It's Time for 5 Perk Slots
With so many perks in this game it's time to add an additional perk slot. 4 perks has always felt just 1 perk slot too few. So many builds are always missing that one extra perk slot. This would introduce the aspect of being able to play more fun perks as well. Having your normal build and then placing something like Any Means Necessary on there or perhaps running a healing build and having no room for an exhausting perk. Wanting to run a full complete chase build but not having the room for Spirit Fury, Enduring, Brutal Strength, Bamboozle AND that one Knight perk that I can't remember that exposes survivors when they're stunned.
Anyways, there are countless points to adding the final 5th perk slot. It's time.
No. Really, no.
It is easy said, but the game ís out for so many years with 4 Perks in mind. Adding a 5th slot will just be a lot of trouble.
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You say that but the initial thought for characters was only to have 3 perk slots as that is how many perks ever single character has. They definitely added an additional perk slot as 3 was seen as too few at the time. Just like 4 is too few now. 5 is perfect.
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I would rather have this but have it dedicated to a certain perk type I would make a 5th perk slot for survivors strictly healing perks
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For killers yes. Survivors no.
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Why not?
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Absolutely not. Stacking effects are bad enough without being able to stack 5 of them.
Plot Twist + Unbreakable + Flip Flop + Power Struggle + Tenacity
Buckle Up + For The People + Made For This + Hope + Dead Hard
Double Calm Doctor with; Unnerving Presence + Distressing + Coulrophobia + Sloppy Butcher + Huntress Lullaby
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make this slot 5 just for totem and it will be perfect, totems are destroyed in most cases in 30 seconds of the match so it no problem and will at least encourage survivors to do something other than repairing generators
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I would be a bit wary that some current 4 perk set ups are already really powerful, that a 5th perk would make some builds far too strong. If perks were overall nerfed in power I'd be okay, but presently there could be some stupidly overpowered builds. Speed builds alone would become stupidly impregnable to face!
A perk nerf overhaul would be needed to accomodate 5 perks. Currently, at 4 perks I'm quite happy with.
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I'll definitely run devour every game lol
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No this is a bad idea, I really don't wanna be facing survivors with MfT + Adren and then they can still fit something like Flip-Flop/UNbreakable/Power Struggle in their build. Nor do I wanna face killers stacking Pop + Jolt + Pain Res + Deadlock and then they still have room for corrupt.
Restrictions build creativity and figuring out what 5th perk you wanna cut is a good thing otherwise the power creep in this game would sky rocket overnight and nobody would be happy.
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Funny you say that. I always thought 4 was too many. I'd make it 3 max. Killers would have their power and 3 perks, with Survivors having a unique ability that only that Survivor has but also 3 perks.
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How do you know what the initial Thought for Characters was? Any source for this?
Even in Early Access this game only had 4 Slots/Character.
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Sometimes, it would work every time!
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I was gonna say from asking mclean about unrelenting being the wraiths weapon he told a story of how each character was supposed to have 4 teachables. Not 3. So wraith had his current 3 then unrelenting. They just never got around to fixing the picture. (He never mentioned the game testing 5 perk slots just 4 teachables)
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How about this. Make one of each Survivors "default perks' into that specific Survivors "passive ability" instead. So Dwight has the passive leader buff meaning nobody else can have it but him and you can still have your 4 perks. There you go! Technically 5 perks and the Survivors would feel more individual instead of just skins.
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Maybe as an extra game mode with enough limitations. Could be fun for random perks. Like 1 perk of your choice and 4 random perks.
But not in general. There are too many things that could break, if you just added another perk slot. Some killers already have incredibly mean niche builds. And survivors have a lot of synergising perks too. You would probably need to rebalance almost the entire game for that.
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Temporary game mode of this would be so ######### funny
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They said they gave up on trying to balance it perfectly awhile back, so I don't see the issue.
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Yeah, so it was even the other way around than OP is claiming - 4 was the intention, not 3.
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There is a huge difference between perfectly balanced and utterly broken.
It's fine, if a game isn't perfectly balanced. But it needs to be balanced enough to keep the extremes in check. You shouldn't be able to completely steamroll your opponents by the power of your loadout. It would also force both sides to bring even more meta perks. Right now bringing anything out of the ordinary is a disadvantage but the game still depends on who plays better, at least to a degree. With 5 perk slots that issue would spiral out of control.
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I'd be ok with this as long as the slots could only be used for certain perk types. This would prevent stacking effects from breaking the game and result instead in people having more balanced builds.
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You mean like if I use Unbreakable I can't also use Plot Twist and what not correct? As both of those perks sort of cover the same area.
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I would actually consider plot twist more of a healing perk, similar to Inner healing.
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Well Killer is a one person show unlike Survivors who are a group that work together. Where Killer works by themselves meaning they have to defend gens, chase as quickly and down survivors as soon as they can while the others again work on gens or try to keep the other survivors from being hooked. On top of survivors relied on pallets, windows, second chance perks, etc from again their fellow survivors to help them out. Killer has to do everything by themselves cause they’re a solo only experience.
I also forgot to mention that yes killer does also have perks to help them out. But surivivor gets again more help cause there’s 4 of them so it’s 16 perks all together. So anyway I hate to sound killer sided but I say that killer needs more perks to help them out way more then survivors.
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Well I have a feeling anything that picks you up off the floor the developers would consider the same category. The devs would be the ones categorizing so I'm sure there would be some questionable choices.
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Could also assign point values to perks. This would justify some perks being stronger than others. You could make a load out with 3 Meta perks that use all your allotted points, or pick weaker perks allowing your load out to have more of them.
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If I were to add additional perk slot, I would make both side get it... but make them very unique and their own separate category. For Survivor, it would be one Exhaustion based perk, for Killer, it would be Gen regression Perk. They can massive Buff the regression, due to the fact that you can only bring one in the trial, and cannot stack them, and create more perk diversity. They can do the same towards survivors, and make changes to their perk rooster and make it so that you cannot bring more then 2 of the same perk, to avoid stacking meta perks like Unbreakable, Off the Record, etc., if there is 2 or more survivors running the same perk. Or nerf them significantly so they are on par with weak to average perks.
But, since that is not going to happened; I think it is perfect fine the way it is. The game is somewhat pretty balanced, just maps and soloQ vs SWF problems, and the inconsistent between weak to average killers vs. Top tier killers issues need to be addressed.
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Completely agree. That or a perk point system where we can bring in more than 4 perks if some of them are weaker and therefore have a lower point value. There are just too many perks now to justify only having 4. It is more than outdated at this point. It's ancient.
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Would be nice for a limited event time mode sure but for the base game not really. They dont balance the perks often enough to do this massive change for the game.
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the game is balanced around 4 perks. at one point, i did think about a perk where you get a random perk every 60 seconds so it is like slot-machine perk that just randomly rolls a perk for fun but ultimately the game is balanced around consistency and expectations.
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As others have said, this wouldn't work, as this is an asymmetric PvP game. A 5th perk slot means:
- 1 extra perk for killer
- 4 extra perks for survivors
Like many modern competative games, developers tend to include mechanisms that allow they to tweak and shake up the game meta. In DBD this is most prominent with perks, as we can see with the recent perk buff/nerf pass.
Perks as they are is pretty fundamental to keep us lab rats in the maze 😏
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There's way too many disgusting things that would happen with that. No thanks.
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This would be a major overhaul but I could see it working.
Perhaps perks are given a star rating out of 3. Meta perks being 3 stars, fairly useless perks are 1, everything else is a 2. Give players a maximum of 10 stars to spend, so if you equip three 3-star perks you only have 1 star left to spend on your fourth. And if you only use 2-star perks you can use up to five.
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I'd rather have the devs reduce the total number of perks.
There should be some perks that the game could essily do without.
As example, All of wraiths perks are seen as either waste of a perkslot or "why the hell isnt this basekit. Just improve basekit, get rid of the perks.
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@Seraphor Ya I've actually outlined that point system idea in these forums before. I also said that perks should be 1-3 points based on their strength. However, each loadout would have 12 points available so that people can stick with their current builds of 4 meta perks (that would each be 3 points) if they wanted. This change wouldn't be taking any build possibilities away, just adding more. Ideally, players would have a maximum of 6 perk slots they could use but if they use those 4 meta perks, they are stuck with 2 empty perk slots. This would encourage people to sacrifice 1 or 2 of those meta perks for some weaker 1 or 2 point perks to fill out all 6 perk slots, which should result in significantly more build diversity. Also, hex perks would be 3 points regardless of strength so that the number of totems on a map wouldn't need to be changed and perks that are super healthy for solo queue like Kindred would be 1 point to encourage use.
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I suggested something similar to this with a unique perk slot to where a survivor or killer can add only 1 of their 3 unique perks in their slot but got rejected
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Hell yeah, that's more fun with far more perks combo possibilities, who cares if it's unbalanced, when BHVR tries to balance the game to be fair for both sides it becomes boring.
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Iirc characters was designed to bring 4 perks, not to use 3.
Either way. Having lots of perks in game is not a reason to give players ability to use more of them at once. Right now some perk combos are strong, but with 5th slot, lot of combos will be too op.
I could argue if adding one perk slot for using hex perks for killer could be a good idea, but giving anyone whole perk slot is just insane.
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Yes please. I would love to play Trapper against For the People, Buckle Up, Made for This, Plot Twist and Unbreakable all on one person.
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It would never happen but it'd be cool if you could have a totem that doesn't activate until existing totems are cleansed.
Imagine doing ruin and feeling proud of yourself for helping the team and then you get hit with haunted ground LOL
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No way should this be a thing. If you look at killer add ons some already low key act like a 5th perk for them. 4 is enough a 5th would make more meta they will need to nerf. No thanks.
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Survivors get 16 perks every match, so I'm all for giving killers 5.