Stats? did someone say Stats?

We know that you love data as much as we do, and it's always something that raises a lot of discussion. We're sharing with you of some of the top used perks on both sides.
This is across all MMR ranges, and across all regions - remember some regions can play in a different way and therefore there might be perks that you personally don't see in your games, but we can assure you they are used.
With saying that - here we go:
In order, they are: Jolt, Sloppy Butcher, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, Pop Goes the Weasel, Barbecue and Chilli, Lethal Pursuer, Corrupt Intervention, Nowhere to Hide, Save the Best for Last, and Hex: No One Escapes Death.
In order, they are: Windows of Opportunity, Adrenaline, Resilience, Lithe, Self Care, Sprint Burst, Prove Thyself, Dead Hard, Bond, and Spine Chill.
This is something we'd like to do on a regular basis going forwards, so you can definitely expect to see more of these on a regular basis.
We know this is going to start a lot of discussion and as ever your feedback around these perks are invaluable!
The Dead by Daylight Team.
Cool, thx for the stats mandy.
7 -
Lol, and every single lobby has multiple people running made for this, right? It's not even in the top ten.
18 -
People do exaggerate it but these stats started in April so it won't really reflect the current pick rate accurately.
51 -
Thank you!
Edit: I see MFT is not on the list. Is that because its pick rate isn't as high or was it excluded because it's still relatively new?
3 -
End Transmission came out June 13th
The stats are from April 27th to August 5th.
Made For This likely isn't showing up, because it wasn't around for half the time the data was collected.
31 -
Having them done over a few months is a lot more accurate. Newer perks are generally much higher for the first month or so, then they can tend to settle down after that.
15 -
Of course it wouldn't be in a top 10 in a time between April and August
End Tranmission only came out in June and stats are for across all MMR levels.
Edit: Also can we get clarification on time frame of this data set? Is it April 2023 to August 2023 or April 2022 to August 2023 because the graphic says April 27th to August 5th, but today is the 4th.
4 -
Didn't expect resilience to still be this popular.
0 -
MFT is actually in every lobby, 2 times at least per lobby.
Those stats qre irrevelant, starting in April while MFT has been out by the end of May...
So in those stats you have 2 months out of 3 where MFT did not even exist.
13 -
It's April 2023, and was taken up to yesterday so the 3rd August 2023!
3 -
Since it's been a while since we released stats, this time around they cover the last few months. Since Made for This only released in June, its usage rate will appear to be lower since it did not exist for a good portion of the date range for this data. Future versions of these stats will cover a smaller, more recent window, so they should give a better idea of what the most recent popular perks are.
21 -
Thank you for clarifying that.
And, if you don't mind me asking, can we get an update on kill rates as well?
3 -
Thanks for the clarification!
0 -
We could definitely look into getting some updated kill rates sometime! I don't think they would be shared as regularly as perk stats, however, since larger Killer updates tend to take quite a bit longer than perk tweaks, so it's unlikely that they'll change much from one update to the next.
9 -
Really appreciate it.
But will this also be done for the add-ons and their usage? Because I can imagine that being transparent like this about the top 10 used perks in an x amount of time (with the last perk overhauls in mind) it might be safe to assume that there will be more perk/meta changes coming in the future. But how about add-ons? Especially given that some like Blight's and Nurse's have been left to catch dust for a long time.
0 -
We're looking at doing a variety of stats, so it's not inconcievable that addons will be covered in the future - this is not a guarantee though.
5 -
I still really wish the stats would have started with the latest chapter release. Made For This is the most popular exhaustion perk in my games, and it just feels wrong not seeing it at all in the stats.
I understand that new perks might be played more, but I also understand that in all the times I've played survivor, I think I've seen Forced Hesitation only 1 or 2 times, and I've never seen Genetic Limits or Machine Learning. In other words, I don't think the existence of new perks are going to automatically mess up stats, when it's clear that a lot of perks get ignored regardless of how new they are.
6 -
have statistics on the most used killers?
0 -
Good job! 👍️
Wish we had some quirky "useless" statistics like which survivor manages to escape the most.
1 -
For add-ons, not likely for a few reasons.
- The data wouldn't be interesting or useful. Whereas perks have a roughly equal chance of being obtained - barring DLC/shrine requirements - add-ons have different chances to appear depending on their rarities. The top 10 would be full of low rarity but somewhat helpful add-ons that provide small improvements to your power.
- Killer popularity would heavily sway those stats. A somewhat popular add-on for the most popular Killer could easily outrank a very popular add-on for a lesser played Killer.
- Add-ons are unique to each Killer, so directly comparing them to one another in a single top 10 doesn't do much good. Meanwhile separate top 10s for each Killer is also out of the question when there's currently 32 Killers and counting (I sadly do not have enough time in the day to prepare all of those stats). But even if we did, going back to the first point, you would almost always see that the lower rarity add-ons are used more purely because they're easier to get.
I'm always down for more transparency, but it's not really worth the time it takes to gather all that data just to reveal that common things are common.
8 -
I would also like to mention that Windows of Opportunity still feels like its pick rate it way too high compared to the other perks, and it feels like it's been like that for a while, and I think it needs to be nerfed somewhat.
Windows of Opportunity encourages survivors to just play every tile as safely as possible, pre dropping pallets and running to the next tile, instead of making any attempts to mindgame, or anything else that might place them at any risk of getting hit. It's not interactive gameplay, and I think the perk is popular specifically because it allows survivors to extend chases with minimal risk. And this perk has gained value since the new map strategy of "fill the maps with clutter that breaks line of sight" started, because it's now more difficult to see where the pallets and vaults are from far away, because of the increased clutter, so Windows of Opportunity is giving survivors way more information than they would have gotten with SWF voice communication callouts.
3 -
Thank you! I’ve been wanting some official stats on perk usage for a while and this is great. Would love to see more of this in the future.
0 -
This popularity of Self-Care and Spine Chill really says a lot about how good most survivors are in this game.
11 -
Will you also give us some stats on the Solo-SWF gap? Did the new hud help? Any difference between Solo-SWF gap at high, med, and low MMRs? How about Solo-SWF gap for different killers? Are the gaps for, say, Cenobite or Skull Merchant, the same as for Wesker or Huntress?
7 -
Thanks, this stats are cool.
But seeing Self-care and Spine chill that high really scares me
2 -
If Spine Chill is at the bottom at 6% does it mean the remaining 115 or so perks aren't worth using in comparison. Just weird to see Spine Chill bottom out that list.
1 -
imagine complaining about mft and its not even in top 10 in this list lmao
2 -
It’s not there because it wasn’t in the game for half of the time period these stats cover. It’s usage rate was 0% until June because it didn’t exist prior to that.
7 -
E still gonna strong baby!
0 -
Seconded, these are the stats I’d really enjoy seeing.
3 -
It's a good perk but I think the usage isn't that high. Requires a good player to make true use of it and it does lock you out of using an exhaustion perk. Perhaps it's contributed to the dip in lithe and sprint burst?
2 -
Imo, the take away from this is none of these are overtly busted perks. Overall, they are pretty healthy and while a couple on the list may be "I hate dealing with this perk", they are for the most part in a good place. This to me says that time the developers put into balancing perks and lowering pick rates of the perks listed is best spent buffing perks that need help rather than nerfing these top 10s. The more choices you have of perks at this level, the more varied of builds you'll see as people start including other similarly powered perks.
We still need to see how things shake out in a month or two with perks that are either fairly new, or had recent adjustments. I think MFT will definitely pop up on this list as well as Coup de Grace while Spine Chill takes a nose dive.
3 -
Perk was released in June, this data covers April to August. Do the math.
6 -
You would think with the supposed high pick rate that in its 51 days being released, it would surely at least break into the bottom of the top ten? But yeah, you could be right about Lithe and sprint burst. I'm interested to see the next batch of data.
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Yes, I'm aware. Like 7 other people have already replied to me about it.
3 -
To be fair, if MfT is actually as popular as claimed, this is over a ~3 month timespan with ~1 month including MfT. If MfT was 100% pickrate it would be 33% on this list. If it were 100% pickrate in 'top-MMR', and only picked in 'top-MMR', then it would be the top 25% of the playerbase, or 8.33% on this list. Even if it were picked only once a match below 'top-MMR' (25% pickrate in 75% of matches), and picked half of the time in 'top-MMR' (50% pickrate in 25% of matches), it would be at ~10%. The fact that it isn't on the list at all, shows it truly isn't as popular as claimed.
The people complaining about its pick-rate, are the same people who eat 1000 spiders and say "see, humans eat an average of a spider a year!", not realizing they are statistical outliers.
Post edited by EQWashu on10 -
Question: When did the visual terror radius become active? I'm wondering if Spine Chill has the same issue as Made For This, where the factor that determined its pick rate occurred within the testing range. So Spine Chill might have dropped in use because of the visual TR, but not enough in the time available to knock it out of the top 10.
1 -
It was added in the patch that nerfed Overbrine and Circle of Healing which was in mid-April, so shortly before the time period of this data. So Spine Chill remained semi-popular during the entire data period with the visual terror radius already in the game.
However, until the Nicolas Cage mid-chapter patch it still had its own terror radius gauge and still lit up anytime the killer was within 36 meters regardless of line of sight which hard countered stealth killers. Both of these are gone now, so next time BHVR releases stats it probably won’t be in the top 10 anymore.
0 -
I bet wesker would be in the top 3 for most picked killers :P
1 -
Spine Chill was really good back when it had the temporary buff, that showed how far away the killer was, down to the smallest centimeter. On loops where there isn't line of sight, Spine Chill could tell you if the killer was trying to stand still to mind game, or was actually trying to reverse direction.
Temporary buffed Spine Chill was also good for trying to find a path to move when the killer is searching for you, when you didn't have line of sight of the killer, since it gave way more information than the actual terror radius.
The reason why many people think Spine Chill wasn't very good, is because there are so many survivors that are excessively pre leaving generators when their visual terror radius lights up, and then they go back to the generator when the visual terror radius completely goes away. For those people, Spine Chill wasn't helpful because they want to hide as soon as possible, to avoid interacting with the killer.
2 -
I mean it only provides any use now when the killer has LoS on you, and you at that point also have LoS on killer. It doesn’t make your vaults faster anymore so it’s not good for chase. It helps you repair a Gen slightly faster when it’s lit but other perks do that much better. It’s not even a good detection perk.
0 -
I was hoping to see survivor stats before and after your guys added the hud
0 -
what sort of stats related to that would you want to see?
0 -
To me this stats dont mean anything. Considering that they were from before the new perks were into the game. Every 2 months stats should be announced like this. The fact that MFT isnt there makes this stats meaningless to me.
3 -
Just general escape rates for soloq players, tho if you find anything else that had an interesting change before and after the hud update please share them.
0 -
Is there any chance we could see a stat for player count based on platform and % from each platform that play solo, 2swf, 3swf, and 4swf. Also top 3 killers picked for each platform. Kind of like an updated version of the stats BHVR shared back in 2019. That broke down that info between PS, Xbox and Steam - now can include switch and Epic.
4 -
Thank you.
0 -
these are cool.
can we see these but only for players that have every perk unlocked? is it possible?
also... what is the survivor that escapes the most? and the least?
and the most important one... most popular cosmetics for each character?