MfT is not even Top 10

This perk gets a lot hate. And if we trust complains, it's everywhere.
But now we got official perk usestats. And MfT is not on list.
Nerfed Self-Care is here.
Butchered Dead Hard is here.
But guess what? MfT is not! It was so obvious tho, Lithe and SB are much petter perks and i am not surprised both perks has high pickrates.
That's actually hilarious it's not in the 10 XD
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Good luck bro.
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I am really so happy BHVR did not listen these complains and killed unpopular perk. MfT is fun perk but it's far away being op. And obviously it's not meta as well.
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Shhh don't jinx it
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If it was really op perk like some people mentioned, i am sure it would get higher userate and we would see it in top 10.
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its number 4 on nightlight.
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Made for this has been around for 51 days, so roughly half of this data. Even still, newer perks tend to be used more frequently on release and then die down a bit. The fact that it's not even at #10 tells me that the pick rate is much lower than is being claimed.
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From April 27th to June 12th, MFT wasn't even in the game. Of course it's not in the top 10.
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nightlight is self submitted though. so it's not nearly as good as an indicator of what's used as what bhvr would have.
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It's usage is not growing at all. What does that tells you?
Maybe it is not as good as your fav streamer parrots.
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It’s because the perk was not in the game for a large part of the time period this data covers. This means its usage rate was zero from April until Gabriel’s release in June, which significantly reduced its overall usage rate over the entire time period.
Next time BHVR does stats it will have been in the game for the entire time period those stats cover, and then it probably will be in the top 10.
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of course, but claiming it has a low pick rate is a stretch, especially based off of data where it didnt exist for half the duration.
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We have no idea if its usage is growing or not. For all we know, it's top 15 or 20 at the moment. We won't know for sure until we give it time. And don't assume I'm incapable of making my own mind up.
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Not sure if we'd go that far as we see it atleast 4 times per 4 games (rough ball park and small samples but still). We figure people try it once and figured out it wasn't as broken as billed then switched back.
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the person you replied to didn't claim it was low pick rate. the closest that i could find to them saying this is that mft is unpopular. which, to them, might genuinely be true in their matches.
unpopular =/= low pick rate.
although, i do expect prove thyself to lower out of top 10. maybe mft replaces it in top 10, i do not know. all i'm saying is nightlight's not a reliable narrator with how much mft is used, it can easily be skewed by bad actors. you cannot put down bhvr's stats with one hand and raise nightlight with the other as they have very different results for a reason
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Outcome bias =/= biased. It means you made up your mind before receiving the data, then used the end result to justify it without breaking down the data. In all fairness, this happens with people everytime they release official numbers due to their vague blanket nature (all MMRs, regions, metas, etc)
Its nothing against you personally, im just saying your dismissal of nightlight because it is at odds with the official data is a bit, well, dismissive.
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Nightlight has noting to do with balance, just usage rates.
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I am not believing any of Nightlight stats because it's not showing all community.
If i am not mistaken, it's just shows stats of people who using this website. So it's very limited with small community.
That's why official stats comes first. For me at least.
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True. At half the of the period covered, you'd expect it's usage rate to be half of what it currently is. So we can infer it's actual use rate is below 12%, which would make it at least no. 7 is not further down.
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Which is fine, until you start trying to use that data to justify other hypotheses. Nightlight is more curated data, while the overall stats is every tom dick and jane to own a copy of the game in the world. Both have their issues and both give insight in their own way.
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While the stats from the Devs cover a huge portion where MFT was not released, Nightlight is a pretty bad site for this. Because it only uses Data which are submitted, so people can easily not submit games without MFT.
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showing all community also means showing people who don't even own the perk.
5 of the perks belong to the 4 base survivors and 2 are free perks. they are bound to be pushed up on these.
and the perk wasn't in the game for half of the time this covers, do you really expect it's average use to not suffer from that?
ok... how does
unpopular =/= low pick rate.
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something can not be popular in your matches, but still be a used perk. like, i don't see self care hardly in my matches, but it's top 10 here. personal experience is different than general dbd experience, as this listing counts for every game ever in this time frame.
something can be unpopular and low picked, but this is clearly not the case for mft, which is why nobody is making this claim, as it clearly doesn't have a low pick rate overall...
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Okay, so then it should be at least at #10 currently. But it's not.
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You can't make that claim.
All we know from these stats is that it's less than 12%. (because if it were more than 12% for half of the period, it would show as more than 6% for the whole period and rank above Spine Chill)
It could be anywhere from 0% to 12%. Now obviously we know it's relatively popular so it's not 0%, but that still gives a lot of room. It could still be outside of the top 10. 'Popular' can mean anything above about 3-4% in practice, so it could easily be sitting at no. 11.
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something is popular when they get used a lot. and not popular when not used or barely used.
being popular in my games means I personally see it used a lot. being popular globaly means it's used a lot everywhere.
there is no distinction here.
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But forums said everyone runs mft now and it is top tier perk. They know.
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Good job looking at timelines, made for this was release on june 13th, and this data goes back to april 27 all the way to today. So MFT didn't even exist for half of the time this chart shows.
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Then take it up with the people that said that, not me.
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April 27th to August 5th huh?
When did MFT arrive to live?
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my comparison was between unpopular and low picked, not popular and unpopular. you... missed the point of my comment entirely if you think i was having a discussion about popular and unpopular
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OP is a great example of not knowing how sample sizes and percentages work.
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Stepping in with a reminder to please keep the conversation and disagreements civil. Thank you.
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So? 51 days is good enough to make it top 10.
There was a lot people claimed they are seeing 4 x MfTs every match. If they were correct, we could see MfT on list but obviously it's not true lol.
MfT is probably will up to top 10 but it will never out SB or Lithe.
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Yes he should know that it only works when it helps the killer.
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The point. Is that "popular" and "unpopular" are used sinonimously with "used a lot" and "not used much".
But you seem to not realize it
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How do you know? Do you know how many games were played before and after the perk got released?
Do you know if the players using the top 10 ones stopped after the perk got released?
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i still did not say "used a lot" and "not used much". my words are in front of you, and you keep getting them wrong. it's honestly a little tiring...
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Alright, so lets do some math here. So, lets say during the course of this time period, there were 100,000 games played. So for 50,000 games MFT did not exist and for 50,000 games it did. (its not quite 50% but makes the math a bit easier) Lets look at the percentage of the perks then. Now, there are 4 survivors per game, so lets take those percentages and look at the first 50,000 games and how many survivors of the total 200k used these perks.
first 50,000 games
- Windows of Opportunity - 29% [58,000]
- Adrenaline - 22% [44,000]
- Resilience - 19% [38,000]
- Lithe - 17% [32,000]
- Self-care (lol) - 13% [26,000]
- Sprint Burst - 13% [26,000]
- Prove Thyself - 11% [22,000]
- Dead Hard - 10% [20,000]
- Bond - 9% [18,000]
- Spine Chill - 6% [12,000]
- Made for this - 0% [0] {did not exist yet}
Now, anecdotally, i see probably see made for this in every single game i play lately, so i'd guess at least 1 survivor is always running it. Now, we can assume that the pick rates for these top perks didn't change much for the next 50k games, so we'll use the same percentages for those.
Now lets look at the next 50,000 games:
- Windows of Opportunity - 29% [58,000]
- Adrenaline - 22% [44,000]
- Resilience - 19% [38,000]
- Lithe - 17% [32,000]
- Self-care (lol) - 13% [26,000]
- Sprint Burst - 13% [26,000]
- Prove Thyself - 11% [22,000]
- Dead Hard - 10% [20,000]
- Bond - 9% [18,000]
- Spine Chill - 6% [12,000]
- Made for this (1 survivor per game) - 25% [50,000]
Now if we add those totals up.
- Windows of Opportunity = 116,000
- Adrenaline = 88,000
- Resilience = 76,000
- Lithe = 64,000
- Self-care (lol) = 52,000
- Sprint Burst = 52,000
- Prove Thyself = 44,000
- Dead Hard = 40,000
- Bond = 36,000
- Spine Chill = 24,000
- Made for this (1 survivor per game) = 50,000
That would barely put it at number 5, knocking spine chill off. And this is assuming that it has had a pick rate of 25% since it came out, which would put it as the number 2 perk. Generally, when i see survivors running it, they are running it with resilience. So i'd assume its pick rate, is around the same as resilience, which would then put it number 8 just above bond. And resilience is the number 3 perk there.
The other thing you need to factor in, which i think is far more important. Look how high self-care is on that list. With the nerf to self-healing and the fact that it takes nearly a full 46 seconds to heal yourself with self-care. Self-care is probably one of the worst perks in the game. Wouldn't you agree? And with that, it is STILL there as NUMBER 5?! This is because they are looking at pick rates as a whole. This means, when i get matched against survivors with 1k+ hours as i regularly do because i have so many hours as well. It is counting my games, just as much as it is counting the games of someone who has played, for 5 hours.
What would be MUCH more interesting, is if they gave us the same statistics, but also broke them out for MMR like they typically do. And what i find interesting, is that they DIDN'T. The last time they gave us data on kill rates, they broke it down by "All MMR" and "High MMR" and we could look at those. Yet they didn't here for some reason.
So, now that you realize it is taking into account ALL games, lets look at which perks ARE at the top of the list here, and think about it for 5 seconds.
- Windows of Opportunity - The biggest outlier, but probably the most "noob friendly" perk in the game
- Adrenaline - A free perk that every survivor has access to
- Resilience - A free perk that every survivor has access to
- Lithe - A perk on Feng min, by far the most played survivor in the game (should be obvious based how many skins she gets)
- Self-Care - A perk on a survivor that every player has access to
- Sprint Burst - A perk on a survivor that every player has access to
- Prove Thyself - A perk on a survivor that every player has access to
- Dead Hard - A perk on a survivor that you are given access to after completing the tutorial
- Bond - A perk on a survivor that every player has access to
- Spine Chill - A free perk that every survivor has access to
So if anything, the only interesting thing here is how much of an outlier windows of opportunity is.
In fact, the most useful statistic would be pick rates, broken down by MMR, and adjusted for OWNING those perks. Because i'd guess a ton of these "5 hour megs" don't have MFT to begin with.
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Yes, i know after this perk released playerstats was highest because we got anniversary event. So more people was around to play game and test new perks.
And i know how op perks looks like. Dead Hard had +70% pick rate. Now this was op perk for sure.
If MfT was really op, you would see it in every match on all survivor builds. And you would see this in these stats. Even 51 days stats would show it if MfT was really so op like you people are making it. But that's not happening atm. Because perk is not op, people already dropped it for Lithe and SB.
MfT is not even outplayed SB or Lithe. If MfT is really op, so all perks which used more than MfT is op as well. Same goes will killer perks as well. Should we nerf all these perks?
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Can you be a bit less pedantic? Would really help...
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Does everyone remember how the stats for Dead Hard used to work, where the usage was almost 75% at top MMR, but it was drastically lower at average MMR? A perk can be overpowered at high MMR, but not as good at average MMR.
Made for this might be in a similar situation. I personally see Made for this more often than any other exhaustion perk, and this is a true statement regardless of whether or not it Lithe is more popular when the entire DBD population is combined together.
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could you at least get what i'm saying right and maybe i'll humour the thought of not being pedantic
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seeing this graph again activated my fight or flight response. it is maddening.
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Ok first... yes to what?
Second... no you wouldn't. You said it yourself. Dead hard was op, but had a 70% pick rate.
But mft is supposed to have 100% pick rate?
How does that make sense?
Also, never said anything about any nerf or buff. Please don't go on tangents
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I would also like to +1 this, by showing you some recent videos from some high level DBD streamers.
Hens using it every game -
Otz using it every game -
Otz playing against a team with perk restrictions still running it -
Ayrun running it every game -
Tru3ta1ent running it every game -
You'll notice that when these content creators aren't just making a video for the fun of it like doing a specific challenge or highlighting some specific perk combo, they are using it.
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The point is, if perk is really busted you will see pickrate is so high on stats. This was fact for Dead Hard. It was very busted perk and it was almost in all matches.
MfT has no case like that. It's sure seen in trials but it's not even top 10. If it was busted like some people are making it, you would see it in almost all trials. Like Dead Hard.
I don't know what to say more lol.
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I find it funny you are still ignoring my post.
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Let me be as clear as possible here.
You said
unpopular =/= low pick rate.
And ALL I'm trying to say, from the start, is that people use those sinonimously, so in fact
unpopular = low pick rate
Popular = high pick rate
Be it globally or locally in their games. That is how people use the terms.
That is all
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Let me shorten it for you:
The other thing you need to factor in, which i think is far more important. Look how high self-care is on that list. With the nerf to self-healing and the fact that it takes nearly a full 46 seconds to heal yourself with self-care. Self-care is probably one of the worst perks in the game. Wouldn't you agree? And with that, it is STILL there as NUMBER 5?! This is because they are looking at pick rates as a whole. This means, when i get matched against survivors with 1k+ hours as i regularly do because i have so many hours as well. It is counting my games, just as much as it is counting the games of someone who has played, for 5 hours.
What would be MUCH more interesting, is if they gave us the same statistics, but also broke them out for MMR like they typically do. And what i find interesting, is that they DIDN'T. The last time they gave us data on kill rates, they broke it down by "All MMR" and "High MMR" and we could look at those. Yet they didn't here for some reason.
So, now that you realize it is taking into account ALL games, lets look at which perks ARE at the top of the list here, and think about it for 5 seconds.
- Windows of Opportunity - The biggest outlier, but probably the most "noob friendly" perk in the game
- Adrenaline - A free perk that every survivor has access to
- Resilience - A free perk that every survivor has access to
- Lithe - A perk on Feng min, by far the most played survivor in the game (should be obvious based how many skins she gets)
- Self-Care - A perk on a survivor that every player has access to
- Sprint Burst - A perk on a survivor that every player has access to
- Prove Thyself - A perk on a survivor that every player has access to
- Dead Hard - A perk on a survivor that you are given access to after completing the tutorial
- Bond - A perk on a survivor that every player has access to
- Spine Chill - A free perk that every survivor has access to
Almost all of these perks are accessible to players who haven't bought anything other than the base game. So if anything, the only interesting thing here is how much of an outlier windows of opportunity is.
In fact, the most useful statistic would be pick rates, broken down by MMR, and adjusted for OWNING those perks. Because i'd guess a ton of these "5 hour megs" don't have MFT to begin with.