Bhvr please just give bp whenever a gen pops

CakeDuty Member Posts: 1,009
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

This happened with both the anniversary event and now this. It really sucks you only get points if you finish an event generator, feels like you gotta compete with the other survivors. I bring an offering only to be chased, camped or tunneled all match and then get nothing from the offering. I bring an offering only to be chased away from my gen and someone else swoops in and finishes it.

The only reason I can guess why it's not global is to discourage people from not working on gens, hiding and collect points, but that situation is just too niche. At that point I might as well run escape cake or one of my thousands of Terrormisus to get double bp, to get double bp, instead of a BBQ invitation that gives like 6k extra a game
