Bhvr please just give bp whenever a gen pops

This happened with both the anniversary event and now this. It really sucks you only get points if you finish an event generator, feels like you gotta compete with the other survivors. I bring an offering only to be chased, camped or tunneled all match and then get nothing from the offering. I bring an offering only to be chased away from my gen and someone else swoops in and finishes it.
The only reason I can guess why it's not global is to discourage people from not working on gens, hiding and collect points, but that situation is just too niche. At that point I might as well run escape cake or one of my thousands of Terrormisus to get double bp, to get double bp, instead of a BBQ invitation that gives like 6k extra a game
I feel like they've done that before but for whatever reason reverted back to the player needing to finish the gen for it to "count".
No idea why it was changed (unless I just made it up, which is certainly possible but I swear the Halloween Event has it give it to you when gens were done period, not requiring you to do it).
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Yeah, it didn't used to be like this. I don't know why they changed it, but with last event I was hoping it was a one time thing, since you could get points through using the invitations.
In my last 3 survivor games I've gotten between 0 to 3k points, because I either get chased the whole game or pushed off my generator, only to have someone else finish it. I don't get points enough to justify bringing it over cakes and terrormisus. It's sad that survivors have to compete to get their event points instead of working together.
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I don't get it if you repair 95% of a gen and someone else finish the 5% you get nothing ?
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They give everyone event BP when gen pops during the Lunar New Year event. Honestly that is the best event as far as I'm concerned when it comes to earning BP for survivors and I don't know why they don't do the same thing for the other events.
There's nothing more frustrating during an event than getting chased off a gen you had at 95% because teammate ran killer at you only for that same teammate to hop on to finish that gen and get the bonus BP while you get nothing.
It keeps survivors too focused on gens which not only leads the killer to playing more sweaty but more survivors get left on first hook while teammates stay on gens so they don't miss out on event BP.
It also feels pretty bad when you've distracted the killer in chase for multiple gens and you get 0 event BP from it.
Event BP should go to all survivors still in the match, just like the Lunar New Year.
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Yes exactly
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Only Lunar New Year gives BP to everyone. Halloween was worse because it would only have 1 event gen and you had to use offerings to increase the gens, so not only could you miss out on BP from completing gens but you would waste offering too. They atleast changed Halloween event to make all gens event gens but BP is still only if on gen when finished. I've legit complained about this every event and every Lunar New Year say do BP like this for all events. 😂
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Yep, if you're not on the generator as it finishes, you get nothing. Doesn't matter how much you did
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Oh right! So at least I wasn't crazy, it did happen. It was just the lunar event, not the spooky time event
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Ok I just played one quick game it's awful, in solo q it just make people finish their gens and not going for saves, helping etc, smartest event design
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Do the bbq invitations extend their bonus to all players? It says “stacks” but doesn’t say “all players.”
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Yup, after a couple games, I've noticed everyones gone back to Terrormisus/Escape Cake/Survivor Puddings. The event really is just the tome and generators/hooks atm
No, if you don't use one then you only get 1500 for finishing a gen (haven't tried killer yet, but I assume 750, like anniversary). The bonus is personal.
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Then how does it stack?
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Without using an offering you get 1500(as survivor) by default when finishing a generator. If you use the offering, it doubles up to 3k when you finish a gen, it's personal and does not affect others. So best case scenario is that you finish all generators by yourself and get 15k. What's likely gonna happen is you finish 1 or 2 gens and get 3-6k event bloodpoints.
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Just to add to this, found this tweet about the OG BBQ event that showed, that not only did everyone get BP, but they got 4.5k instead of 3k.
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But that isn’t stacking…? If you already get a bonus for just repairing/hooking and the offering gives a bonus on top of that it’s exactly that: a bonus… in order for the offering go stack it would have to do so with other offering bonuses.
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Idk, maybe I'm wrong, but I haven't noticed them stacking. I stopped using the offering and so it seems others did too, cus I haven't seen nor used any for 5 games now.
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I just want them to be more concise in their wording; stacking clearly means bonus stacks but if that’s not the case why are they implying it?
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After using a bit more, I finally realized that stacking means you get more during endgame screen. I didn't realize that since I usually skip over the the bloodpoint score to get to the final screen. It doesn't show up when you finish a generator, that's just the usual 3k. So the event points aren't as bad as I originally thought.
However, the points should still be global.
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It used to be even worse in the past. In the past there was one Event-Gen and one Event-Hook per default and the Offerings increased the number by 1 for each Offering. AND you had to finish an Event-Gen. So it was possible back then that you were the only person bringing an Offering and you got nothing because you did not repair the Event-Gens. Or as Killer, you brought an Offering and you cannot really use Event-Hooks because Survivors did not go down next to them.
But yeah, at some point they changed it that every Gen/Hook is event-related and that you gain BPs even when someone else repairs a Gen. I really dont know why they went back from this, there is not really any reason to do this IMO.
And it makes the event not really feel good. Yesterday I had a game where I worked on Gens, but never finished one because I was chased away. In the end, I was the only one not getting any Event-Points because I never managed to finish a Gen. Did not really feel good.