Medkit nerf was the final blow for survivor role

So we are a few months in after the major self-healing nerf and it is so bad for soloQ. I play Dbd since 2019 and nothing what was done before has had such impact on the outcome of a trial. The combo of proxy camping, tunneling, increased gen repair time, time consuming (if at all) self healing paired with at least mediocre tier A killer is just devastating. Honestly, I get out alive 1 out of 5-7 trials.
I think there is a reason why developers haven't published kill stats. I bet for Wesker kill rate is near 80% and they just don't want to deal with it. Side note - he is not OP, but reasons for that deserve another discussion.
Please devs revert changes on Medkit or Self-care. We can keep CoH burried if killers feel it to be too oppresive.
Inner Healing + Small Game
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you funny
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Honestly, I think your problem is more about playing solo-Q than about survivor in general.
Speaking as a killer main, there's a vast difference between playing against coordinated SWFs and solo players. I've been playing since 2017, and medkits have ALWAYS been the strongest item in the game.
The nerfs were necessary. Medkits are still very strong, but now you can't get 4 heals plus a syringe out of them. There are other good ways to heal. If you're a solo player, I strongly suggest the perk Bond to find people to heal you. You can thank me later.
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Which medkit let you get 64 charges with one addon and a syringe?
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I'm recalling this from memory, so forgive me for some lapses, but:
Purple medkit had enough charges for two heals. Gel dressing gave you enough charges for a third heal. Syringe gave you an instant 4th heal, assuming you hit at least one great skill check.
Bring either the perk streetwise and/or old Botany (and hit a few great skillchecks) and you had enough charges for a 5th heal.
Bring Built to Last with a purple medkit with gel dressings and a syringe and you get 6 heals + an insta-heal.
So yeah, there you go.
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medkits are weak I dodge lobbies with 4 toolboxes not medkits, injured meta exist for a reason it's a chore to heal now, sloppy butcher is top 2 most popular killer perk because it's broken, OP is right healing for solos is a joke I just equip resilience and go rush gens, way better
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I think you missed the point of my post. And soloQ is not at the blame but current state of the game.
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I'm in partial agreement with you here. 4 man toolbox squads are its own particular brand of agony. But I think in general medkits are still the stronger item (especially after the toolbox nerfs from.... I think 3 years ago).
The thing about toolboxes is that they shave time off of gens, but as killer you almost always have a chance to come back and snowball a win. Medkits (especially with busted add-ons) make survivors much more independent and take away your chance to snowball.
I respect you opinion though. 4 man toolbox squads are harsh. I went against a 3-man BNP bully squad earlier tonight, and it was my absolute pleasure to annihilate them.
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Respectfully, I'm pretty sure I got the point of your post. You're upset that self-healing has been nerfed, but in all honestly the aim of the devs in general is that self-healing should be extremely limited (or, in the case of Self-Care, extremely slow).
You're supposed to find teammates to heal you, which is why they do it so much faster, especially with perks like We'll Make It and Desperate Measures and Boon: CoH (and technically Autodidact LOL).
Speaking as someone who plays both sides, self-healing is not a good thing for the game. I understand that there are a lot of killers out there who play scummy, and being able to self-care against them would be righteously advantageous. But there are also a lot of killers like me out there who play chill and fair. Letting top-tier teams constantly heal themselves while their teammates do gens against the likes of me is equally unfair.
Thus, I respectfully disagree with you, my good sir or madam.
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I see nothing game breaking in that. However, the strength of hemorrhage status plus long heals is just bad.
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Med kits were overnerfed. They barely used anymore no need to make items completely useless. There should be difference between grey and purple med kits.
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Well, it is quite clear what devs intentions were. But unlike you every other killer plays "efficiently". Devs must also look into real outcomes not what should theoretically happen. If there were stats for each MMR which said kill rates are 60% I would agree with you and accept my failure.
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My friend, as a killer I still see medkits more than any other item. By a wide margin.
After the medkit nerfs I do see a lot more flashlights than previously, but that's also because flashies have been buffed. In my (admittedly anecdotal) experience, medkits are still by far the most popular item.
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There is - bloodpoint cost. KEKW
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Yeah. Survivors absolutely needed to heal themselves in 5 seconds multiple times per match with only an item and addons. Because there is definitely no other way to play the game. Would be nice if there was a way for survivors to heal each other instead...
Reading this I wonder how any of us played survivor before you had 4 items in every single lobby. Let alone the strongest items possible.
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Oh yeah they're existing just to steal your bp now.
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For 5 sec heals one would need all speed addons and green medkit - so one heal. Drama is mislplaced.
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I mean healing isn’t so bad if you play SWF but of course in solo queue you can’t predict how the other survivors will behave. I personally think the devs are pushing for survivors to SWF anyway. It would make the game easier for them to balance of solo queue didn’t exist.
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Flaslight and toolboxes are more comming now and only grey med kits is used. Anything more rarer is not worth to use. Like even small change like adding 8 more charges to yellow and purple and making green and purple having 5% more healing speed would make med kit have some differences and maybe make the worth to use sometimes.
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Beratna, I can only agree with you on that. The devs have a checkered history in balancing this game, but they've admittedly put in a lot of hours into making it work. My real worry is that the problem lies with the community, with SWF deathsquads and killers who rejoice in camping and tunneling. It's up to us to be the change we want to see. The most important message I try to spread here in these forums is to maintain positivity.
Also, bonus points if you got the beratna reference. And if the devs ever release a Beratnah Gas chapter I will literally sell them my immortal soul. No joke.
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Going to SWF only would kill the game because you cant always find full squad.
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You probably could if you play enough solo queue. You’ll eventually find three other gamers worth their weight.
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Start using your med-kit to heal others instead of yourself, it saves so much time and you can do it multiple times a match.
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Built to Last + Streetwise with a juiced medkit is honestly just as good as old CoH.
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At times- yes. But if not finding three other players meant not playing this game wouldn't last.
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item+2 perk slots. At least this suggestion illustrates the gravity of medkit nerf
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The real problem with solo queue is people are healing - constantly - when they should be doing generators. That's the main reason you're not escaping.
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Not true COH is one perk slot and no item charge, try to heal with a medkit through sloppy it takes forever.. it's like old self care pre nerf and it wasn't even good, it should be quick with a medkit but no
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It's not funny, it's efficient. You get to do totems, potentially killing a NOED or DH before it gets to fly, it takes 8 seconds in a locker to get fully healed which is nothing, and you can get a total of 5 charges at best while training your map awareness about totem placement.
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Considering healing yourself fast is the strongest thing you can do to destroy killer pressure I think it's warranted.
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Self caring meta was bad for team play. People preferred to heal themselves instead of getting healed by someone else.
That's the whole reason it got nerfed.
Take we'll make it or Autodidact and enjoy quick heals again.
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Finding and cleansing totems takes 14 sec+travel+ locker time. In total it can be up to a minute. Perks that eat up most valuable asset - time on a gen are silent killers.
This post wasn’t about survivors can’t self heal. But in current match dynamic the time ir requires does awful things to survivors.
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I'm always surprised to hear that other players are having such a hard time getting healed in solo queue. My experience is more likely to include my teammates wasting time following me to heal me rather than everyone stubbornly refusing.
You only really need to self heal once or twice in the average match, in my experience, and there's plenty of good sources for that. It takes some time, obviously, healing yourself shouldn't be as fast as someone else doing it and it certainly shouldn't be faster, but I really don't think it's had that detrimental an effect on solo queue.
Heck, right now we have a lot of good perks that help you stay injured. Made For This, Resilience, Iron Will... healing isn't unapproachably hard and it isn't a hard requirement against a lot of killers anyway.
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Using styptic or syringe CONSUME the med kit.
built to last requires the item to be COMPLETELY empty to refill.
Botany has a 20 percent penalty to med kit healing and has for some time.
NO ONE was getting FIVE heals from a med kit.
now I’m going crazy though. Forever med kit PLUS resilience PLUS desperate measures on others is stupid fast. Inner healing for quick self resets.
as killer I never whined about healing
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Ive been using Botany, Desperate and Self Care for when i want consistent reliable self healing, and it works just fine, even against Sloppy.
You could even add other perks to help boost its usage, like Empathy, Well Make it, or Bite the Bullet.
You can heal yourself reliably at a decent speed, and you become a healing machine for your team as well.
Yeah, you gotta dedicate the entire build to it, but good self healing should require that.
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It's very funny to see people who are very clearly Survivor biased pretend Medkits were fine before.
Being able to do multiple speedy heals from a single Medkit was absolutely awful design, no Medkit in the game should heal yourself more than once.
The nerfs were absolutely warranted, run Bond and heal each other.
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As an object of obsession gamer the medkit is just slowed down enough to screw myself over,
But I think it's s good balanced chsnged
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You could undo all the recent survivor nerfs and solo queue would still be rough as hell. It's a shame that solo queue bore the brunt of the nerfs, but that's the nature of the game's balance.
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I'm talking about the meta before the medkit nerfs.
Botany used to make medkit healing faster before the changes a year ago. Your point there is moot.
Built to Last does require your item to be empty of charges, but it's absolutely trivial to use up your item and then jump into a locker. Your point there is moot.
Insta-heals do consume the medkit, which is why people used 99% of their medkit charges and then popped the syringe. Your point there is moot.
Inner healing requires 14 seconds to cleanse a totem, then 10 seconds in a locker to heal, for a minimum of 24 seconds per heal. Medkits used to take 16 seconds. Your point there is moot.
All your arguments are moot, 'sweetheart'.
5-heal medkits absolutely used to be a thing. I already explained how it worked in my post. But please, condescend to me more. You're really showing me up.
Post edited by Rizzo on5 -
As a solo player: I do not think the nerf to medkits is the issue. Bad teammates is the problem. I make it out in 40% of my matches. That could be easily 60-70% but I get matched with people who…well…suck at the game. They might as well rebrand this name “Dead by Teammates”. If they want to improve the experience of this game, they should come up with actually SBBM. I would happily wait longer for matches.
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If you can't play without your 3 second global self heal in CoH I'm sorry but : no
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Medkits are still the single strongest item in the game, not sure what you're on about. The ability to self heal in general is one of the strongest tools survivors have, regardless of what people say even about self care
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I've been playing solo survivor just fine this whole time and didn't even realise I was playing a dead role.
Weird how the role incentive has been almost exclusively on Killer up until the release of Alien though.
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it isn’t fast. And - no- it is bad idea. Some aura perk would be way better.
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My post was about healing nerf’s impact on survivor’s escape rate. And -yes medkits have some value but time it takes to heal makes camping/tunneling even stronger.
Self-care is as damaging to the team as No Mither.
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Unfortunately, developers have decided that as well.
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Nowhere in my post I said survivors need 3 sec heals
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I guess only BHVR official stats could help decide that. Unsurprisingly, they haven’t shared data.
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That was the problematic part of med kits though. Fast self heals. You can still heal yourself with a med kit. Just not in a time that destroys any pressure the killer had.