Nerf Save the best for last.

Survivors get no distance. it's too OP Find a way to nerf it please.
it's a joke? even stbfl + new alien perk allows the survivor to run to the pallet/window
and at the same time, it only works on weak m1 killers and stbfl has a counter game
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Killers with an M2 can counter the counter game.
What if hitting the Obsession with a basic attack removed 2 tokens and hitting the Obsession with a special attack removed 1 token?
Then the Obsession does have the means to counter Save the Best For Last while the killer retains a way to soften the loss of tokens.
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In a lot of cases it doesn't, but also STBFL enables the current camping tunneling meta with the ability to farm from unhooked endurance states, it's the most rampant its ever been and easy to hit a vulnerable target who has been unhooked.
It is a huge problem perk right now, it shaves the most time off chase than any other perk.
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I think getting hit as the obsession should make them loose two tokens
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Maybe if there wasn't so many perks that add a substantially amount of time to chases with gens getting done so fast right now most killers won't need a perk that shaves a lot of time from it. Or camping / tunneling, for that matter.
You mean... just like it does right now?
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its not op
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How about... no
There are many other blatantly overpowered perks on both sides, mentioning STBFL is like saying OTR needs a nerf. They are both strong perks, but don't need nerfs.
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this is because in patch 6.1.0 all killers have 2 sbfl tokens built into the mechanics, as well as 10% pallet breakage speed
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Make M1 killers even worse
I fixed the title for you... :/
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STBFL is fine. It is strong on M1 killer, who already have little going for them. It has counterplea. If you're upset about it being used to camp...well, camping needs to be fixed, not STBFL.
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Even killer mains in this forum were saying the same thing after 6.1, only thing needed was to make it 6 stack max or 8 stacks x4%
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It's not healthy for the game, neither are the perks which increase gen speed, both points can co-exist.
When its used to shave time off chase it isn't being abused, it's the Hook camping situation that STBFL is problematic, killers defending it are just tonedeaf as per usual. It enables a lazy playstyle which is popular which is why so many people like it.
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The problem is that any killer that just wants to hook camp has access to killers whose powers already have reduced cooldowns or have the ability to instant down the unhooker.
Targetting STBFL because if the killer goes around stacking it up, it can be strong at hooks is just nonsense.
Devs are already working on a system to help against facecamping so there's no reason to nerf STBFL over it.
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How do you abuse it with camping when getting enough stacks to camp requires chasing multiple survivors?
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Killer has a good perk, unacceptable!! - all i c
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I think the only tonedeaf people here are the ones that still complains about things like camping and tunneling without looking at what their side are doing and understanding how they allow or force the use of this tactics. Or the ones that use them as an excuse to nerf any perk that they don't like, no matter how balanced it is. You know, as per usual.
And if by "lazy playstyle" you mean "I'm not willing to follow you in a tour to every single pallet of the map with you using WoO and MFT while your friends pops 3 gens in the meantime" then yeah, I agree killers are getting more and more
fed up"lazy".3 -
I will explain it to you: You didn't do either of those things all the game, but in one instance you hook someone, go to kick a close gen, you see someone unhooking 5 meters away from you, go to hit him but the unhooked person use their precious anti-tunneling free endurance to take the hit for him and then you, having STBFL at 5 stacks and being the heretic you are decide to not follow the Survivor's Holy Rulebook and chase the just unhooked survivor 9 more seconds to down him again, as with both survivors and gens flying right now taking someone out the game as soon as possible is crucial.
There, you just camped and tunneled and you should be banned and STBFL nerfed because it allows this lazy, dirty, preposterous and unholy playstyle.
I hope you are ashamed of yourself.