Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Killer perks that need updating/buffs.

Member Posts: 6
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Seems like a lot of the killer perks feel extremely outdated and situational. These perks im listing are rarely used not because they are niche, its just that they are weak and 90% of the time useless to even use.

1) Blood Warden - Once per Trial, hooking a Survivor while Blood Warden is active calls upon The entity to block the exits for all Survivors for 30/40/60 seconds.

This perk should seem like it's good, but because of how situational it is.. it's often never used. It is too easily counterable, being the biggest issue, and even if you do pull it off, it doesn't even have a great chance of getting you anything more than 1 single hook.

Updated Blood Warden - Once per Trial, hooking a Survivor while Blood Warden is active calls upon The entity to block the exits for all Survivors for 30/40/60 seconds. Additionally, If any survivor loses a health state once the exit gates are powered, Blood Warden will activate automatically for 12/14/16 seconds. This will not overlap and give additional time if blood warden is already active, but can be activated for limitless duration potentially speaking.

This would mean survivors have to be extremely careful about endgame, not thoughtlessly taking hits if the exit gates are open.

  • 2) Deathbound - Whenever a Survivor heals another Survivor for the equivalent of 1 health state at least 32 metres away from you, Deathbound activates:
  • Causes the Survivor to scream and trigger a loud noise notification
  • For the next 60 seconds, the Survivor suffers from the oblivious status effect whenever they are farther than 16/12/8 metres from the healed Survivor.

This perk is has just way too underwhelming of an effect to even consider staying next to the affected survivor for it to be worth it.

  • Updated Deathbound - Whenever a Survivor heals another Survivor for the equivalent of 1 health state at least 32 metres away from you, Deathbound activates:
  • Causes the Survivor to scream and trigger a loud noise notification
  • For the next 60 seconds, the Survivor suffers from the oblivious status effect as well as the exposed status effect, whenever they are farther than 16/12/8 metres from the healed Survivor.

It's simply necessary to add the exposed effect as well to make it even viable. That could lead to some funny situations as well with the healing survivor doing everything they can to stay close afterwards.

3) Furtive Chase - You become obsessed with one Survivor.

You lurk in the shadows, eliminating your victims one by one.

Each time you hook your obsession, you gain 1 Token, up to a maximum of 2/3/4 Tokens:

  • While in a Chase, your terror radius is reduced by 4 metres per accumulated Token.
  • When a Survivor rescues the Obsession from the Hook, that Survivor will become the new Obsession.

You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

This perk is just straight useless and confusing to even understand. Not sure how it can be effective outside of dropping chases near generators to chase someone else, but even then unless survivors are blind and not aware of whats going on 16 meters around them, it won't help at all.

Updated Furtive Chase - You become obsessed with one Survivor.

You lurk in the shadows, eliminating your victims one by one.

Each time you hook your obsession, you gain 1 Token, up to a maximum of 2/3/4 Tokens:

  • While in a Chase, your movement speed will increase by 2% per token while chasing the obsession.
  • When a Survivor rescues the Obsession from the Hook, that Survivor will become the new Obsession.

You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

Thats basically it, just a movement speed buff whilst chasing your obsession only. Since it flops with each rescue, it also de-incentivizes tunneling. It's a much needed change to make it worth using and not too overpowered since it's only 1 of the 4 survivors.

4) Terminus - You are a brilliant tactician who prepares for every eventuality.

Once the exit gates are powered, Terminus activates:

  • All survivors, who are either injured, dying, or hooked, suffer from the broken Status Effect until the Exit Gates are opened.
    • This effect lingers for an additional 20/25/30 seconds after the Exit Gates are open

This perk is not really useful because it doesn't do anything against healthy survivors and is hard countered by adrenaline anyway. It's way too underpowered to consider running.

Updated Terminus - Once the exit gates are powered, Terminus activates:

  • All survivors immediately become injured if healthy and are affected with the broken status effect until the exit gates are opened. If this causes a survivor to lose 1 health state, they are given a 4 second sprint burst as well as 8 seconds of endurance.
    • The broken effect lingers for an additional 20/25/30 seconds after the Exit Gates are open

This perk update might seem a little too strong but this is the endgame and if survivors made it this far, nothing wrong with it feeling actually threatening.

5) Thwack - After hooking a Survivor, THWACK! activates:

  • The next time you break a breakable wall or a pallet, all Survivors within 28/30/32 metres of your location will scream and reveal their aura for 4 seconds

Outside of the fact you need a pallet or wall to make this work, it doesn't have an effect worthy of being only useable after hooking someone just one time. Very underpowered and probably thought up by someone who both doesn't play dbd and uses drugs.

Updated Thwack - After hooking a Survivor, THWACK! activates:

  • The next time you break a breakable wall or a pallet, all Survivors within 28/30/32 metres of your location will scream, and become afflicted with exposed, oblivious, and blindness for 16 seconds.

If it has a stringent requirement like hooking someone, it should probably have an effect that makes survivors want to "get the hell away from you" quickly. And ofcourse being able to use it strategically to clear an area near a generator maybe.

Would love to know what everyone thinks of these ideas, thanks for reading.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 6,030

    I'm confused on how terminus is hard countered by Adrenaline? Isint it the opposite, doesn't terminus counter Adrenaline heal

  • Member Posts: 1,298

    It's bugged atm and doesn't prevent the heal like it used too

  • Member Posts: 509
    edited August 2023

    I like the furtive chase idea but make it 1% instead of 2% as thats sounds crazy op. Here are some other ideas i have

    Hex : Huntress Lullaby- In addition to current effects each token also makes skill check move 4% faster.

    Unnerving presence- In addition to current effects it will also remove the skillcheck audio notification when within killer's terror radius

    Overwhelming Presence- Increases item consumption rate by 100% when within killer's terror radius and effect lingers for 20 seconds afterwards

    Coulrophobia - Also open exit gates 50% slower

    Dragon's Grip- 80 second cooldown will start when when you kick the gen

    Deathbound- Duration increased to 80 seconds and in addition to current effects survivor will suffer from 3% hindered

    Oppression- Remove cooldown

    Dying Light- Remove obsession healing bonus at start and obsession now gets 3% healing, unhooking bonus per non obsession hooked

    Beast Of Prey- When blood lust activates lets you see the aura of the survivor your chasing

    Call Of Brine- Increase regression to 150% but now goes on cooldown for 1 minute after kicking a gen

    Fire Up - Increase to 5% per token

    Post edited by Yippiekiyah on
  • Member Posts: 1,919

    Wraith’s perks are garbage so here’s some ideas.

    Predator - the scratch marks are worse with Predator, so change it completely

    • Footsteps are louder
    • Survivors continue to leave scratch marks for a few seconds after they stop running

    Bloodhound - make it a killer version of Made For This.

    • While walking within 1-2 metres of pools of blood, move 3% faster.
    • Keep the glowing blood because it’s cool.
    • So basically you move faster, but only when right on top of blood (like a bloodhound)

    Shadowborn - With the FoV slider it will become obsolete so it should get a rework after.

    • Whenever a survivor is afflicted with a status effect it is shown to you next to their portrait for the duration.

    So they still keep his theme of tracking/info perks, but they aren’t useless or a hinderance anymore.

  • Member Posts: 509

    That Shadowborn change would be great if it was made basekit.

  • Member Posts: 941
    edited August 2023

    Mate, i main killer and those changes are between busted and broken.

    Terminus hits for free eveone? So better noed that cant be dealed.

    Furtive chase giving perma 6-8% movement speed chasing obsesion is madness. Bubba with +6% = obsesion instad down.

    Bloodwarden literally reads, a survivors bodyblock another one to protect, all 4 die in door, 16 seconds its a looot of time for a hit.

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