Nurse should be only matchmade against 4 x SWF

Nurse in SoloQ is an absolute nightmare, I know the game is over the moment it starts. I can keep her in chase for a long time, but she will just choose to tunnel someone that is weaker. Her tunnel potential is simply to strong (and I use FTP every single game on the tunnel target btw).
Simply put Nurse is unfairly overpowered against SoloQ, so pin her against teams that can compete at that level aka 4 x SWF.
No. Next slide please.
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Im no. She is not (as a character). Maybe You are too high in mmr compare to your actual skill
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Nurse has a low kill rate, because lesser skilled killers play her and lose all the time.
How would anyone ever start playing Nurse if they were only matched with 4xSWF?
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she just needs recycling. I don't trust developer statistics. now it's much easier to learn how to play for her by taking perks on auras
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afaik Nurse have very high killrate, more than 60% treshold.
But in my observation, its because people mass suicide themselves whenever they see her in game.
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Yes her kill rate at the top 5% isn't bad, but across all skill levels she is the lowest, which indicates the vast majority of her losses occur outside of the top 5%.
So it's not that players are giving up, but that most Nurses are actually bad except for the top 5%. Putting already bad killers exclusively against SWF is a terrible idea.
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pay attention to Freddie in the overall ranking. It's funny. he is the weakest even for beginners and everyone always runs away from him. I don't believe in these statistics
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I play solo and I enjoy Nurse games personally. She adds variety to chases rather than just your standard looping.
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Freddie is a decent all-rounder for newbies. He does everything mediocre and scares the crap out of new survivors who don't have any awareness yet.
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She just needs a proper rework +nerf the same with blight
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I hate vs nurses (and blights) but no.
A new nurse player should not verse 4 man swf at the start.
The problem is the matchmaking. Good nurse and above should only verse survivors with the same Elo, which is not the case.
They should rework her too : she ignores all the game mechanics which is, imo, bad design.
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These suggestions are just becoming absurd.
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anyway, statistics for one month of September 2022. it absolutely does not reflect reality
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The figures themselves no, but there's no reason the trend/pattern should be any different. Apart from Sadako's rework and the addition of Knight/Chess/Larry, these killers haven't changed.
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So full SWF can be matched only with Nurse, or Blight?