Is MFT meta or why people still complaining about it?



  • LuckyJewel
    LuckyJewel Member Posts: 128

    Is it because this perk looks very humiliating to killer mains? xD

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,657

    Yes it is meta.

    It has strong synergy with other meta perks as well.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,075

    You can add PTB scavenger, technically dead hard was nerfed twice this way, light burn, medkits, locker grabs, and now even prove thyself to this list too.

    I personally don't count the two weeks last April when boil over was buffed and then reverted two weeks later. I consider that a hasty correction by the devs rather than an outcry from the community. But since everyone and their dog counts the same exact thing and two week timing for Thana, then screw it, boil over counts too.

    The only reason MfT is all over the boards right now is because killers have established a long history of '######### until they nerf it for you' and it isn't working (yet). And if mft does eventually get nerfed we'll be back to Sprint burst and lithe like clockwork.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Is it meta? Signs point to yes.

    It's generally showing up in a lot of games across skill levels and even if players aren't the best it does give them a bit of an edge that wouldn't otherwise have.

    Now is that a bad thing? Not necessarily, but it warrants keeping a close eye on as haste is probably the strongest thing you can give to anyone regardless of which side their on in this game. MFT being so conditions light and having strong synergy can make things tough.

    While there is definitely an issue of people thinking their MMR is higher than it really is, that doesn't mean that they aren't seeing players of higher skill in their game making strong use of the perk. MMR is a largely unknown number and matchmaking being the way it is means you could easily see people playing out of they proper MMR ranges.

    Is it as meta as other high usage perks? No, but the perk has been in the game for about a month and a half at most.

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    Anecdotally, I see at least one most every game but usually closer to two on average, I'd guess. It slows you down when you're having a good game and really hurts when you're having a bad game.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Meta for good survivors, not the majority

  • mustdogen
    mustdogen Member Posts: 373

    MFT just give you extra 25% distance in chasing for free.

    So yes,it is meta.

  • WeakestNurseMain
    WeakestNurseMain Member Posts: 308

    It's not really an issue on low-mid MMR where most players are, it becomes extremely unfun to face at high MMR where stacking it with resilience makes most tiles, especially shack, an absolute slog, the worst part is that it doesn't affect the best killers that much, Nurse can just drop chase and find someone else at a dead zone, Blight is very fast, Pyramid head can just drop chase and tunnel someone else.

    It mainly hurts M1 killers that can't drop chase, it's just as bad as old eruption, solid against a well equipped opponent, but downright unstoppable against one not equipped to deal with it.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    It always busted survivor perks. If this was not the case, they would win 99,99% of matches 😁

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    I see people saying it's meta but it's barely in any games that I'm seeing

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,670

    Nice talking, but missing the point.

    I only talked about WHEN those Perks were released. I never said that the Nerfs were not justified. (Even tho, the last DS-Nerf was not justified and the last CoH-Nerf was not justified as well... IMO letting it only work on one floor would have been enough as a Nerf in its state before the nerf that made it useless).

    My point was just that it is very, very rare for Survivors to actually get good Perks. And a Perk is also not good if Killer Mains cry about it in the Forums pre-release and then notice that nobody is using it, because it is bad.

    And the thing is - something like Made for This HAS to be strong to make Survivors not use Exhaustion-Perks. Killers complain about Exhaustion-Perks and Made For This is an alternative which has to be strong. Otherwise there would be no point in using it. And IMO, the average Survivor will probably still get more use out of Lithe and Sprint Burst.

    (Killers on the other hand usually get at least one decent Perk per Patch and sometimes a Perk which can be good on certain Killers. Maybe End Transmission might be an exception, but I have to say that Forced Hesitation is slept on)

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,504

    Not even top 10

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    MfT destroys weaker/casual Killers, but does nothing against dedicated/skilled Killers. More people are casual than skilled, thus more complaints. More people hop on to forums to complain, than to praise. Now to be fair, the perk is overloaded, and the Endurance effect should be removed/shifted over to another weak perk.

    When I say skilled Killers, I mean understanding your kit, and utilizing its strengths and counter-balancing your weaknesses. This to an extent requires perks, for example Corrupt Intervention/Lethal Pursuer to make up for a weak early game (depending on if you need them slowed down for Corrupt, or yourself sped up for Lethal).

    The counterplay to Legion for example is staying injured, and spreading out. You punish this as the Killer by bringing Thana (if worried about gens) and/or Blood Echo (if worried about Exhaustion perks). Then you also force cross-map rescues and chase/intercept rescuers, either making the rescue process take longer, or reach a 2nd state without (proxy) camping. Someone without any of this knowledge will likely hold-W in chase against every Survivor, without paying attention when to drop chase/bloodlust a pallet/which side to kick a pallet on/etc. If you lose your Bloodlust every 5 seconds from kicking weak pallets or re-entering Frenzy, you are choosing to lose the chase against any Survivor with their head on straight.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658

    For killer I started running more totem builds. I win a lot. Especially with M1 killers. The moment I use other stuff I lose. Survivors bank on Haste to get to strong loop areas. All you need is Blood Favor, and Crowd Control to shut down loops quicker early game. Then use Penti for gen slowdown mid-late game.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    Except I run mft every game as survivor and can feel the immense difference it makes? Yes people complain about it like that's the reason they lose their games but don't downplay such an immensely strong perk.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,670

    Which I didnt.

    If you dont have any real argument, dont make ######### up. I always say that original MoM was a Cashgrab and will never change my opinion on that. Saying that I defend it is just made up nonsense because you want to say something which just istn true.

    I was mainly talking about new Perks, aka selling points for new Chapters/new Survivors. But even if you bring up 5 Perks which got buffed over years (!!!), this does not really change the point that Killers get useful Perks far more often than Survivors.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,670

    You cannot name DH and BL in the same category as Sprint Burst and Lithe when it comes to their power levle. Yes, they are all Exhaustion-Perks, but people will almost never use DH or BL over Sprint Burst or Lithe, unless it is personal preference.

    This is like saying that a Killer might want to use a Perk which is weaker than PGTW, but does the same over PGTW. Not gonna happen.

    IMO MFT is not that strong that it makes Exhaustion Perks not worth using. I mean, this is true for the majority of Exhaustion Perks, mainly because they are so much weaker than the rest. But at this point, certain Exhaustion Perks amke other Exhaustion Perks not using. And Made For This HAS to be strong to be an alternative to Exhaustion-Perks. Otherwise it would just be a Perk which is around and nobody is using it.

    I also dont really get why Exhaustion-Perks are now defended and once Made for This is nerfed (we know, Killers will get their will with their mass-complaining), Exhaustion-Perks are again the Number 1-Talk for Nerfs.

    But yeah, Survivors dont really get good Perks. They get fun Perks. Or situational Perks. But not good Perks, at least not compared to the amount of Perks Killers get. This time was an exception and Killers riot, because suddenly they lose games because of Made for This (yeaaaah, suuuure...). And I wont change my mind on that one.

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    Apologies if I misunderstood, but you mentioned it while talking about very strong perks so surely you can understand why I thought what I thought.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    You cannot name DH and BL in the same category as Sprint Burst and Lithe when it comes to their power levle. Yes, they are all Exhaustion-Perks, but people will almost never use DH or BL over Sprint Burst or Lithe, unless it is personal preference.

    They are all exhaustion perks .... and yeah thats what makes the current exhaustion line up balanced, that there isn't a "clear choice" best exhaustion and its up to personal preference...

    IMO MFT is not that strong that it makes Exhaustion Perks not worth using. I mean, this is true for the majority of Exhaustion Perks, mainly because they are so much weaker than the rest. But at this point, certain Exhaustion Perks amke other Exhaustion Perks not using. And Made For This HAS to be strong to be an alternative to Exhaustion-Perks. Otherwise it would just be a Perk which is around and nobody is using it.

    They aren't weak, they are situational or get one activation per chase. Nobody feels cheated out of a hit / down because the other guy popped Balanced from the top ropes. people just go "Oh damn he has BL, that was a smart play from his part, next time I'll try to push him away from Coal tower"

    On the other hand we have MFT, just making you faster in general because you got outplayed in the first half of the chase and allowing you to make pallets and windows you otherwise wouldn't have made. Theres no legitimate counterplay to MFT.

    "Oh bring X perk to counter MFT" - So what if the killer doesn't have the character the perk belongs to? hes just #########? If you're forced to pay 9.99$ just to be able to remain competitive then it means the game is unbalanced and borderline Pay to win.

    But yeah, Survivors dont really get good Perks. They get fun Perks. Or situational Perks. But not good Perks, at least not compared to the amount of Perks Killers get. This time was an exception and Killers riot, because suddenly they lose games because of Made for This (yeaaaah, suuuure...). And I wont change my mind on that one.

    You keep trying to argue that because you believe X killer perk is overpowered Y survivor perk needs to be overpowered too. Survivors have PLENTY of GOOD perks, nobody deserves overpowered, meta defining , "I win" Buttons. A truly honest person would accept that busted perks need to be toned down and not make these "us v them" arguments.

    And yes, MFT has the potential to cause losses just by the mere fact that over a 5s period you'll be 0.6m ahead of where a non-MFT user would be. this breaks loops, throws off muscle memory and denies the skill people have built over the years.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,612
    edited August 2023

    I will say (not to support any side just because i thought with them bringing up MFT resilence) resilence i think has always been solid. I don't know when it last got changes. But ive seen it in pretty much every meta since i started (back in early 2017) so its a pretty good perk. Probably one of the most solid survivor perks.

  • LuckyJewel
    LuckyJewel Member Posts: 128

    So you all have to give me a straight answer, Should MFT gets reworked? Yes or no?

    Just "vote" here for yes

    And "comment" here if no

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    You can hold W and gain 20% more distance, thats without looping....

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 952

    Looping is so easy with made for this

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,504
    edited August 2023

    While I'm sure you have a lot to say to the devs and their statics, it doesn't change that MFT is not a more popular option than SB or even Lithe. It does provide a minor speed boost (while injured keep in mind), but it does not provide as much security, which segregates it even further to and targets its value to people who are confident they are good and can loop (while injured). So what makes it optimal for the majority of players?

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,928
    edited August 2023

    Right, so we agree then that, its probably a bit too strong in the hands of good players, and the "majority of players" aren't using it very optimally or even at all based on these stats?

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,347

    That's just average BVHR reaction instead of slightly tuning the perk or reworking it they just kill it. Doesn't mean those perks didn't deserve to be changed they just got changed in a drastic way with little nuance from the statistics dev team.