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Worst event offerings ever?

Okay so in the past you used to get a certain amount of points if ANY gen was finished related to the event even if you weren't on it as long as you brought an offering.
Now you have to actively finish it to get any points? So in theory you could do 99% of a gen and get NOTHING and someone who does 1% gets the bonus.
The offerings stack? 3 just got played. I noticed it says 3,000 BP for finishing the gen. So the points you get per gen are 1,000? There used to be events where we got like 4,500 BP per gen with none of this stacking stuff.
Then it didn't even seem to factor right. Do the event bonuses factor separate from our actual score as they should? I got 2 gens done with 3 offerings so shouldn't I have gotten 6,000 bonus BP? It said I got 4,000 bonus BP.
So if one offering is in play I would need to finish 2 gens as in pop them myself just to break even on buying the offering?
Unless I am missing something. These are the first event offerings that are just straight up not worth buying at all because in the end you always would end up with more than you could actually use. At a rate of needto FINISH 3 gens just to gain 1,000 BP? uhm, yeah.
Tell me I somehow just misunderstood ######### I even saw.
Original BBQ event all survivors still in match got BP from event gen. Current events only Lunar New Year does this - the rest you have to be on the gen or you miss out on event BP.
This is why during most events survivors are left on hooks while teammates do gens - if they leave gen for save they may miss out on event BP. It also builds up alot more frustration during matches - someone runs killer at teammate that's almost done with gen, teammate gets chased off and the one that brought killer over hops on to finish gen and get the event BP.
There's the argument that "if everyone gets BP there will be survivors doing nothing and getting the bonus BP." Personally I think the alternative of missing out because you distracted killer in chase for multiple gens or you were chased off gen that was almost done feels alot worse than maybe someone hiding in a bush gets a little event BP.
The limited event BP on top of it not being much doesn't make this event feel that great. It just feels weirdly stingy when it comes to giving out BP for an event.
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Well I just played killer and the points I got seemed so much higher?
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Yeah, it is a shame.
I had a game today where I did not finish a single Gen. I was on Gens, but never got to finish them and got chased most of the time. In the end, I did not get any Bonus-BPs at all, so my Offering cost me more than what I actually spent for it... Did not feel too great.
The quite limited amount is also a thing. From what I have seen, every 5 Bloodwebs you get 2 Offerings and maybe an Offering in between those. But IMO if there is an event going on, all you should see are 5 Event-Offerings used. We are far from it.
Also, I randomly got a bunch of BPs. Got 64k BP after one game. And it did not even make sense:
Myself, died, 64k BP. Jake, escaped, 60k BP. Ace, died, 60k BP. Ada, died, 36k BP. And everyone used an Offering. (All Gens were done)
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Not to mention that you can easily go through 8 bloodwebs with 0 invitation... Event is so stupid.
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It's a nice looking gen but I haven't played any differently so far. Seems good enough for a Summer thing. I just wish the points went to every survivor and not only who was repairing it.
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This. Exactly.
I've stopped farming/running the event offering as it's just not worth it all around.
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I feel like this must be a bug. The event offerings are already so rare in the blood web and most other smaller events give all survivors the points for completed gens. Very odd.
I wish we could get confirmation if this is intended.
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Yeah really disappointing. Extremely rare offering to find in the blood web and barely rewarding any blood points even when you do play it.
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The bbq invites are bugged, they don’t even stack like they say they are supposed to
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It's fine for killers I would say, I won't use it on surv it's just bad design, If I do more than half of a gen just give me the bonus, or better yet any gen done should give bonus to anyone who used offering
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Good, it isn't just me. I thought something was wrong with my game with me getting so little of them.
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The invites are quite weird. They do stack, but not during the game. They work like double BP offerings, where the event gen score will be added during endgame. So if all 5 used an offering and you finish one gen, instead of 3k points you'd get 15k in the endgame tally. I didn't realize this until yesterday either.
Even then, survivors should just always get the points. There have been so many times where I've worked on a gen and missed out in the points because I get chased away and another surv swoops in and finishes the gen. Many games where I run the killer for multiple gens and I don't get a single event point for that. If I get camped or tunneled, then too bad, no points for me either. Running Escape Cake/Terrormisu is a safer way for me to get more BP.
During the Anniversary event I could semi understand it, the offering also gave everyone double bloodpoints. This time around there really is no excuse why the points aren't global. It turns the game into a competition between survivors and they hard focus on gens and leave survivors on hooks longer than they should be etc.
Hopefully the devs will be willing to fix this.. or at least keep the feedback for next event. Survivors already compete against each other for bloodpoints during normal gameplay. Please just let us work together and enjoy events without the stress of outperforming each other.
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As much as a generally love to disagree with you, wow, that's horrible and utterly bogus! Why change a working formula and make something this broken?
IMHO one of the best events compensation wise was the lunar new year with the red envelops. Everyone would b-line for envelops, were Killer and survivor would often have their impromptu first encounter, killers would usually bully the survivor off, but everyone who opened their envelop would get showered in BP.
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Also, being a Pyramid Head main, I must restrain both, my use of cages and my Final Judgement special moris, as these are, somewhat obvious, no sizzling hot event hooks.
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Does anyone tested to use offering as surv, then do gens but do not finish them and look at endgame screen to find if they got some bonus bloodpoints?
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Okay, i have checked.
there was 3 invites in play + terrormisu
i got 11 189 points, but 34 348 bps. I did 99% on 2 gens and didnt finish those.
With terrormisu i should have 23 161 bps
So either i have counted something poorely, or invitations gives bonuses to gens progress, not gens done.