Ideas to Help Limit Bully Squads and Killer BM

I don't play killer very often. So I don't really meet bully squads. But I've been trying to think of the things bully squads do to grief killers. I can only really think of two main mechanics (I think FTP + BU will get nerfed).
Chain blinding and chain stunning. I see these sometimes in DBD content and it doesn't look fun. So what I thought could work, is to give killers as basekit, immunity from either flashlights or stuns (non pallet) for a set period of time after tanking say (just throwing out numbers), three HO stun within 30 seconds (just throwing out numbers again). The same could apply to the flashlight.
I could see this perhaps limiting some of the trolling that bully squads can dish out without harming survivors. As there's not really a need to flashlight blind the killer more than twice in a row, and 3+ HO stuns is just being annoying. If this would have too much of an impact it could be scaled back whilst still being useful.
For survivors. As long as there are no other survivors near the hook, make it so when a killer attacks a survivor on the hook, it stuns the killer. This will teach baby killers that being a douche at the hook isn't a great strategy, and will limit the amount of BM a killer can dish out without limiting the killer in any aspect of gameplay. You could even justify it lore-wise by saying Nea wants the killers to go out and inflict more pain instead of being a douche.
Just a brainfart.
I don't like stunning for hitting survivors.
Thing is it makes them stop screaming... Their several seconds screaming can be annoying.
I couldn't care less if they fix that tho.
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Yeah, the screams are annoying. I just keep assuming they will fix it at some point.
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Chain blinds are important aspect when someone is being tunneled. I agree it comes to play in bully squad and SWF much more often, but blinding killer 3x with 1 extra stun can be the difference between killer resuming his chase for that single person with 2 hooks (out of 2 hooks in whole game at 4 gens) and killer being able to resume his tunneling-spree.
As for the stuns - that would be information on it's own which can be potentially quite valuable. I hook survivor and hit him. If I get stun, I am going to pressure gens. If I don't get stunned... Well, time to camp (or at minimum look around the hook). Also - you don't need to hit people at hook to BM. It's perfectly enough to shake head at them.
So for the first idea - I don't like it because it's one of the rare mechanics that actually help tunneled-out person (even though it's higher-mmr play that comes rarely and is abused more often then not) and the second one would very much depend on distance of the other survivors (if the distance is quite short - which probably means less then 10m maybe even 5m distance), but ultimately does not solve anything.
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In regards to the hook BM. I suggested adding a distance requirement to it so a killer would not hit the hooked survivor whilst someone was trying to unhook them and end up getting stunned as a result. So only a distance of like 2 - 6m max. This wouldn't provide information to the killer, just limit what I find to be the most aggressive type of BM a killer can dish out.
You are definitely right that there are some situations where chain blinding can be used in a legitimate way. I just wonder if it's negative uses vastly outweigh it's positive uses. Since BHVR announced the anti-hook camping mechanic, I've had hope that tunneling will also be addressed. Although it will require changes to the game, as most killers can't really track down and hook 12 survivors by the time 5 gens are done. So I'm not sxpecting it any time soon. If tunneling ever gets nerfed, I think a change like this would be a good thing.