Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Trapper Buffs

Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello, all.

Looking through my post history it's not hard to tell that I really enjoy (or, at least, used to enjoy...) playing Trapper. I love the idea of essentially playing chess and waiting for all the pieces to fall into place.

That being said, he absolutely sucks. I mean, he is terrible. Even Otzdarva, one of if not the best Trapper player in the game, resorts to hooking in basement and trapping entrances around it.

The issue is, I don't know what they could do at this point to even make him better. Traps are significantly less threatening now that they're always visible with the new grass, he suffers from all the strong items and perks being used lately, he has no mobility to traverse large maps (even small ones, seeing as how you should ideally stay around your trapped gens/loops), and even if your traps do work well there's essentially no punishment to survivors stepping on them. Sure, they can be injured, but then they'll just go heal in 7 seconds inside of their boon area; or, better yet, if they're already injured and escape, nothing happens at all.

How can we take this killer out of the dumpster and at the very least make it fun to play him again without resorting to lame tactics like trapping basement hooks?

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  • Member Posts: 249

    They’re more than likely never reworking trapper there’s yt videos on this topic but basically they can’t because

    1. trapper is supposed to be a beginner killer and there’s nothing the devs can do to buff his power without making him more complicated which defeats the purpose
    2. it’s financial suicide for BHVR to look at killers that are free to play seeing how they need to keep a cash flow to please their license overlords
  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    I don't think he even needs a full rework, just some more quality of life changes.

    Trap spawns should be centralized rather than spread across the entire map, injured survivors should be downed when freeing themselves from a trap, the Trapper himself should pick up traps faster, and the traps should blend in to the terrain of the maps at least a little bit.

    These changes wouldn't suddenly make him S-tier (or really elevate him much at all) but it would at least be a start.

  • Member Posts: 249

    Well there is add ons that do all the effects that you want also I don’t believe fixing trap spawns will fix much anyways because trapper is still a luck based killer either way

  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited August 2023

    Centralising traps in the map is a fine idea.

    I also like Otz idea of having Trapper being able to open a locker to grab a trap, which will cause the furthest unopened trap away from him to dematerialize.

    I don't see that complicating Trapper... any more than trying to pick up a trap when you already have 2 in your hands. Having an advanced QOL mechanic doesn’t make him complicated, players ate smarter than that. He has entry level abilities that you can build upon as you learn the game more.

    Ultimately it's BHVRs decision, but I feel it is greater value in making the face of the game decent, than it is to have him be simple, but ultimately keep him in a place where everyone says "Yeah don't play him, cause he sucks".

  • Member Posts: 249

    Well like was also stated BHVR primarily goal is to make as much money as possible to maintain the game and spending time on one f2p killer when there’s like 30 to choose from isn’t going to help them with that also there’s a lot of stuff that needs to be look at in dbd in general so maybe one day if the game is still around

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited August 2023

    We can start by making both his ultra rares base kit as they each fix core problems with his design which are terrible time efficiency and a survivor just following you around disarming everything.

    Next either start with all his traps on him, have them spawn much more central on the map, or have them spawn at pallets and windows so even if they’re far they’re in useful spots.

    Traps darkened at base as well.

    As a general note I also feel like they should be putting way more grass on maps than they currently are.

    If he was to get all this however, I would increase the distance that he is unable to place a trap near a hook. Since these are large buffs to fix a lot of his really bad design flaws we need to weaken his hook camping simultaneously so he’s not just piling traps at a hook.

    These buffs may sound really extreme but I feel like that should really get across how complete trash he is and how much help he really needs to be competitive. Small buffs or tweaks are not fixing how bad he is.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    At this point, I wouldn't be against trying any or all of these. He needs something.

  • Member Posts: 456

    He needs buffs for sure.

    1. All traps need to spawn at a loop and already open so you just need to reshuffle a bit.
    2. His iridescent stone needs to be basekit. Right now you need to run it at high MMR because otherwise one person just wanders around the map disabling them all.
    3. People can only escape traps if someone else frees them.
    4. Traps need to be more camouflaged with their surroundings.
  • Member Posts: 5,502

    For some reason BHVR stated that they are ok with Trapper how he is. I have made multiple posts in the past with some ideas, a lot of them that didn't make him more complicated to play, but neither of these got any traction. Maybe this post is the destined one? But I guess BHVR is ok with their poster boy Trapper-kun to be more show, then menace.

    Some ideas:

    1) make all traps spawn at somewhat significant places, ie under windows, before pallets, around corners, in patches of grass, etc.

    2) all traps spawn already primed and ready to catch

    3) disarming traps carries some risk with in, and be it just a skill check. Mess up and you get injured and trapped (if healthy) or put into dying (when already injured).

    4) give the traps some camoflage and let them better blend in with the ground of the level, basically making them a map asset. Yes, normally BHVR wants all killer items to always look the same, no matter the circumstances or cosmetics, but especially with Trappers traps it would help him so much.

    5) let him carry 3 traps and also start with 3

    Any of these would imprive Trapper gameplay so much and you could probably implement all 5 without making him overtly oppressive, but it would instantly stop him from being the beating bag of the game.

    Here is one extra: every 45-75s (whatever you want it to be) Trapper can highlight a trap and with the special button either prime it or teleport it to his hand. Especially useful for this traps that spawn out on the other side of the map in nomans land.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited August 2023

    Yeah their last buff to Trapper was so minor it barely qualified as a QoL change and he needs massive buffs.

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