That's it, from now on I refuse to play against the Onryo



  • oreoslurpee
    oreoslurpee Member Posts: 291

    thats because huntress isn't a stealth killer. she never has been one, plus, she has a lullaby because she is a long range killer. mean while, sadako has 0 long range abilities, barely any chase potential, and her power quite literally gets hard countered by picking up a tape. if you want to nerf her, then at LEAST remove her lullaby completely as it serves absolutely no purpose besides nullifying her status as a stealth killer. its like when they nerfed pigs terror radius from 28m to 32 to "match all 4.6 speed killers" even though sadako moves at 4.6 and has a 24m radius. that terror radius nerf completely made her an awful killer since she had a much harder time sneaking up on survivors.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,553



    Like seriously, how do these two groups exist in the same game? I am honestly baffled how it's possible.

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    There's perks to counter this though. Its a legitimate playstyle, although boring. If they just sat there bming you the entire time you were down, then yeah id get it, but if they're slugging you and moving on then I don't see that as toxic.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    Ghostface: you can hear his rags flying around

    Wraith: he has loud step noises and the growling

    Pig: her breath is the loudest of the bunch, probably louder than Myers

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 828

    When a survivor turnes the TV off, it's off for 70 seconds, so in a bad case scenario you might wait a minute in front of the tv.

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687
    edited July 2023

    I haven't either. Last one I ran into last night was a slugdako. After she moried two of my teammates at 3 gens, the fourth became condemnable but she left him slugged for later - she wanted that juicy 4 man condemn and it became a battle of wills between her and I. She came close to condemning me quite a few times, I barely managed to get rid of it (she was using the iri tape + comb combo). The slug almost bled out and at that point, she didn't want to lose the third mori I guess, got impatient and mori'd him. I died to the entity in one final chase. It's hard when the Sadako sets out for that condemn at all costs.

  • oreoslurpee
    oreoslurpee Member Posts: 291
    edited July 2023

    and as i clearly said, you can hear her manifesting/de-manifesting as it creates this loud horrific screeching sound. also btw, you can see her within 24 meters incase ya didn't know. sadako is still very easily countered, and her chase value is pretty awful. thats why its so popular to hit and run with her. and grab a tape to prevent her from using her power, the lullaby is awful and it ruins the experience of her being a stealth killer. i cannot tell you how many times i get excited its a sadako, then the horror aspect of her character is gone because my heartbeat visual gives her position away. and no, i am not gonna turn it off because i need it specifically because i blast music lol

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    Tbf Ghostface and Myers are also stealth killers who can be seen within 24 meters. But of course they don’t turn semi-invisible.

  • oreoslurpee
    oreoslurpee Member Posts: 291

    i honestly dont see myers as a stealth killer since his stealth is only in tier 1, which if you stay in it all game then your just actively not trying. but ghostface? sure, you can see him anywhere, but you wont ever know if hes around you while hes in stalk. at least with sadako you can still see her when shes within 24 meters of you, whether shes semi-invisible or not. the information that you can see her, makes you know shes coming to you and you can rush to a pallet or window while shes trying to manifest (making her slower than the nurse fyi). removing her lullaby is really not this big of a deal

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,918
    edited July 2023

    That's a teamwork problem. Survivors are supposed to work as a team. And this is the part where you say "but solo queue". Yeah, we all know solo queue is bad, that is not a problem exclusive to a single killer and we shouldn't be making balance decisions around something where we already know the root cause of the problem has nothing to do with the thing we are discussing.

  • nodforkiss
    nodforkiss Member Posts: 196

    she is a weak m1 killer with very weak stealth and no anti loop, I can loop sadakos for ages and we won the last 4/5 sadako matches in soloq. just because you cant loop it doesnt make sadako skull merchant 2 (she isnt even close to that)

  • UnavailableName
    UnavailableName Member Posts: 298
    edited July 2023
    1. start of the trial
    2. go take a tape
    3. go to a gen
    4. do the gen
    5. if you get hit, you get 2 stacks, go to another TV, take and use the tape
    6. gg
  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 828

    No, solo queue is not the point I was trying to make.

    In the original post you replied to the author said, that it can be hard to find a new tape if you lose the one you grabbed at the start because sadako hit you. You said that it is not a big deal, because it is only 45 seconds. My point is, it can be 70 seconds, so even if you know that your teammate just grabbed a tape from that TV, you still need to find a different one. And especially on indoor maps that can be a problem.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    Five Sadako games in a row I got 3 Inexorable Stares and a hatch within 7 minutes. It's crazy.

    I've gone against her a couple of times. Each time I made sure to cycle tapes as often as I could and avoided Condemned. However one of those games my team mates didn't and got mori'd, and the other they did keep on top of tapes, but no gens got done.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    People just haven’t figured out the counterplay yet. Once people have gone against her enough, they will adapt.

    In a way TVs are like reusable timegated resources now. If one clueless Survivor predrops half the pallets at the beginning of the game, the team is going to have a hard time later on because one person turned the map into a deadzone within one chase. Obviously the game shouldn’t be balanced for these people or you would have respawning pallets. If one Survivor decides to be selfish and keeps taking and depositing tapes regardless of Condemned level, obviously the rest are going to have a hard time later on. They need to learn and not be handheld more.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168
    edited August 2023

    It's an issue when it's done to multiple survivors at the same time (often repearedly) and you're just left to bleed our or cannot get anything done. This type of play is becoming endemic at the moment. It's happening multiple times a day when I'm playing.

    To be honest, BHVR need to stop trying to placate killers at the moment because despite every update given to them to discourage scummy behaviour they just play that way more because its easier. The multiple killers who moaned about needing to camp/tunnel because 'dead hard was busted' only to then turn around after the nerf and say 'haha yeah I just did it cause it was easy and I'll continue now that it's even easier' was a massive marker of the beginning of this behaviour and its only got worse.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168
    edited August 2023

    The first group is people who learned to play her in one plastyle that's now been discouraged.

    The second is a group of people who now play her in a different way that's very oppressive to the actual objectives of the game (and also goes against the reason they made the change). This I'm not a play to win survivor, but ive been playing the game since 2017 and am fairly competent. The amount of matches I've gone against her on where you can't even get a gen done is increasing - that's an issue.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited August 2023

    Yeah we totally disagree then. They’ve given nearly zero things to discourage killers from camping or tunneling and if anything they placate the average/bad survivor, not killer. Most killer also don’t just tunnel because it’s easier, it’s because of how extremely unbalanced the game is. You also act like dead hard was not objectively busted, everyone knew this. As well as leaving out all the survivor buffs happening simultaneously to counteract those things for killer. The game has and still does cater to a very low skill level solo queue survivor which is why we have all the balance problems we do.

    Lastly slugging multiple survivors is not an issue and they’re generally not being left to bleed out, they’re being left to force other survivors off gens to pick them up, aka pressuring gens. The only version of this that’s a problem is when all 4 survivors are on the ground and left there to bleed out, but this is extremely rare and not worth even mentioning. Also, if multiple survivors are getting simultaneously slugged then either y’all are having a very bad game or the killers is just way more skilled. In even skilled matches that isn’t happening.