the BP difference between killers and survivors is so weird

luvcraft Member Posts: 1,235
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

As a killer main, I get about 100k BP per match. I always have a tome challenge going, and can typically clear one in 1-2 matches, and the same for dailies. So I'm constantly hitting the BP cap, and when there's a big announcement about BP (like today's Prime Gaming announcement of 400k free BP) I couldn't care less.

Meanwhile, when I switch to survivor, I'm scratching my head at how little BP I get; survivor dailies are often "get chased for 120 seconds", which takes me 3-4 matches to finish, or "escape" which again happens maybe 1 out of 4 matches, and meanwhile the base BP I get for a match is WAY lower. Tome challenges also typically take me 3+ matches to complete. So I totally understand why survivor mains talk about being constantly starved for BP.

Why is this so disparate, though? Killers get WAY too much BP, and survivors get WAY too little.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,605
    edited August 2023

    Killers have multiple category-filling abilities. Say wraith for instance. If he uncloaks and hits someone. Thats brutality (he hit them) deviousness (he hit them using his power in some way) hunting (they chased) and the only hard one is sacrifice but its wraith lets be honest. Survivors only fill categories by doing certain things and they arent multiple-building.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    the killer is always engaged in something that gives them bp, usually in more than one category.

    the survivors usually engage only in one at a time. there are 4 survivors, not everyone can get the altruism or chase bp.

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,235

    Exactly, to both of the above responses.

    So survivor actions should all reward a LOT more BP (and killer actions should reward a lot less).

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,235
    edited August 2023


    "Please have patience with the one Meg who showed up today. Nobody wants to repair gens anymore."

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,610

    Nah, you should not take BPs away for actions. But yeah, Survivors should have more BPs by default. E.g. doing a Gen solo is 1250 BPs for 90 seconds... This is 4 great Skill Checks. Or cleansing a Totem gives almost the same amount of BPs.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    There really is a huge disparity between killer and survivor. There are several reasons behind it. A huge part of it comes down to the way survivors earn bloodpoints. They have 4 different criteria for gaining bloodpoints whereas the killer has one. So if you happen to be playing as survivor and you are the first survivor found, if the killer chooses to tunnel you then even if you play perfectly and run the killer for 5 gens then die, you get 10k bloodpoints in chase. No objective, cooperation or survival bloodpoints for you. Alternatively, if you happen to be working gens and your teammates are constantly keeping the killer busy then you'll cap out your objective bloodpoints quickly. Sure, you can leave the gens to play with the killer too but someone has to get the gens done. So you are left with a messed up decision, work the gens and screw yourself over on bloodpoints or go chase the killer and hope your teammates get on the gens.

    The other major issue facing survivors gaining bloodpoints is that survivors have a lot of dead time where they can't gain bloodpoints. If you get slugged then you are just laying around with nothing to do except recover which gives jack for bloodpoints. If you are left hanging on the hook then you get jack for bloodpoints. If you are forced into a position where you have to sneak around then you get jack for bloodpoints. There is just a lot of time where survivors are put into a position where they can't actively earn bloodpoints.

    I can think of a few solutions to the problem. They should address the fundamental problem is having bloodpoints split into different categories. The way I would do this is to make it so when you've reached the cap for a particular role then you should earn bloodpoints at a reduced rate that go into a "general pool". These bloodpoints are applied at the end of the match for any categories that weren't maxxed out. But these bloodpoints wouldn't take you over the total bloodpoint cap for the match. So for example, let's say that you were chased by the killer non-stop. You cap out the chase points at 10k but then you earn an additional 15k bloodpoints in the chase category. 7.5k of those go into the "general pool". Those points are then given to you at the end of the match as long as it doesn't put you over the total amount earned in the match.

    The other thing I would like to see done is for more survivor perks to increase bloodpoints earned in a given category. There are surprisingly few of these. Like maybe 50% bonus bloodpoints earned in objective category added to the Technician perk. Just pick some under utilized perks and slap on 50% bonus toward something.

  • TBUK
    TBUK Member Posts: 11
    edited August 2023

    There should be no individual caps, make a hard 40k for base points, so if i'm stuck getting chased/tunnelled or stuck on Gens, i feel rewarded for being a team player by staying in the game or doing boring gen work. Fix killer power interactions, twins means no points, legion as well, stealth killers give you nothing alot of the time.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944

    After prove thyself nerf they could buff objective points when doing a gen solo it's very low honestly, and if I was them I give us a lot more ways to earn survival points and nerf escape to 2-3k instead of 7k, it should encourage altruism and risky saves endgame

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    Entitled is thinking you deserve more BP than anyone else because you play a particular side. Totally tone deaf.

  • Alther_Primus
    Alther_Primus Member Posts: 158
    edited August 2023

    On top of the aforementioned way that killers fill up multiple categories at once as opposed to Survivors working on categories one at a time, there are a couple of good reasons. For one thing, Killers tend to be far more reliant on addons than Survivors are on items. I mean, until the most recent patch, Sadako was entirely reliant on an Iridescent to have a functional Teleport regardless of Condemn or not. it's also worth mentioning that it's a pretty good incentive to actually play a bit of killer. BP gains have always favored Killer since it's the more overall stressful role.

    After all, if you could make the same amount of BP as Survivor, and have even less to spend it on, why would you ever play Killer?

    Edit: That said, I wouldn't mind seeing a buff to Objective BP, it's ridiculous how much Gen work you have to do to even get halfway to the 10k cap for Objective

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,038

    also with them nerfing prove thyself bloodpoints it’s like they only want you to get 5000 objective points a game

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    you can get many bps as survivor but it's very conditional: it depends on the killer first of all. they need to be good but not very good. you need to get some chases, have time to do gens, be able to sneak for hook saves. all at once. and with bp bonus from prove gone, objective category isn't getting maxed, ever. but for killer you can prolong the match if you are stomping on poor survivors but you leave with barely more than 20k if you get destroyed. conclusion: yes killer gets more points

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    i can already see people spamming boons non stop and driving every single person in the lobby insane. would need some polishing but i like this idea a lot. it should be for survivors only tho because on killer you can easily get 40k every single match if you go for it, i get 2200 points per hit on wraith with the meme add on and distressing lol

  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 410

    The more BP for KIllers is because as killer you get BP in multible Categories at the same time. One Chase BPs for finding a surv (hunting Category), than chasing surv (hunting), useing power in chase (Deviousness), hitting survivor (Brutality and hunting) hocking survivor (Sacrefice). As Survivor you can only do these categorys one by one and if you only doing one thing the whole round you only get in one category something.

    I think they should remove the caps, for objectiv and getting chased so you can get more points even if you got chased the whole round.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Killers can chase 1 survivor to death and then play against other 3 but still have high BP because their game play is a loop itself.

    Find a survivor (Hunter) -> Kick Gen (Brutality) -> Chase (Hunter) -> Use power (Deviousness) -> hit (Brutality) -> Chase (Hunter) -> Use power (Deviousness) -> hit (Brutality) -> Hook (Sacrifice)

    Then repeat.

    For survivors, its totally depended on Killers. If Killer tunnel 1 survivor to death, or camping.

    • That one survivor only have Boldness
    • Another one only try get body block 2-3 times -> unhooking (Altruism)
    • Other two only get Objective from doing Gens
    • If lucky enough, they may get Survival
  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    I'd love to talk even more about how the Tome challenges are way easier on killers. It's definitely no small part in how it feels to progress. Taking 4 matches for a survivor challenge that gives you 15K bloodpoints feels bad.

    Many times, I've literally run out of killer challenges, because they only take 1-2 matches to do most of the time. All I have left is some of the old Blight and Huntress master challenges , but no generic challenges left. Even lengthy stuff like hooking/killing the obsession can reliably get progress, with or without dedicating a build to Obsession switching. Some stuff is literally as easy as "start a chase with 4 different survivors" you just have to look at them to complete it.

    Meanwhile on survivor, there are times where you never see the killer. Or the opposite, you never have time to touch a single gen since you got found and chased first. Those are fine enough, since the actual goals aren't hard but only repetitive. The dreaded ones like pallet stunning, escaping, or blood pact are what I hate doing as survivor.

    Something simple, like in the new event tome: Safely unhook 2 survivors while playing as Jake. That took me 3 matches because of how unpredictable the game can be.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    Yeah, I meant specifically for survivors. Killers earn plenty of bloodpoints. You know it is bad when there is a 100% bloodpoint bonus on survivor but I still play killer knowing full well that I'll earn more bloodpoints that way.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I think its the way you play survivor. Most of the time i have the same amount or more bloodpoints than the killer as solo surv.

    So maybe change the way you play?

    • Try to engage as often as possible with the killer and other survivors.
    • Healing yourself is a big no, no.
    • Be altruistic.
    • Do gens in coop.
    • Get chased.
  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,227

    How do you even know this person is from this Generation? Sounds like projection.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,382
    edited August 2023

    Survivor desperately needs a BP buff. The current state of it is just not acceptable and makes grinding for anything take way too long. I have only played survivor once since the anniversary ended and the prove BP nerf went live. It's just too tedious grinding bloodpoints on survivor and feels like a waste of time to even queue up. I don't think we should get anniversary levels of BPs every game but buffing survivor BPs is needed. Objective bloodpoints are by far the worst. 1250 for doing an entire gen is absurd. It should be at least double this. I hate how Behavior changed Prove Thyself without realizing why 99% of people were using the perk to begin with. It was because they wanted more bloodpoints. Truthfully I think everything on the survivor side should give more BPs than it currently does. I can't speak for everyone but I would definitely play more if my time was being respected more than it currently is.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    Yeah this needs to be fixed. I always think about this and as someone who vomits from first person, I can't touch killer so for me, BP gain is slower than molasses.

    Every match even killers who don't play that "well" get tons of BP, and yet as a survivor who unhooks, wins chases, kites, heals, does multiple generators, escapes, I get so little.

    It made me step back from the game and stop playing nearly as much. Please fix this, not everyone wants to kill people and play in first person for points. I prefer working with others.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937


    Same here, I used PTS for BP because the amount we get is so sad. I feel it needs to be double of what it's at. Even playing when bonus is 100% feels like a chore.

    I have barely touch the game since survivor isn't at 100% a lot anymore, what's the point of getting 15K a match for doing so many tasks. Too much investment energy and time wise with too little return. Fix it please.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    I am fine with removing the BP bonus from perks, but it's laughable that you get 4k to 12k BPs as survivor while getting easly 20k to 30k as killer for way less effort.

    BPs for survivor have been broken for a long time. Pls just buff survivor BP gains across the board.

    Also, i don't know who decided on this tome 16 challenges but they got to love SM because this tome is so Grindy, if this is level 1 what is in store for level 2.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,382
    edited August 2023

    Another common sense thing I need to add. Survivor gains are OBJECTIVELY much worse than they were before prove and WGLF got gutted. The issue wasn't solved when they made the bloodweb 33% cheaper. Cheaper bloodweb doesn't matter much if you aren't earning any bloodpoints to begin with. In the past you could bring WGLF and get a guaranteed 100% extra bloodpoints in nearly every match. You could also bring prove and easily max out your objective score. To make things worse the game is objectively much harder for solo survivors than it was in the past. There are more games these days where you get absolutely destroyed and receive nothing as a result. A killer who loses badly can still get 20k base bloodpoints easily. If you're a new survivor who can only play during prime time hours then it's really bad. You don't even have the luxury of the bloodpoint incentive unless you can play in the morning. We're going in the wrong direction as far as survivor bloodpoints are concerned. Thankfully more people seem to be realizing it now that prove has been destroyed.