sec of aura read is too much)
- Jolt (because 10% for a down is too much)
- PGTW (Because 7-11*30% is too much)
yadi-yadi-yada... This list could go on for quite a while if I would be biased, but since I know that killer perks need to make a more significant impact that most survivor perks I'm not complaining half as much as some of the killers I met. Also besides killer perks, can we do a hot take on most killers basically spamming powers with close to 0 or very little cooldown just if we are at the point of complaining...
(Respect to the following killer tho: Huntress, because she actually needs way more mechanical skill because of aiming and punishability and Trapper for the limitation in resources)
I don't know why are the killers throwing tantrums constantly about survivor perks one at a time basically and getting stronger and stronger perks constantly yet survivors getting nerfs after nerfs but still having 2-3 good/strong perks is a sin. This reminds me more of a CoH state because it came in strong, all the killers started runing sloppy, and other heal slow down perks, the perk got nerfed to 50% self-heal speed, was still too strong, then along side with the second wave of nerfs making it a conditional empathy+botany*2 now its not nearly as good ever since the med-kits got gutted alongside the perks.
And let's take a word on killer add-ons:
- They offer various effects (not a bad thing, but the capability of stacking more than 3 effects on survivors by a single instance of killer power is just immense. , [Blindness, Exhaustion, Exposed, Hindered, Mangled, Hemorrhage])
- Some are overtuned for their rarity (Adrenaline Vial for Blight or Demo's Black Heart or Spirit's 2in1 add-ons buffing Haunt Duration/Speed/Recharge Rate [Finally got nerfed, Thank God] or Clown's speed slow add-ons)
- Some are completly useless, and/or irrelevant (multiple of Nurse's add-ons which have a better counterpart/are too niche/uncomfortable to use)
So if survivors get the treatment of "Let's make their items worse", then I think it's time for killers.
And I can already imagine that a lof of people seeing/commenting to my comment will be like: "You are the problem.", "Just another salty survivor main.". Call me what you want but it won't make me less entitled to my opinion. And keep in mind that the game can be just as dead without survivors as it can be without killers. So if survivors leave the game because it becomes far too killer sided killers can't play it either.
2 -
Please enlighten me as to what the counter play to this is :
Killer plays the tile perfectly, yet because that "loop" was around 16s, MFT gave the Ada an extra 2 meters of distance over perkless and got a chase extension.
I keep telling people in these threads, re-watch any recent dbd video/stream, and count how many times a survivor with MFT made it to a pallet/Window right just in the nick of time and caused an undeserved chase extension.
Also from your post history, I see you've complained about wesker being "same old same old" , and "the game is stale seeing BBQ and ruin 5/5 times" if you see a problem with repetition on one side , hopefuly you can see a problem with survivors bringing MFT+Resi with Hope/Adren/WOO sprinked in every trial.
4 -
I played Trapper on GoJ. It doesn't matter if I trap shack because every tile is extremely safe. And again, that's just one example. If I outplay a survivor on an M1 killer, there's no reason I shouldn't get a hit.
"just dedicate 25% of your build to counter one perk that survivors may or may not bring, that you need to farm stacks off your obsession for, that you lose a stack every time you M1" yeah, sounds just like the days of old COH where people were saying "just bring shattered hope bro!"
Survivors are stronger without perks than most killers are with full gen regression perks. Survivors don't NEED perks to be good, they are strong basekit. Most of the killers in the roster (save for like 2-3) NEED perks to stand a chance in most trials. MFT isn't just "good", it's actually broken. You wanna see good perks? Look at Nic Cage's perks. All of them give very strong effects, and yet all of them are balanced. Killer perks are rancid? Which exactly? COB+OC+Eruption got nerfed into the ground, PR got nerfed, it seems like every good gen reg perk is getting gutted.
I would argue MFT is even worse than old DH. Old DH was a one time thing that guaranteed a window/pallet. MFT is the same thing, except to a lesser extent but consistent any time you're injured and unexhausted. Either killer dedicates part of their build to inflict exhaustion (hoping that someone is running MFT), or they don't and they get slapped with MFT constantly.
Survivors should never get perks that allow them to extend chases as egregiously as 6.1.0 DH, or now MFT, because survivors can already stretch chases long enough for all gens to get done, and maps are safe enough to predrop every pallet and finish all gens twice over.
SH:PR already got nerfed, it's now 4x25%, and it gives no value if you use a white hook when there's no gen with progress. DMS is fine, just get off the gen as someone is being hooked (of course, it's bugged now with early hook effects). NOED has already been nerfed into the ground; NOED is literally the killer version of Adrenaline, an endgame second chance perk. Eruption only takes effect when someone goes down, at most, the 10s aura read gives the killer an idea of whether the survivor is committing or leaving. The 10% is barely enough to make up for the killer getting the pick up and making a hook. Jolt is 8%, might wanna double check those numbers, chief. Pop gives 30% of the TOTAL progress on a gen, and is probably one of the healthiest gen reg perks in a very long time.
But while we're on the subject of overpowered perks that need to be toned down, let's talk about survivors getting busted Endurance perks back to back. First, we get MFT, then we get Buckle Up rework. How many more ways to get Endurance do we need? At this point, it's so difficult to even tell what the perk was. Did the survivor have OTR? Was it MFT? Was it Buckle Up? A Styptic? DH? Mettle of Man?
This isn't gonna turn into a us vs them conversation. We're here to discuss MFT and that's all we're gonna discuss. I'm a killer main but I was actually one of the biggest proponents of nerfing old Eruption. I was also hugely in favor of nerfing old PR because it was oppressive in the same way that old Pop was. I'm also one of the biggest proponents of anti-facecamp measure now; I think they disproportionately affect solo Q and help SWF, and it's a very low effort way to build up pressure as killer. But now, MFT is broken, and we need to fix that.
2 -
All killer haste perks suck. PWYF occasionally doesn't suck, but most of the time sucks. I'd be fine with MFT if we had haste perks that were actually useful and tied to something we could control, or even better, your skill! I'm imagining 5% haste that you get rewarded if you end a chase in under 30 seconds, that lasts until your next down instead of hit. Stuff like game afoot is just pitiful.
1 -
Smh don't you get it? He was supposed to run PWYF+Nemesis, then let himself get stunned for free, then drop chase, then come back and start chase all over, that's how you counter MFT. Then, he's supposed to do it again for every hit and every person that's running MFT. Smh baby killers nowadays want everything given to them for free. In my days, we had to antiloop INFINITES.
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It shouldn't stack with hope but mft alone ? Is it really better than any exhaustion perk I rarely notice it, if anything it's hard to use for average survivor they try to greed pallets and fail or try to run in the open. Think about it if you play an m1 killer against 4 overcome or sprint burst it's probably much worse, any surv will get value from these perks but not from MFT
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Just asking (I seriously question the correct ammount) How many loops of that size exist with those conditions? And how many pallets are almost unplayable? Because in that case look at the opposite as well. Also scenarios exist where other killers fair better against different things too. And to the clip: a 99'd SB wouldve done the same.
And a comment to you looking at my post history: Ruin one was before it got reworked and BBQ gave 100% bp bonus for free so constant use and too much benefit for nothing, and I stay firm on the Wesker topic of him being overplayed, overloaded, and bugged via hitboxes, well the overplayed part until the last patch when my games consisted of 60-80% of them playing against Wesker. But nice try trying to look at my post history and making me look bad.
Okay then let's stay on topic:
Made For This is 1-3% Haste when Injured And 10 sec Endurance when healing a state (just have to heal to change the state not a full health state), can't be used while exhausted, but won't cause exhaustion, correct? As far as the wiki is correct, yes.
2 Things with the perk:
- 1 you have to be injured to make any use of it, so any form of exposed basicly breaks the perk any time you hit a healthy survivor and exposed perks are most of the times fair.
- Neither of the perks effects are useable while exhausted by any means, so you have a ton of ways to counter it the most relevant one being fearmonger or if the survivor is not the sharpest sometimes they counter themselves. Main point is it's a sort of risk reward perk, that you don't get an exhaustion perk with short term benefits but get a long term small boost.
Besides the perk you mention endurance from other perks. Why are they exactly hard to track of?
OTR: if you wanna make use of the 80 seconds renders you useless for your team for that duration, but people like to tunnel so that warrants the perks existance there,
BT: does this too but for 10 seconds with the speed boost lasting +10 seconds too so those are anti tunnel perks, which lose effect after literally touching anything that's objective related (gens/heals/totems etc.).
DH: needs to be timed and 0,5 second window is not the easiest to hit especially when the killer huddles up to you, and the perk can be used 2 times/survivor/game, and it gives a 40 sec exhaustion.
Styptic is 5 sec and eats a med-kit, so thats a variable.
Buckle up/MFT/Soul Guard/WGLF are the only ones that can confuse you, depending on who you hit but it's not impossible to comprehend it.
Also only 1 endurance can protect you at a time basicly besides Mettle of Man which overwrites a hit. But if you still look at it all of them have a condition still :)
0 -
your complaining about m1 killer on garden of joy. that map is survivor sided. you do not need MFT to go on long chases on that map. that is more of a map problem more then perk problem. as for tru3 clip, I could tell by distancing that he was not going to catch-up. he had to break the pallet. I know that pallet because I play survivor and the way I use that pallet is i pre-drop it like slightly ahead of the killer so that I can get 1 loop rotation, then the killer get bloodlust so you need to move away to some more safer loop.
0 -
As for the other guy's clip, he was giving a specific example where a survivor would NEVER have been able to make a pallet except with MFT. It works on a smaller extent on smaller loops, like shack, or jungle gyms, or TLs, or filler pallets. It works on very safe loops, and makes them even safer. Yes, a 99'd SB would have had the same effect, but a 99'd SB would have also had that player running around with their 99 SB being useless while outside of chase, then only using it in chase as a one time measure, after which they run at regular speed. It's not something that provides value as you run from safe pallet to safe pallet, and even looping unsafe pallets like the one in that clip.
Wesker isn't bugged in any way shape or form with hitboxes. However, he does have the only attack that "grabs" a survivor, so it makes ping hits look more egregious than with other killers like Huntress.
Fearmonger is extremely easy to wait out midchase, or even to get rid of as you hear the killer's TR approach you. Also, that's 25% of the killer's build dedicated to countering one perk which survivors may or may not have. Not to mention it makes 99'd SB much easier and helps those survivors.
There is no risk involved with using MFT. If you can loop the killer for longer than 35s while injured (which isn't a tall order), you've already gained more distance than you would have made with any other exhaustion perk. The only time other exhaustion perks are superior is for working on gens that are unsafe (next to hills/Z walls/out in the open) where a use of the exhaustion perk can let you get away from the gen scot-free. Any other time, MFT is far superior.
You obviously missed my point when I mentioned Endurance being so free now. I can obviously do detective work and have a good idea which perk it was, my problem is with the overabundance of Endurance of excessive duration, on so many perks. Endurance is a very strong status effect, and giving it unlimited uses with minimally invasive conditions is problematic. I've run into far too many MFT/Unbreakable/Buckle Up squads with Flashlights picking each other up with Endurance over and over again with absolutely no counterplay. And don't even get me started on the broken Buckle Up+FTP combo.
1 -
I play all the killers, never ran into a problem where Made for This was making me unable to kill survivors. Also killers have plenty of ways to increase their own speed or to counter Made for This. In fact all 3 of Singularity's perks counter Made for This in their own unique way. Perk is fine.
3 -
The goal was to highlight a scenario where MFT blatantly bailed out a survivor and caused an undeserved chase extention. (you still failed to answer me as to what kind of counterplay there is to that)
Again, over the course of 5 seconds, a MFT survivor is 0.60m ahead of where they would be if they were perkless and thats enough to make a vault or drop a pallet without being hit *just because you have a perk equiped*
Also casual reminder that game balance has to be seen from a perkless perspective, the moment you go "well, bring perk X to counter perk Y" , you've admitted theres a balancing issue because guess what, if the counter perk is from a paid DLC you'll be forced to pay cash just to be able to keep up and that is not ok.
On the topic of Endurance effects , the only perk you mentioned that indeed DOES have a condition is WGLF, forcing you to get a flashy save , pallet save or prot hit before being able to use it. all the others work without a pre-requisite and that is not ok.
You have WGLF that forces you to do a side objective to gain endurance on ONE character, meanwhile Buckle Up gives it to both, for the same time, without needing a side objective, that is not balanced in the slightest.
0 -
Ah yes, the daily "I can never get value from this perk so it sucks!" post. If you've never run into someone using MFT that gave you problems, then you're playing against bad survivors. And if you've never gotten value from MFT, that's the opposite of a brag.
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Maybe BHVR needs to up the weaker killers? -shrugs-
0 -
I agree, but also shouldn't create a perk that exacerbates the problem of killers not having antiloop. Not every killer will have an antiloop, and that's okay. Haste is an extremely powerful status effect that shouldn't be given out to survivors with almost no condition.
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Sorry bit urv mains have to then do with the gen regression perks and all that stuff.
0 -
Sorry but surv mains have to deal with the constant gen regression perks etc.
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Ok and? Most of the killer roster has NO chance of winning whatsoever without gen reg perks, even with a major fumble by the survivors. The roles are not created equally; every second the killer spends doing something is 4 seconds the survivors have. If a perk allows a survivor to extend a chase even by 30s, that's 1:30 that the survivor buys for his teammates.
1 -
Most of the killer roster has NO chance of winning whatsoever without gen reg perks,
Absolutely not true, I rarely use regression perks, outside of the odd CoB (for info) and maybe very rarely Jolt.
This makes it all the more clear why you think MfT is the end of the world. You have a victim complex tied to your killer bias, and are likely not skilled enough for the MMR bracket you've boosted yourself into by relying on crutch perks.
1 -
every single gen reg perk got nerfed this is the weakest gen perks have ever been in the game
and the two semi strong ones (pain res + pop) require hooks and one of them is limited to only 4 uses per Survivor.
complaining about gen perks rn especially with Survivors bringing toolboxes, bnps (still strong), prove thyself is skill issue.
0 -
Ah yes, the "I know my MMR and yours and I'm a better player!" argument. Do you wanna play me and my SWF without any gen reg perk using a low-tier killer? Also we'll bring MFT just for the lolz.
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Peak survivor entitlement right here...
"I dont like this subset of killer perks, so I DESERVE a survivor perk thats beyond busted"
Come on man, you have to be trolling.
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It's no less than you've accused of me and others.
"You're not going against good survivors if you don't have an issue with MFT"
It sounds like you are a better survivor than you are a killer. That's not an insult, just an observation based on your accounts.
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There's plenty of killer mains who are playing against the perk and have no issue with it, and they aren't just using the top tiers. Telling people who disagree with you that their opinion means nothing because *insert whatever excuse you feel like* is an incredibly dishonest way of debating anything.
Your experience of the game is not the only one. Even if you find 20 players who agree with you on here, that's still not a representation of the overall player experience. Maybe instead of telling killer players that they are playing against bad survivors when they disagree with you, you might want to consider the possibility that you are getting outplayed. That's also a possibility.
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yep, because 20% chase increase for losing is definitely fair good game design.
you might just be really good at dbd 😭
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I'm at an 80/20 split between killer and survivor, so I'm most definitely a killer main. I also 1v1 quite frequently, and I've done the experiment with and without MFT. If you're using any killer without a chase power, MFT will destroy you.
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Common consensus doesn't matter when it comes to balancing. Game shouldn't be balanced around mob rule because there are far more survivor players than killer players. If a perk is objectively broken, it must be nerfed. The COH nerf was unpopular, as were both DH and DS nerfs, as is the current MFT nerf proposal. The perk is beyond broken and provides far too much upside for far too little downside. It is strictly superior to almost every one of its alternatives, making it objectively overpowered.
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Why do survivor perks need to have downsides? Like I said to another person on here, the roles for killers and survivors are different. The majority of the players are solo queue survivors. That role requires a bunch of skill that the killer doesn't need to have. As survivor you need to be able to work with and around your teammates with limited information. You can't do the gens and escape unless the team is somewhat coordinated and their actions can often lead to your death. In that environment there's a lot things that require skill so it isn't necessary to bog survivors down with a ton of perk requirements. When I play killer at least I don't have to account for anyone other than myself. That's a massive part of the game I don't need to deal with (requires less skill). But that's fine as I will be utilising skill for other aspects of the match.
The role of both sides feels so different that I don't think you can make a comparison between perks requirements, as skill expression occurs in different aspects of the match for both sides.
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I'm actually the person that said the roles aren't created equally. I didn't say survivor perks needed to have downsides, I said MFT shouldn't be as strong as it is. It provides too much upside, which is true, with the only downside of needing to be injured when doing so. The downside to activate the perk is negligible, and the effect it gives is extremely powerful. That's been my entire argument this whole time.
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I can't wait for Resilience to be on the public chopping block next since it's basically MFT.