Please nerf Made For This, you have to have known this perk was not okay.

Snowball777 Member Posts: 143
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I don't know who at BHVR got juiced by a Clown or Pig so badly that they had to add a perk that is quite literally just a gigantic middle finger to all M1 non mobile Killers, but there has to be a way of going about handling it without taking the game's balance out back and putting it down like a sick dog.

I think the game's health would be better if you stopped taking adding things that take a Killer like Trapper and effectively break his kneecaps for no real reason at all, especially considering this perk is absolutely 100% useless against the best Killers, like Nurse and Blight.

I know people give you flack and say you don't play your own game, but this time it has to be objectively true.

You did not play a game as a weaker Killer against this perk before adding it, I know money is really nice, but you get plenty from cosmetics.

That's all, thank you.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • camping_site
    camping_site Member Posts: 141

    It is active only when injured and not exhausted. So survivors must avoid exhaustion perks (the most powerful one FYI) to get value. Seems balanced. Unlike handholding bloodlust.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited August 2023

    But Survivors have to sacrifice a health state already to use made for this, while hitting a survivor surly is no sacrifice to the killer, but somehting he wants to do. Meaning made for this activates when the survivor is already at a disadvantage, while Brutalitiy activates when the killer is already at the advantage.

    There is a reason why self care even in the current state is still a top 10 perk, because for a lot of survivors, having just one health state is a risk. Yes, there are high skill survivors that can handle it, but the majority of people obviously cant.

  • camping_site
    camping_site Member Posts: 141

    You also said it is active forever. So clarification was in place.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    Balancing around the low mmr players while neglecting the ramifications it has on the high mmr players is a fundamentally flawed argument.

    If a perk is is "strong" to the point where it makes lil timmy with 10 hours on survivor able to last an extra minute in chase, you can imagine how ridiculously busted it is on a survivor with 5k hours, has all tiles memorized and can optimize and juice every loop.

    In low mmr a 1 minute extension = half a gen done

    In high mmr 1 minute means 3 gens popped and another halfway.

    A perk that is balanced in a max mmr lobby will by default be balanced in low-mid mmr.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    It's literally fine. The list of killers adversely affected by it is very short.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    "Is active forever so long as you aren't exhausted (Which it doesn't cause by itself)."

    "Only requires the survivor to be injured."

    I already clarified it.

    Either you're being deliberately obtuse. Or you just didn't bother reading my comment.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    The perk does nothing for little timmy who can't loop the killer because they don't fundamentally understand how looping works. To be fair, little timmy with 10 hours is still learning how the game works.

    A more apt comparison would be between a competent survivor of average skill who can already run the killer for multiple gens vs a top-tier survivor like Hens.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    Keyword is "lobby"

    A 1k hour survivor isn't going to run a 1k hour killer for "multiple gens".

    However a 10h survivor vs a 10h killer will juice an extra couple of seconds just by holding W with MFT in a straight line. Coupled with the fact that even a badly thrown pallet can gain you 10-20 seconds vs a new killer, it isn't hard to juice a minute of chase in low mmr.

    However in high mmr lobbies where both killer and survivor have optimized their loop/anti loop skill, being just 0.6m (every 5s with mft = 0.6m distance gain) ahead of where you would be is enough for you to drop a pallet in the killers face or make a vault you wouldn't have otherwise made.

    Slap a 30s timer on mft and the low-mid mmr lobbies won't notice or feel the difference while high mmr lobbies won't feel horrible to play.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    It's really not as bad as that. Maybe you're just bad at killer. I main Ghostface and have zero problems with MFT. Other people on here have reported having zero problems with MFT and they main Pig and Doctor.

    The killers most affected by the perk are Trapper, Hag, Doctor, Pig, and Nemesis. To be fair, Nemesis has a very weird design with infection not really doing much of anything against survivors. Trapper and Hag want to push survivors into their web rather than away from it. That just leaves Doctor and Pig.

    Doctor is particularly adversely affected by it due to how it messes with the timing of shock therapy preventing survivors from interacting with pallets/vaults, while Pig is adversely affected by it due to it messing with her dash.

    So, that's 6 killers who are particularly affected by MFT. Clearly not the baseball bat you claim.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    Slinger would be affected by literally any exhaustion perk, and pretty much any competent survivor in general. Freddy's snares apply a 15% hindered effect to survivors in the dream state, and injuring a survivor puts them in the dream state. T3 Myers ignores MFT since, you know, Exposed insta-downs.

    Dredge isn't really affected by MFT due to his built-in anti-loop, and Nightfall significantly reducing survivors vision. Unless a person running MFT knows every nook and cranny of the map, Dredge has the advantage during Nightfall. Dredge also has the iridescent plank add-on.

    I've already addressed Pig and Doctor. As I said, the list of killers adversely affected by MFT is actually quite short. The vast majority of the roster is largely unaffected by MFT.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    A timer that short would kill the perk. It'd have to be at least 90 seconds for it to remain a viable alternative to exhaustion perks.

    Low MMR survivors spend half the game hiding in lockers and walk everywhere because scratch marks. A 10h killer hasn't even learned how to mindgame. Little Timmy with 10 hours is still going down in 15 seconds because he only knows how to run in a straight line.

    Let's not pretend like low MMR survivors are somehow getting immense value out of MFT when they haven't even grasped the fundamentals of the game.

    As for high MMR lobbies, the developers have stated they won't make changes that would make the game better for the 1% if it comes at the expense of the 99%. High MMR will always feel bad for that exact reason.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    I didn't say it was weak. It's definitely strong, but I feel like Otz's suggestions on how to nerf the perk would allow it to remain strong without just gutting the perk.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373
    edited August 2023

    Dredge Is affected by mft

    if they run windows

    Of pays attention before night fall

    And mft makes holding w stronger now

  • JonOzzie16
    JonOzzie16 Member Posts: 203

    Made for this also affects strong mobility killers. I have been dodging nurse swings like never before. And I've even bested a few blights using this perk. I've escaped hits that I normally would not have. You don't even need to spin. Just run lol.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    He really isn't. The teleport ability isn't just for building nightfall.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    It would kill the perk for who?

    If low-mid survivors can't last longer than 30s in chase or just hide, then the perk is doing nothing in its current state like you claim.

    A high mmr survivor would still get value out of mft and extend a chase for 20+ seconds but wouldn't be able to be infinitely speed bosted and discourage staying perma injured for 9% gen speed from resi and 3% haste from mft.

    Again, how is a balance change that only affects already good survivors be bad?

    Its like removing blight hug tech, your average blight player wont be affected, meanwhile the best blights would feel the nerf.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    You do realize that there is a middle bracket of people who are neither low MMR nor high MMR. You are not necessarily one or the other. Low survivors are still learning how to play the game. That or they're just so attrociously bad at the game that they cannot possibly win.

    The perk is killed, as in nobody will pick it, because 30 seconds for 3% haste while injured just isn't worth the perk slot when you can have Sprint Burst or Lithe and avoid being injured in the first place. Not to mention that the on-hit speed boost survivors get is 6.6m/s for 1.8s, and Overcome allows them to retain that for an extra 2 seconds, which makes it far better than 3% haste for 30 seconds.

    I would think that you would understand how much more valuable it is at high mmr to be able to wait until the last possible second to sprint burst away from the killer, causing them to whiff and gaining distance, while still preserving a health state.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    Somebody using SB incorrectly doesn't make it inferior to MFT. Same deal with Lithe. How is MFT any different to what you've just said in relation to ranged and mobility killers?

    SB and Lithe both rob killers out of hits too, but you don't see anyone complaining about that.

    Everything in this game that mildly inconveniences the killer can be considered undeserved. I, for one, hardly ever see the perk at mid MMR and when I do see it, the person running it still goes down in less than 30 seconds. So the only people suffering are those at high MMR.

    People are running MFT+Resi because healing was nerfed across the board. That's kind of what happens when healing options get gutted and limited to "Hey, either bring a Medkit for one full heal or find a teammate to heal you." If they're going to remain injured, they may as well benefit from it. Not to mention the cherry ontop that is Sloppy.

    Sure, SB and Lithe may be one-time chase extenders but if used when the survivor isn't injured, the killer either drops chase on that survivor altogether (Giving them time to get rid of the exhaustion) or it extends chase and "robs the killer" of hits.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,564
    edited August 2023

    I get 4Ks before the last generator is done using a purely end game build. I jokingly call it my "Perkless Pig" build as if you never get value out of any of your perks, did you bring them?

    Even today in end game chat got told how bad I am, how I am angry and depressed and that's why I play Pig. This from a Meg I decided to let get hatch rather than slug for the 4K. Last time I make that mistake. Everyone dies.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    Calling BL handholding is a joke. BL1 is just there for map design since there are still maps where BL1 is needed mostly around main buildings with broken windows and lerys with all windows that can be chained together. As for BL2 and BL3 if a killer is depending on these to get downs most likely there going to lose anyway since we talking about 25 to 35 secs in a chase with one survivor while the other three can use all that time to work on gens. Personally, I want BL2 and 3 gone not bc it's handholding, no for the opposite. It keeps killers learning the most important lesson and that is when to know to drop chase and find someone else. BL2 and 3 are weight down on killers since 9 our 10s if you spend that much time in one single chase you going to lose. Yeah, you may get one kill but the other 3 survivors are going to finish gens and leave. So no BL is not handholding stop calling it that. It's there bc these devs make maps WAY too safe for survivors and need some mech to make sure the killer can deal with the broken loops and chain of loops that are in the game. I say one more time BL 2 and 3 isnt needed in dbd but BL1 is needed so I say get rid of tier 2 and 3.

    SAF3TYRA1LS Member Posts: 178

    Nah, we had to learn to counter Onryo, so deal with it.

  • Snowball777
    Snowball777 Member Posts: 143
    SAF3TYRA1LS Member Posts: 178

    Then use NOED and STBFL. Stop complaining about YOUR incompetence.

  • Snowball777
    Snowball777 Member Posts: 143

    Nice just use a perk that's only useful for 1/5th of the match, awesome advise.

  • FrenchBagels
    FrenchBagels Member Posts: 196

    Hope is useful for 1/5th of a match. What is your beef with? Hope or MFT? Pick one.

  • Snowball777
    Snowball777 Member Posts: 143

    My post wasn't about Hope but with MFT it is definitely an issue, so idk what your point is. NOED got nerfed hard and rightfully so, doesn't magically make Hope and MFT suddenly okay.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    It's not incorrect, it's literally what happens unless you want to walk for the whole match.

    Congratulations you've identified the problem killer players have been pointing out.

    The injured state went from something that was undesirable to something that actively buffs survivors and thats where the problem is.

    If "mft only impacts high mmr lobbies" then surely it warrants a nerf , keeps fairness at high mmr without impacting low-mid mmr.

    Bottom line is, it makes no sense for a killer to buff a survivor because they... hit them....

    30s timer on mft and resi and there you go, perfectly balanced as all things should be.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,963

    Otz did also say that the subtle haste is very frustrating because you don't know that a survivor has it. Like old Dead Hard it affects the killer game because it works at mind gaming the killer even when people don't take it.

    His suggestion to keep the haste, but notify the killer the survivor has it would resolve this issue.

    It still has the problem it is more punishing against the weaker chase killers than the strong ones... but at least if we knew about it, it wouldn't be as troublesome, as we could see thatbthis is likely a survivor who has set up their build for chase, so we can ignore them and force them to do the gens instead of their gen oriented team mates.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited August 2023

    Oh yes, the hand holding Bloodlust! That thing that I mostly forgot it exist until I get it and that don't serve me any purpose even if I'm not playing a killer with strong chase or antiloop power (as if that was the case it would be more beneficial for me to just use my power than try to make something of it) because the survivor I'm chasing has WoO, is a good looper or both and has decided to take me to a tour around every single pallet on the map.

    Not like all the not-hand holding and totally balanced perks that transform survivors in bulletproof Sonic the Hedgehogs that don't even need to learn where the pallets and windows spawn, or all those mechanics implemented in the game for reasons like survivors don't understanding why they are getting tunneled when other survivor just unhooked him 2 meters away from the killer.

    No, no, NO! Those are totally fine, the real problem of the game is Bloodlust. BHVR should totally nerf Bloodlust, too OP and makes killer have an obvious and unfair advantage in chase!...

    BTW, did you know that they implemented Bloodlust as a fix for survivors abusing infinite loops? Crazy, right? When have survivors abuse game mechanics and have an advantage in this game? BHVR is so killer sided, I tell you.