Plot Twist gives survivors too much control over the game

Survivors can use Plot Twist to intentionally put themselves in the dying state to disable Corrupt Intervention and to slow down the Endgame Countdown Timer.
Please consider keeping Corrupt Intervention enabled and the EGC timer ticking normally if and when the survivors put themselves into the dying state.
Other than not injuring survivors at all at the start of the match or leaving survivors injured at the end of the match, the killer has no counter to this; especially given that it's map-wide and they can down themselves anywhere (even right in front of the killer in the case of Corrupt Intervention).
One huge change they can make to prevent disabling Corrupt early is simply that Plot Twist can't be used while Broken. Then, Terminus gains a huge buff, No Mither becomes useless, and Plot Twist retains its current intended usage applications.
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This could work. Thanks for chiming in.
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It shouldn't have the ability to nullify Corrupt, so that should be changed. I hope it keeps it's ability to deny certain interactions, like avoiding Eruption from activating. It adds some fun depth to a perk that will likely become pretty niche after the novelty wears off.
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A survivor has to risk taking a perk that makes them broken the whole match just to maybe counter corrupt intervention which they may or may not have. Can we please not nerf fun perks just because they have niche counters against the meta on the opposite side? Deerstalker is a mega counter to PT yet I haven’t heard one person ask for a nerf to this perk.
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I honestly don't see the issue.
Plot Twist also triggers killer perks like Eruption and Remember Me, so it's hardly a one sided exchange.
I dislike how we can't have any interesting perk synergizes, because someone gets upset it's possible.
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Deerstalker doesn't work if the killer leaves a survivor on the ground and the dude with Plot Twist just goes down on top of the dying survivor to hide their own aura / player model inside them.
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you reaching for the stars with this scenario
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Imo it wouldn't be crazy if downing yourself deactivated the perk instead of recovering, but it disabling corrupt I don't see much of a problem with because if you down yourself right in front of the killer they can just pick you up, it just forces you to commit to a chase after injuring someone while corrupt is up which I think is fine, dropping chases shouldn't be encouraged anyways
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And no Mither + plot twist does nothing if the killer doesn’t have corrupt so what’s your point?
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no mither+plot twist to cancel corrupt is a meme and isn't worth the time to fix tbh. If you really wanna grief your team every match you don't get a corrupt gamer (and even then outside of trapper and hag trading corrupt to effectivelly stun a survivor for 20 seconds and then also have them be broken for the rest match doesn't feel that bad)
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Plot twist activate force hesitation when they down themselves. Let the perk stay and run deer stalker then.
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Jesus, I didn't think we'd be legitimately complaining about a No Mither combo.
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Oh god, no, a meme build that people will more than likely stop using in a few days?!
Nerf it!!! Nerf this totally OP combo now!!!1!!!1
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Did they counter corrupt though?
Sure they deactivated it. But also have to spend like 30 seconds picking themself up. Not to mention they need No Mither.
I will take a broken survivor who is afk the first 30 seconds of the game over 3 blocked gens any time.
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Why people keep saying no mither?
You have to not injure a survivor to avoid your perk or even your whole build being destroyed is the problem.
It is a huge problem for killer who plays hit and run style and end game build.
But who care right?
Most of people talking here Don't even play the killer.
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'Killers will complain about everything' is not a meme anymore if someone is legitimately asking for a No Mither nerf.
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If the Killer hits you and then you plot twist to remove corrupt, you put yourself at risk of giving a free hook. Survivors could already run at the killer to disable corrupt before plot twist and no one did so.
Not to mention that going to the killer and getting them to hit you and then running ofc to plot twist, your teammates likely started non blocked gens already.
As for end game, when was the last time you ran into a killer seriously running an end game build.
None of this is an actual problem.
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This is such a non issue
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corrupt intervertion should have NEVER been nerfed to begin with..
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We have reached a point where people are seriously complaining about survivors using no mither. I'm at a loss for words
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You still get surprised by things like this? I figured you've seen pretty much everything the forums could possibly offer lol
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But deerstalker is crap otherwise and PT even outside of being used against corrupt is a good perk.
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No it isn’t. Lol
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You're really calling to nerf the Plot Twist + No Mither combo? The combo that literally counteracts itself? Where you need to run TWO perks to maybe counter one bad killer perk, and then play the rets of the game with only two remaining perks and one health state...
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Are you really saying No Mither is meta?
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So you're saying No Mither is meta.
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How do you counter corrupt with JUST PT??? Explain to me. You don’t start the match off injured so what are you going to do, throw yourself at the killer, get hit, and then use PT to disable corrupt? If you genuinely think that’s how you do it then I can’t take you seriously.
Also, there are killer perks that disables survivor perks. Terminus shuts down Adrenaline, Iron Maiden shuts down Head On, any blindness build make WoO useless most of the time, etc.
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I guess without No Mither, then hit n run play styles are affected? That's the only way I can see if Plot Twist was an "issue" but then I would personally just adapt to using other strategies.
Corrupt does a lot more for Trapper, Hag, Larry, Plague, any killer who needs set up time to get the ball rolling anyway.
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They could change Corrupt Intervention to only become disabled early if the killer hooks a survivor before the perk duration expires.
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Okay, so don't play Myers or other killers that benefit from tagging a survivor and letting them go early on to get more stalk or infection or gen patrols or trap setup. 👍️
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The 0.1% usage rate speaks otherwise, if you wanna slug run the many other better perks.
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Hard agree they should do this
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Fair, now let's make sure Terminus actually counters Adrenaline too. That's like the one use of the perk and I think they changed it so it straight up doesn't.