Dead Hard Rework Is (Still) Terrible

Ever since the rework fo Dead Hard, I found it very unattractive to use. It feels like the devs focused so much in gutting the perk for the sake of gutting it rather than fixing the core issue. Now it's so bad to run because theres so many downsides to it that running Mettle Of Man seems more fair.
You gotta lose a health state. You gotta be injured, you gotta time it within a 0.5 duration with frame perfect accuracy. God forbid if you miss, you lose Dead Hard and gain exhaustion. If you do land, you go to mending and still get exhaustion. And even then, it can only be used twice per trail. Theres so many downsides to this perk. Why even run it if I get punished just trying to use it?
Dead Hard Rework: Dead Hard now grants the old DH dash while injured. When activating Dead Hard you have no I-Frames, so you can cheese it. As well as the Entity blocking all pallets and windows within your vicinity for 5 seconds. You still gain exhaustion
This allows Dead Hard to still be useful without throwing the game as well as punish those who Dead Hard for distance by blocking pallets and windows as well as those who take advantage of DH I-frames by punishing them if they time it wrong. If you dodge the killer's attacks like how youre supposed to with DH and have good pathing, it should be enough for you to outlast the entity block duration, rewarding you for a good play.
And honestly, I miss old Dead Hard Dash. It looked so cool and was so versitile.
I never understood why Dead Hard could be used multiple times.
This should have been a one time use like Unbreakable and it would have been fine and still strong.
I don´t like the new DH because i don´t like all these white endurance hits in game. They are killing the athmosphere for me.
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That wouldn't have worked well either. It's strength lies in that first chase. The first chase, if the survivor just holds shift+w takes the killer around 59 seconds to down them, pick them up, and hook them. When you throw dead hard in there, it makes it take another 15.5 in that straight line chase. Now you are talking territory of just losing 3 gens no matter what, even a single use of dead hard early on is game ending.
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I agree on first chase aspect of your post. a perk that i fear more then old DH is dramaturgy. that perk is old DH and just like old DH, it will make first chases of the game very damaging because survivor can greed safe pallets along side window vaulting then use this perk to get to pallets they were not suppose to make. I am fairly certain that DH was designed to be a second-chance perk related to tanking hits. it is just that tanking hits is strong in dbd. it is hard to balance because of large list of weak killers... that can lose to just 1 DH play. DH would be balanced perk with infinities uses if the majority of killers were really strong in the chase. unfortunately dbd has long ways to go before that ever happens.
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I still see DH in may games, not lile before that were 4 DH nonstop but every 3 games tere is always 1 or 2 o would say.