How many post do you developers need to see before you are finally going to do something?

Per titel regarding Made For This, Hope, Buckle up and For The People. Every SWF is running it, without fail. It is busted, especially combined with the map imbalance we already have. Do you want every killer to quite the game or just switch to Nurse? I truly lack to understand, why you don't adjust these perk even though a majority of the playerbase is telling you to act. All I know is the current one is damaging your game and creating a very unfun experience for a lot of players.
made for this isnt even OP, its just a fun perk to use to a survivor that likes looping.
8 -
Sigh. Plenty of statistics have shown that it is objectively busted. It takes 20% longer to catch up with a survivor than without. You can loop longer and reach pallets/vaults you otherwise cannot extended chases in a game, where there is no room for extended chases given the speed at which generators are done.
The reason you find it "fun" is because it is an unbalanced perk making you feel you're good at looping. It is literally old Dead Hard all over again, hence 75% of survivors running it.
Post edited by mca240 on15 -
Let's not forget that paired with Resilience, a strong looper can run killers for longer and even easier than before.
I wouldn't even care so much if already weak killers weren't the ones suffering the most from it.
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mhm whatever you say bud, seems like a skill issue to me.
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or "maybe" the desired kill rate is not 0% or 100% per game and every side will always complain about anything what has an impact. There is a range between a useless perk and something busted. Not everyone is using MFT or Buckleup+FTP or Vigil+SB, you have to choose what kind of advantage you want. I really liked how the discussion went exactly like Scott Jund predicted: after the DH nerf "every other exhaustion perk is busted", everything which helps in chase is busted . Tbh i rarely encountered a situation (as killer or surv) in any game i played, where the 3% made a huge difference. I remember especially one situation in which a huntress just followed me around a rock for ages but the problem was not MFT, she was unable to adept to the sitauion and throwing in some mindgames would compeltely turned off MFT. If the devs don't nerf the perk after this little time it is in the game then
a) the data shows that it is not as busted as you might think or
b) they still want to collect more data about it
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remember there were people who yelled not to nerf DH he's not strong he's "FUN" some people will go out of their way to defend their cheese
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No, exhaustion perks are fine. There effect is limited and can be used only once in chase (unless you have a prolonged period of recovering from exhaustion). Made For This is infinite as long as you are injured.
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Exactly, and we have the same situation all over again.
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The only skill issue here is survivors needing to run it to have an unfair advantage over a killer.
8 -
skill issue, learn to adapt.
1 -
Ah, yes. The same mind numbing argument as used with Dead Hard. Please come back please when you actually have something to bring to the discussion. You sound like a 4-year-old at this stage.
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Just DON'T PLAY KILLER until things are getting better. Leave the "skill issue" players wait in the lobby with their absolute and unargued truth.
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This is what I am doing. Unless I need to do a challenge for the current event. It is sad though you cannot play a role simply because of busted stuff. It was the same with playing survivor and old Eruption.
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Survivors went through months of Eruption because there were ways to deal with it until it got nerfed. And Eruption was far, far worse than MFT ever was or will be to play against so its not a good comparison.
You still have a few more weeks/months before MFT gets adjusted, you'll live.
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Already chilling on Baldur's gate :D
I am doing my part.
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Oh right, because it's not whole issue overall.
I will rather they learn how to detect issues and fix the fast.
Rather then, we suffered so it's your turn to suffer.
And soloQ suffered against eruption, not SWF. SWF is getting most value from buckle up + FTP. Not really balanced.
5 -
The point is that people have been incessantly spamming about the perk since its release and I've seen my fair share of terrible comparisons. Let's dispel a few yeah?
MFT isn't original DH.
MFT isn't original MoM.
MFT isn't original DS.
MFT isn't pre-nerf Eruption.
MFT is a strong, arguably overtuned perk, that's it.
Acting like its breaking the game or making any killer unplayable is wrong, the dramatics are old now imo. Either adapt like literally everyone does for any emerging meta perk or don't play.
Also no, Eruption could also mess up SWFs too unless your entire SWF was confident in their comms and were able to gauge chases well. There were plenty of times where the weaker players in my SWF miscalled a down or thought they'd make something and then trigger Eruption on the rest of us.
FTP + Buckle Up is a problem though, I agree and hoped it would've gotten removed this patch.
2 -
Well, I picked don't play option...
I never said MFT makes any killer unplayable. But it makes it near true for several killers, where most of them are my main killers. I enjoy mainly M1 killers, where MFT is best...
I refuse to play specific killers just so I don't mind a survivor meta perk. So I play Baldur's gate instead.
4 -
Old Eruption? Just wait it out bro. Old Corrupt? Just wait it out bro. Old Ruindying? Just cleanse the totems bro. Old COB+OC? Just tap the gens bro.
MFT is arguably the most busted survivor perk added to this game (imo, it's even worse than original MOM). It completely nullifies any error a survivor makes in chase and just gives you free distance.
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when an actual good survivor perk comes to the game people will immediately rant about it being too "op", unfair for the killer, etc... it's literally only 3% haste, what, you expect it to be 0,5% or something? and when you say something about a killer perk being "too strong", you get bashed for it. equal rights, equal skills. i'm tired of almost every useful perk being nerfed to the ground. can we all just play the goddamn game? i do too get mad when an opponent runs a "meta" perk but a game is a game...every post is just complaining about every single perk that exists over & over again.
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I don't mind strong perks, but I don't like oppressive perks.
It's kinda funny to talk about killer perks when most of them got nerfed tho...
So sure, make it equal and nerf MFT, you can add buckle up on the list.
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Theres a difference between "good" and "busted", MFT is busted, a 3% movement speed boost means a survivor is 0.6m ahead of where they would be without it, and 1.2m ahead after 10 seconds. This breaks loops and allows you make windows and pallets you otherwise wouldn't , this causes a 20-30 sec chase extension for free, with the potential for more incase theres other similar loops nearby.
SB,Lithe,Windows,Bond, UB etc are GOOD perks, but sadly survivor mains only classify perks as good if they are meta defining and busted beyond belief.
When MFT is present in 12/20 Most common builds on nightlight, it warrants BHVR taking a look at the status of the perk because *maybe* the 3% isn't as small as surv mains claim it is.
The only reason you dont see MFT in 20/20 builds is because people are doing Nic cage adept, or trying to abuse Plot-twist, Flipflip power struggle.
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by nerf mft, you mean how? make it a 0.00000000069% haste? sure, i'm down for it.
3% isn't even THAT much...and if it was made to 2% then basically it'd be the same as not using the perk at all, so i don't really see any changes if they "nerfed" it.
0 -
Otzdarva is the one who popularized it.
also i know theres counters such as star struck Forced hesitation NOED
but the only real counter is to have a Broken of Mangled/Hem Build.
or a Dedicated Slug Build.
or a No Touchy Build for generators by using Corupt thrill DeadLock ect
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If you think 3% is not much, then you simply don't know how it works.
I wouldn't change %.
Simple fix is remove endurance. That perk doesn't need it at all in it's current form.
Better option is keep it, but make haste effect work for 30 sec after getting injured (each time). So you have to heal and hit&run is valid counterplay against it.
4 -
Ok, make MFT work only for 10 seconds after getting injured and I will say absolutely nothing about that perk.
5% is not bad at all. 10 seconds make it 2 meters. Removing bloodlust makes it asking for really bad experience.
That perk is trash compared to MFT...
5 -
Plenty of statistics show it is 'objectively busted'? Where are they? Sprint Burst gives 6 extra meters, and MfT gives .12 extra meters per second. That would mean MfT needs 50 seconds of uninterrupted running to reach the equivalent distance. We have an in-game mechanic, Bloodlust, that takes 15s to reach T1, 25s to reach T2, and 35s to reach T3. We can use this to time the difference. You can count to 15s after reaching Bloodlust 3 to determine whether or not MfT was better than Sprint Burst.
Even if that were not the case, could you show common loops with and without MfT to see when the speed makes a difference? Just take a friend into a custom and record loops where the difference is made. You can have them bring Self-Care and Any Means Necessary to reset pallets and heal back to Healthy to remove the MfT speed boost. The lack of this evidence is why I am so in doubt of it being overpowered. I have had little to no problem dealing with MfT users as Killer myself. The only nerf it deserves is the removal of the Endurance effect. That makes it 2 perks in one, and it has no right to be.
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Just keep a record of the perks Survivors are running in your matches and you will get a gauge of how unpopular/popular it is.
Iβve seen 4 man MFTs two or three times now and I hardly play Killer these few days much less get the mythical 4 man Swf.
0 -
Well, we can agree then the perk needs a nerf.
Removing endurance is still a nerf I would be happy with. Perk just doesn't need it.
Better way of testing would be try like 20 games of 1v1 and see difference between with and without MFT, you can add SB too.
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Remove endurance, put the haste on a time limit for mft.
0 -
best argument ever , its fun for survivor so is not OP neither slightly broken or anything , skill issue , you are just bad killer.-
average MFT user be like:
solid argument fellow
3 -
5% after a hit , it doesnt mean it will reduce the speed of the survivor while using MFT aka mini overcome for free packet into it.
Killer perk: disables bloodlust , You got a hit , great job , get 5% of haste aka bloodlust 1 for 10 seconds . (reward by playing good)
survivor perk: You got hit , AWESOME , enjoy having 3% extra speed for free that can last the entire game (reward by playing bad)
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Yeah anytime I think "oh I kinda wanna play killer" I also remember MFT exist and I'm like "Oh right, nevermind".
I'm either playing survivor or a different game.